The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 514

My Villains Chapter 514

67. Lord of Icebobalt (7) The

‘Fiancée’s Mansion’ and the lord’s house are buildings that stand a little west of the center of the city.

When Eisbowald was under the rule of the Duke of Strom, this was the place where the official residence of the mayor, the deputy sent by the Elector Count, was located.

And two years ago, the red knight who crossed the edge of the sword after receiving the order of the silver prince stormed the city with the darkness. On that very day, the mayor’s office was engulfed in flames with the last of the resisters. The spacious palace and the front and back courtyard now stood as a haven for the new lord and his ladies.

The two buildings were attached to each other. The Yeongju-gwan was long and flat, while the tower-shaped mansion was narrow and high.

However, what seemed like that was only true when the two buildings were compared. Compared to the ‘Domus’ or ‘Insula’ style houses crammed into the surroundings, the Yeongju Hall was about 4 meters taller than the average, and the Tower Mansion was twice as wide. While the bright reddish-brown roof tiles surrounding it were sinking in the undulating sunset, the gloomy Yeongju and the ivory-colored tower boasted a strange and unique presence.

In Egon’s eyes, a fort that seemed to be in a forest or mountain seemed to have fallen right into the heart of a peaceful city.

However, it was a very unfair treatment for one side to evaluate the two as a stronghold. Because of its simple appearance, the Yeongju Hall looked like a flat stone with a flag planted on it, while the fiancée’s mansion was very beautiful.

Compared to the surrounding mansions, the massive square tower towered 7 to 8 stories high, and the outer walls were ivory-colored and smooth. There were many large and small windows, and transparent glass windows were inserted into each of the maroon-colored wooden frames. Even Egon, a young farmer, could see that it was not built for defense.

The boy recalled the story that it took only half of that, let alone a year, for those gigantic structures to be completed. Indeed, gold and silver and magic power!

Meanwhile, while heading from the headquarters of the guard to the fiancée’s mansion, the captain and sergeant leading the boy received numerous salutes. Encounters with guards in pairs of two or four became more frequent, to the point of encountering new ones at every turn.

Conversely, passers-by in shabby clothes became increasingly rare. Gone are the lantern vendors who busily roamed about, filling and lighting street lamps, from warehouses and workshop quarters and crowded plazas to upper-class streets. It was the heavily armed soldiers, not the men with backpacks, who revealed the heart of the city.

Egon swallowed dry saliva. The hustle and bustle of the city recedes behind you and a tense silence brushes your cheeks. It was around that time that the party arrived at the mansion.

Contrary to the heavily armed soldiers lining the streets, the towering mansion was unguarded. The only thing surrounding the mansion was trees that covered three sides except for the entrance.

The head of the guard knocked on the large rosewood door with an iron handle shaped like a snake’s head. As if waiting for that heavy knock, the door of the mansion opened right away.

“Are you here, Sir Dylan?”

When the neatly dressed servant greeted him politely, the captain of the guard immediately announced his business instead of replying with a katabuta.

“To the seventh floor.”

“I heard the news. Let me guide you. However, since it is still being tested, you may have to wait a bit.”

“It doesn’t matter…. I’ll ask the Princess and Iofiya to send me a message as well.”

“You two are already waiting.”

“On the 7th floor?”

“yes. Please go up.”

“Uh” 三3 .

The captain of the guard, who ordered the soldiers to stand by, handed the reins to the servants and stepped into the mansion. At the sergeant’s gesture, the boy quickly followed.

“……and.” After passing through the arched passage, Egon raised his head in a sense of incongruity and faced the sky that was dyed by the setting sun. I thought it was just a square tower, but the middle of the house was pierced vertically to create a courtyard.

The stone steps in the middle of the courtyard wrapped around the inner wall and stretched upwards as if to embrace the light. The stairs seemed to lead up to the top in a structure that went up one floor at each turn along the square wall. Only by looking at the stairs, Egon was able to confirm that this huge structure consisted of seven floors.

In addition to the central cavity that runs through the seven floors, the interior of the mansion is far from darkness thanks to the candelabra hanging here and there in the windows on all sides. The setting sun reflected through the transparent glass and the light from the tall candles colored every corner of the sleek ivory building reddish.

There was a small but well-kept garden in the middle of the courtyard, and the fence surrounding the garden had iron rings at regular intervals. Even while the servant tied the captain and sergeant’s horses there, Egon was preoccupied with looking around.

Corridors pierced in four directions centered on the courtyard and stairs, one was the entrance through which the party passed, and the rest seemed to lead to the kitchen, laundry room, pantry, and so on.

Maybe that’s why there were many servants coming and going. Egon glanced over and saw that the men were of all ages, while the maids were all middle-aged or older women.

‘Well, the Fire Witch hates young women near princes…

Although this building is often called the fiancée’s mansion, it’s not just the lovers of princes. It was said that the prince himself would spend more days staying somewhere in this mansion than in the bedroom of the lord’s residence. Because of these circumstances, the ‘Fire Witch’, one of the ‘Fiancées’ and notorious for extreme jealousy, would never allow young women to be hired by the manor house and mansion. Since there are still many competitors, it must be to prevent the prince from wandering around with women.

Suddenly, Egon remembered a terrifying story about the Fire Witch.

A story about a young woman who was delivering wine to the tower in place of her sick husband, who happened to see the prince and blushed, and the fire witch burned her face with burning hands and pushed her from the top of the tower.

But Egon thought it was true. Someone who is a fire witch. Isn’t it the wickedest of the wicked women who was said to have burned and killed a thousand soldiers with a smile and gestures? It’s about the skin of an innocent woman’s face.

“Oh my Lord Dylan?”

Just after passing the second floor, a young woman pretended to know the captain of the guard.

“Mrs. Rowen.”

“What happened to this place- Ah.”

Mrs. Rowen looked to be in her mid-twenties at most. She wore a surcoat open at the sides over a white cotton smock, and a black apron draped under her full breasts. At first glance, she looked similar to other maids, but she looked like a lady from an aristocratic family, perhaps because of the floral embroidery on the surcoat and the spotless apron.

“That person must be a guest. Yes?”

“O” ■司’ .

“nice to meet you. This is Rowen.”

When she nodded her head towards him, Egon greeted him in surprise. The boy’s face blushed involuntarily at the gentle eye smile of his fair-faced wife.

“Oh, I see. I already had a question for Sir Dylan.”

As the wife turned her gaze to the chief of the road patrol, Egon secretly crossed himself. It’s a sin. Judging by the title of wife and the white kerchief she wore on her head, it was clear that she was a married woman.

‘I heard they don’t hire young women.’

Egon was embarrassed and blamed the fire witch for no reason.

‘It’s different from rumors. Why do you keep such a beautiful wife in the mansion? What if the lord lord commits a great sin…

While the boy glanced at Rowen in probable concern, Dylan answered her with an expressionless face.

“There is no time.”

“It will take a while. You asked for a favor from the 5th floor.”

“Are you talking to me?”

“No, not me. He said he wants to have a cool horse ride, so please find out if there is a place in the city that can do that.” Dylan was silent for a moment, narrowing his brows.

“You cannot ride a horse in the city except for official duties.”

“Yeah, I know. But he is definitely a nobleman. That’s as many as one prince.”

In the conversation between the wife and the captain of the guard, Egon could easily notice that the ‘Prince’ did not refer to their lord, Phoenix von Depelken.

‘It’s the devil of self-confidence.’

Atalante Nafidad Al Nouveau. Prince of Angst.

Thousands of nude warriors following her praised her as ‘Victory Leader’, ‘Eastern Sultan’ and ‘Orthodox Heir’, while among other peoples, including Gellan and Milanol, she is known as ‘Talbaek (强奪 伯)’. She is a woman called by all sorts of ugly names, such as the “Devil of Jaan” and “The Eight-Legged Prostitute.”

After becoming a prince of Angst, she lived in Proshafen. One day, she appeared in Eisbouwald alone without any entourage or servants. It has already been over a year since he gave up his rule over the rich port city and the beautiful coastline and lived in seclusion in this mansion.

There were all sorts of rumors going around about it. He was pushed back by the backslidings of his subordinate clan chiefs. there was up to

“Ignore it, ma’am. It’s not a whim that will subside after a few days anyway.”

“I don’t think this time. Recently, I heard that he has started harassing his master.”

Dylan let out a small sigh and pressed his eyes together.

“In that case, we’ll just have to wait until the lord issues an order.”

“Shouldn’t I show sincerity before that? No matter how much he is, he’s a prince… I tried talking to him first, but he seemed very puzzled. He also said that it would be better to discuss this with the captain of the guard.”

“I don’t know what the butler expects of me. There’s nothing I can do either. Rules are rules.”

“Is that so…

After finishing the conversation with his wife, the guard slightly lowered his head and continued to climb the stairs leading the sergeant and the boy.

The second and third floors had a structure similar to the first floor—that is, they consisted of four open aisles, and the servants’ quarters, bathroom, and library occupied one space each.

Above that, it gave a very closed impression. Unlike the lower floors where you could peep through the archway while climbing the stairs, all the corridors on the 4th floor and above were blocked by heavy doors.

The room on the 4th floor where the ringed cross was hung was probably a prayer room, and on the 6th floor, seeing the fragrant aroma of medicinal herbs, it was possible to surmise that there might be an herbal medicine room. That was all Egon knew.

‘Who the hell has a room like this? Just going up and down to the 7th floor would be a chore.’

It was the impression of a boy who finally climbed to the 7th floor after a week of training.


“Eh billion?”

And as if he was answering him, he felt a presence from behind.

Reflexively turning around, Egon screamed out loud when he saw a figure floating in the middle of the hollow illuminated by the evening sun. no i was trying to Only a brief moan escaped his rough hands as Sergeant O’Brien shut the boy’s mouth.


The figure, fluttering in a white robe with geometric patterns, stepped on the railing and landed on the landing. Her thin, white fingers pulled back the hood, and her curly, golden hair gleamed and flowed down.

“Is this what Poi said?”

The boy did not understand the question. Aside from the fact that it is Milanese, it is because I was fascinated by the beautiful face I met without any warning.

Egon, who opened his mouth blankly at the sight of a woman his age or two years older than him, left behind Egon, and before he knew it, Dylan, wearing a helmet resembling a flat tower, stepped forward.

“Yes, Ellen. Due to the unexpected delay in securing it, I was just about to be coloneled.”

“Not lazy.”

Ellen, the woman who briefly criticized the captain of the guard, looked at Egon again.

“Eh. What is this smell?”

When a woman with a beauty he had never seen in his life covered his nose with his white sleeves and wrinkled his forehead, the boy who understood the meaning of the gesture blushed and shrugged his shoulders.

“…what’s this. Aren’t you just a stupid kid?”

It was Ellen’s grumbling, which lifted her body up again, perhaps because she was offended by the car.

“What’s so bad about it? The smell, the face, and at best a descendant of trolls.”

“Shall I send it back?”

“What do you return? You should check properly.”

Ellen, who clicked her tongue, turned around and stretched out her hand, and the large door was thrown open.

Egon, who had been watching her back, was led into the room by Sergeant O’Brien’s strong hand.

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