The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 490

Chapter 490 - Hsu Chenyang

With the departure of those individuals, tranquility returned to the restaurant.

Many eyes were drawn to Su Ming.

They couldn't help but regard him as a true master.

The brick was clearly soft, likely made of sponge, yet he had used it to knock someone out with a single blow.

It defied all logic.

They suspected Su Ming was concealing his true abilities and that he possessed additional skills.

It was a classic case of an expert hiding in plain sight.

Little did they know, the brick was a creation of the System.

It was so potent that it could knock out not just a person, but even an elephant.

Su Ming noticed Hsu Chenyue biting her lip and apologizing.

“Why?” he asked, caught off guard.

”I've brought trouble upon you because of my brother,” she said, her complexion ashen.

Hsu Chenyue's father had been a martial artist from a young age, known for his extreme strictness—a father of traditional, imposing stature.

Hsu Chenyue's brother, as his son, had been subjected to rigorous discipline from an early age.

His childhood had been relatively carefree, but as he grew older, the tensions escalated.

Hsu Chenyue's brother became increasingly defiant.

Eventually, he fell in with the wrong crowd, indulging in gambling and developing some nasty habits.

He had racked up significant gambling debts.

Previously, Hsu Chenyue's father had bailed him out with 300,000 yuan, settling all his debts, warning him it was his final chance. Yet, he quickly spiraled down again, losing over 500,000 yuan.

”Don't worry about it,” Su Ming said with a reassuring smile. “You're not to blame for these things.”

Hsu Chenyue heaved a deep sigh.

Though Su Ming had helped her fend them off today, she knew those men wouldn't just walk away. Sooner or later, they would come after her again.

They had even discovered where her school dormitory was located.

She might not be concerned for herself, but her classmates were innocent bystanders.

“All this time has made me quite hungry,” she remarked.


Su Ming stretched out his hand and flagged down a waiter, casually ordering a few items.

Their blind date came to an abrupt end due to the incident.

After finishing their meal, they left the restaurant.

Hsu Chenyue's spirits were noticeably low, and it was clear she had lost any enthusiasm for the movie.

After a moment of thought, Hsu Chenyue said, “I want to go home.”

”Okay,” Su Ming agreed, nodding before heading to his car.

“Is this your car?”

Hsu Chenyue paused in surprise upon seeing Su Ming's car, circling it twice. Admiring its sleek design, she recognized it as the Hennessy Venom GT, a car she had only seen in pictures. The Hennessy Venom GT, an unparalleled sports car, could be worth tens or even hundreds of millions.

Even Hsu Chenyue couldn't contain her astonishment.

“Is this really your car?” she asked, incredulous.

”Yes,” Su Ming replied with a smile, pulling the car keys from his pocket.

“Are you the legendary tycoon everyone talks about in whispers?” Hsu Chenyue asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Truth be told, Hsu Chenyue came from a well-off family. Her father owned a large martial arts dojo in the city center with many disciples. Numerous locals attended his dojo to learn martial arts and improve their fitness, bringing in a few million a year.

Honestly, Hsu Chenyue's family could easily afford to pay off her brother's debts, but doing so would only embolden his reckless gambling.

Her brother never dared to cause trouble at the dojo. It was a place of discipline, not a bar. If he caused a scene there, he'd be soundly disciplined. While an ordinary person getting beaten at the dojo might lead to accusations of assault, if Hsu Chenyue's brother got what was coming to him, no one would sympathize. It was a father's way of teaching his son a lesson. For Hsu Chenyue's brother, a scolding from their father was considered getting off lightly. Even the police would turn a blind eye to such family matters.

Hsu Chenyue had always assumed Su Ming came from a modest background, but she wasn't the type to be swayed by wealth, so she never flaunted any sense of superiority.

However, witnessing the scene before her, she came to the startling realization of Su Ming's affluence.

Even if Hsu Chenyue drained every penny from her family's savings, she couldn't cover a quarter of the cost of this car.

She had thought herself to be unassuming, yet it turned out Su Ming was the true embodiment of understatement.

A flicker of excitement replaced the gloom in Hsu Chenyue's heart as she exclaimed, “Oh my god! I've never been in a sports car my whole life. My dad's Santana was bought 20 years ago!”

Su Ming, grinning, opened the car door and invited, “Get in.”

As Hsu Chenyue was about to step into the car, a man suddenly darted from the side and seized her hand.

Startled, Hsu Chenyue's instinct was to kick him, but she froze upon recognizing him. Her expression soured as she realized it was her brother, Hsu Chenyang.

“Sister, do you have any money? I need some. I haven't eaten in days.”

Hsu Chenyang's clothes were tattered, and he reeked of decay. His hair was a mess, his left eye swollen, and his face bore scratches. His worn sneakers revealed his toes, and he was smeared with mud and weeds, as if he had spent the night in a thicket.

“I don't have any money!” Hsu Chenyue forcefully shook off her brother's grasp.

”Sister, you can't ignore me. I'm your own brother. Dad may not care, but you should! Is this a Hennessy Venom GT? Sister, is he your boyfriend? Hello, brother-in-law! I'm Hsu Chenyue's brother! Since you can afford such an impressive car, you must be loaded, right? Spare me a few million yuan!”

Hsu Chenyang swiftly redirected his plea to Su Ming, babbling incessantly.

“Stop right there!”

Su Ming recoiled from Hsu Chenyang's odor and stepped back. Hsu Chenyang's audacity to brazenly ask for money was utterly shameless.

“I'm not moving.”

Hsu Chenyang froze instantly. He scanned the surroundings with an alertness akin to a startled rabbit, ready to bolt at any moment.

Su Ming couldn't help but be at a loss for words.

With Hsu Chenyang's family wealth, he was destined for a bright future. Yet, he chose to engage in such foolishness, becoming as unwelcome as a rat crossing the street.

With a wry smile, Su Ming asked, “Are you after money?”

In a rush, Hsu Chenyang replied, “Yes. If you think a few million yuan is too much, even tens of thousands will do.”

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