The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 334: 334: No Regrets!_1

Chapter 334: Chapter 334: No Regrets!_1

Dongfang Yu drove the car very fast.

He gripped the steering wheel tightly, radiating an ominously cold aura all over his body.

Hai Xiaotang was quiet and motionless, her demeanor insouciant, starkly contrasting the tumultuous storm brewing inside him.

But her seeming indifference only served to further incense Dongfang Yu!

The man teetering on the brink of losing his sanity suddenly slammed on the accelerator, hurtling the car toward an oncoming vehicle at full speed!


Just as the cars were about to collide, and Hai Xiaotang screamed in fear, Dongfang Yu swerved the steering wheel, narrowly evading a crash.

Hai Xiaotang, still frazzled and shaken, glanced at him helplessly.

Dongfang Yu’s jaw was clenched. His profile was hard and intense, eyes icy.

Hai Xiaotang asked helplessly, “I don’t understand why you’re angry. Isn’t this better?”

“…” Dongfang Yu’s eyes flickered, but he offered no response.

Hai Xiaotang stared out of the window, speaking to herself, “Dongfang Yu, this is actually the best outcome. Only this way could I willingly marry you.”

No, he did not want this outcome!

He wanted her willing consent to marry him, but not at the cost of her being stripped of her emotions, her capacity to love and hate!

Yet, what Hai Xiaotang said was right. This was indeed the best conclusion.

She wouldn’t suffer. And if he didn’t care whether she loved him, he wouldn’t have to suffer either.

The problem was… he did care.

He hoped that she had feelings for him, even if it were hatred.

But she couldn’t hate. It would cause her pain, and she couldn’t love either.

So all Hai Xiaotang could do was to exist without love or hate…

Perhaps she wasn’t in the wrong. It was him. He was too greedy, too selfish. Having won her, he still sought to possess her heart.

Had she bore similar desperate thoughts for him over all these years?

Dongfang Yu was filled with regret. He wished he had reciprocated her feelings earlier, had made her happy sooner. She had suffered for nearly eight years because of him, while he had only suffered for a few months and couldn’t bear it anymore.

So, had she been driven mad, only to choose an existence devoid of love?

These thoughts swam in Dongfang Yu’s head, each more sorrowful than the last.

But he didn’t betray any of this on his face. Wordlessly, he drove Hai Xiaotang to the civil affairs bureau, intending to register their marriage.

He had even prepared their residence permits. All they needed to do now was fill out the application form, take some photos, and they could receive the marriage certificate…

Dongfang Yu handed Hai Xiaotang her part of the form, saying indifferently: “Give it to me when you’re done.”

“Alright.” Hai Xiaotang nodded, and began to write.

There wasn’t the slightest hesitation in her movements, she was completely compliant.

Dongfang Yu’s pen hung motionless, in strong contrast to her nonchalance.

At this time, he should’ve been the one writing fastest. However, it was Hai Xiaotang who finished first.

“I’m done.” She handed him her completed piece.

Dongfang Yu took it, his eyes as deep as an ocean but devoid of any emotions, as he reviewed her filled-in information.

“Hai Xiaotang, you still have the chance to back out.” He suddenly said.

Hai Xiaotang was taken aback. What was he saying?!

Dongfang Yu was also shocked by his own words. What was he saying?!

But he continued, almost uncontrollably: “I won’t force you if you don’t want to do this.”

Hai Xiaotang was even more surprised.

The two exchanged glances, one enigmatic and calm, the other surprised, but ultimately returning to quiet.

Hai Xiaotang opened her mouth just as Dongfang Yu’s heart pounded with anticipation.

Then she said: “I’ve thought it through, I agree to marry you, and I won’t change my mind!”


The concubine can only say that this book promises a sweeter ending after a bitter start.

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