The Best Director

Chapter 237: 237 Wang Yang Has a Date with You

Chapter 237: Chapter 237 Wang Yang Has a Date with You

“Yesterday afternoon, a symposium was held at the Beijing Film Academy, where Oscar-winning director Wang Yang engaged in a dialogue with Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaogang to discuss the future of Chinese cinema and industry.”

Many newspapers and online media outlets were all reporting on this symposium, focusing on different aspects, but the accompanying photo featured the three directors together in front of a movie poster backdrop for ‘Las Vegas’. Wang Yang stood in the middle, dressed casually and stylishly, with a smile on his face, while Zhang Yimou had a simple smile, and Feng Xiaogang stood expressionless on either side, which gave many people a strange feeling.

A young, handsome guy with a fresh vibe standing between two middle-aged men who looked rather unsophisticated by comparison; the tall, handsome guy was none other than the Oscar-winning, cutting-edge director from Hollywood, and one of the most influential directors in the world. Meanwhile, it seemed like Zhang and Feng, two great domestic directors, had suddenly become learners, eager to gain experience and the “secret scrolls.”

“Majestic Yang critiques ‘Hero’, saying that its visuals are exquisite but its content is weak.” After being reported by Sina, Sohu, and others, the camp critiquing ‘Hero’ gained a super heavyweight member. However, there were no Chen Kaige or Jin Yong-style bombardments, as there were words like “astonishing” in terms of cinematography and colors. A Sina user, Morning Sunshine, commented: “To make such an evaluation, Americans usually only offer praise without criticism, omitting the ‘but’ part, so Majestic Yang is already being honest.” Apple Baobei said: “Yang didn’t say it was bad, which is already giving a lot of face to Zhang Yimou!”…

“Wang Yang advised Chinese cinema not to blindly follow the trend of costume martial arts films, calling it very dangerous.” “You need to film your own culture well.” “First make Chinese audiences like it before talking about going abroad.” “Majestic Yang looks forward to China implementing a movie rating system soon, to give creators a freer space.”…

Once these dialogue excerpts hit the web pages of online media, they immediately sparked a fervent response from netizens. Cold Moon said: “Seeing Ang Lee win an award for ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’, the old schemer (Zhang Yimou) jumped right in. I heard that Chen Kaige is also going to film a costume myth. But if you’re going to shoot, at least do it well! ‘Hero’ is all a mess, hoping ‘Ambush from Ten Sides’ will be better to watch!” Sorrow followed up with a post: “Looking forward to Zhang Yimou is less promising than expecting Feng Xiaogang, but I hope he doesn’t follow the trend either.”…

There were also those who opposed Majestic Yang’s viewpoint. White Shadow said: “Our costume martial arts films are like science fiction, why shouldn’t we make them?” Lonely Give Up said: “He’s not saying not to shoot them, but that Chinese cinema should be diversified, and if you do shoot, you should first satisfy our domestic audience.”

These views all received unanimous praise from netizens. What films on the market now truly reflect our local “era characteristics and cultural qualities”? They’re just boring clichés that mock the intelligence of the audience, not to mention any deeper meaning.

If there were an excuse that it’s because of the lack of a film rating system, a Sina poll showed that 95.6% of netizens support the establishment of a rating system, but the consistent response from the broadcasting authority has been: “The current market is not yet suitable for implementing the rating system, we need to explore and research gradually.”

At the end of the symposium, speaking to the director department students about the experiences of filmmaking, Wang Yang, Zhang Yimou, and Feng Xiaogang all expressed that it hinges on communication. Zhang Yimou said, “I used to be very introverted, but after becoming a director, I’ve become a chatterbox, a nagging person. You have to speak every day, and sometimes, at the end of the day, I feel like slapping my own mouth, thinking how did I talk so much?”

He continued: “A director is about conveying his own ideas about the film to his team, ideas about colors, lighting, performance, and many other aspects, making sure everyone understands. I very much agree with what Director Wang said, with sufficient funding, it’s not difficult to find talented people or advanced technology, but the most important thing is how to make them understand and then turn this understanding into their professional performance to help you complete the film.”

Furthermore, Wang Yang said: “Give your team more encouragement and motivation. Making a movie is like going to war; morale is extremely important, and a team with high morale will be favored by Lady Luck.”

A Sina user, Lobster Immortal, commented: “Steven Spielberg also said, ‘To make a movie successful, 80% is about communication, 20% about technology.’ It seems those directors are all chatterboxes!” Qian Duoduo said: “Majestic Yang has long admitted in interviews that he’s a chatterbox, he can go on for days and nights still having things to say.” Lake Heart Grass responded: “I truly wish Majestic Yang were my boyfriend, so I’d never run out of things to talk about with him.” Assassin said: “I’m a guy and I like Majestic Yang, imagine you?”…

On forums like Tianya, there were also some posts reporting on Wang Yang’s fan meeting. Last night, the fan meeting took place at the Wangfu Hotel, with fans posting many pictures from the event. There were images of Wang Yang speaking into a microphone, bending over to sign posters and other items, and accepting gifts from fans. In the photos, he is seen smiling as he displays each gift, including soft toys and a large framed cartoon drawing with his cartoon likeness…

“Magic Yang is really easygoing!” The poster, Quiet Rain, shared several pictures from the photo op, revealing which one was herself, an above-average looking girl with long hair. She wrote, “Just like those interview ceremonies, he’s very humorous and loves to joke around, and doesn’t put on any airs, speaks Mandarin very well. I asked if I could hug him, and he said ‘women over sixty kilograms shouldn’t hug men.’ So funny! But I still managed to sneak a hug with him in the end!”

Looking at those pictures, including group shots, and seeing how they happily gathered around Magic Yang, every fan and admirer felt envious. The only poster, Gentle Follow-up, exclaimed, “To actually shake hands with Magic Yang, to ask for and be denied a hug, and to then sneak one… Life’s ups and downs come too fast, it’s just too thrilling!!”

The fan club had previously collected questions from various forums to present to Wang Yang, and he had provided answers to almost all of them last night. First were some superficial Q&A style questions: Favorite food? Chinese cuisine; Favorite fruit? Watermelon… Then came some more common or peculiar questions, “Can you play any instruments?” His answer was, “Guitar, harmonica, erhu.” “Who is your favorite Western singer?” His answer was, “Michael Jackson.”…

The bright and spacious CCTV studio, able to accommodate hundreds of young people who filled the audience seats, had their attention fixed on the stage, which was arranged with simple elegance. Sitting on the white sofa in the center, wearing a shirt and jeans, was Wang Yang along with a few others, in the midst of recording a show.

When it was confirmed that he would be visiting China, Wang Yang had requested to participate in a national television show, not just a news report like “Entertainment Scene,” and the Chinese film authority had liaised with CCTV, who were naturally eager. He was given free rein to choose from all the character interviews, artistic, and entertainment programs. However, rather than accepting an offer to appear on multiple shows, Wang Yang didn’t choose a single one.

He wasn’t interested in childish variety shows or satirical comedy like SNL; and after viewing some clips of prime talk shows, he realized he didn’t like the style or the hosts. He wanted a relaxed talk show that allowed for creativity yet still engaged in conversation to achieve his goal of promoting “MIT-21-TEAM” and introducing himself.

Then he had an idea, hoping that CCTV6, the movie channel, could arrange a special program, “A Date with Wang Yang,” something along the lines of the talk show he envisioned.

CCTV6 agreed, for with Magic Yang on their movie channel, high viewership was guaranteed. This year’s 75th Oscars and the 12th MTV Movie Awards broadcast saw a surge in viewers because of his presence, with the highest viewership recorded during the times when he received awards. So they went ahead with the special planning! However, it couldn’t be aired live, and CCTV6 reminded Wang Yang to be mindful of his language.

Despite this, the program version airing during prime time on television would certainly contain nothing inappropriate.

“Hi, everyone! I’m Wang Yang, and this is ‘A Date with Wang Yang’!”

The studio immediately erupted in applause. The audience, smiling, clapped their hands. Among them were ordinary students clad in casual attire who had snagged tickets; but there were also stylishly dressed young people with connections who had no issues securing seats, as well as a few students from Beijing Film Academy who had attended a seminar the day before. Their commonality was their admiration for Magic Yang and their keen interest in the live recording.

Wang Yang on the stage sofa waved his hands with a smile, looked at those black-haired faces, and said with a laugh, “You’re not seeing things, I really am the host! Let me introduce our guests for today. First, we have Daniel Wu, whom everyone is very familiar with.” Daniel, wearing a suit jacket, waved and smiled, “Hello everyone!” Wang Yang then turned to the two women sitting on the opposite sofa and introduced, “We also have Tu Jingwei, who is very familiar to everyone.”

“Hello everyone!” Tu Jingwei, in her blouse and skirt, greeted them with a smile. In fact, she was originally the host for this episode, but this superstar director, just seven months her senior, had proposed “co-hosting.” He had reminded her to keep the conversation casual and humorous, not to be too formal. Despite her experience as a host, she felt somewhat nervous at the moment.

“Finally, we have Zhao Wei, who everyone is surely very familiar with as well.” Following Wang Yang’s words, Zhao Wei, fashionably dressed in a loose T-shirt and casual pants with her long hair flowing, also smiled and said, “Hello everyone.”

Being a guest on this special program was something many dreamed of, not only because it was a prominent national program watched by many, but also because it was a chance to get to know Magic Yang and make an impression on him. He wasn’t just a director, but also a producer and the owner of Flame Film. Knowing him could open many doors to international opportunities.

Jade Guanyin is set for release during the end-of-year celebratory season, and in order to promote it, China Film included her in the recommended list of female guests. This is because the superstar director made it clear that he wanted to personally select the guests, and that’s how she ended up sitting here.

“Okay, finally, who is Wang Yang? Someone familiar yet unfamiliar.” Wang Yang said, spreading his hands. Tu Jingwei perked up and laughed, “Hey Wang Yang, today you just want everyone to be more familiar with you, right?” Under the intrigued gazes of the audience, Wang Yang nodded and said in the style of Chinese internet slang, “Yeah, I’m just the newbie trying to get my face known.”

The audience smiled at this. Since the program had introduced Wang Yang’s information before entering the studio, Tu Jingwei did not introduce him again and directly started the topic with a laugh, “Wang Yang, let’s start talking about your childhood! But the content is still too tense, you’re only 23 years old, a year’s discussion is one year less!” Wang Yang raised his eyebrows and sighed, “You wouldn’t know how much I wish I was 21, to be 21 every year.”

Daniel Wu grinned, Zhao Wei sat with her hands clapped together on her knees and maintained a smile, and Tu Jingwei laughed, “Let’s have a look at the very precious photos of Wang Yang as a child.” Suddenly, a photo of a chubby baby appeared on the big LED screen at the back, staring at the camera with a pacifier in his mouth and a very spirited look in his eyes. Tu Jingwei laughed, “This is the one-year-old Magical Yang!”

After a few consecutive photos, a child about ten years old appeared on the screen. The medium-long hair with bangs, and the facial features and proportions all similar to the present day. The child tilted his chin and had the corners of his mouth turned up, looking at the camera with an expression that seemed both comical and arrogant, giving off an air of bravery that was nearly identical to his current one.

“Wow, so handsome!” Tu Jingwei was quite surprised, Zhao Wei also nodded and smiled, “Very imposing!” Tu Jingwei said, “I wouldn’t have dared to talk to boys like that when I was a kid. But there must have been a lot of people who had a crush on you.” The girls in the audience seats also silently agreed. More than just cute, he was a lovely, rebelliously handsome young boy! It seems that Magical Yang has been a handsome fellow since childhood.

“It would have been great if I had met you all back then.” Wang Yang turned around to look at the audience below and said with a resigned laugh, “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have had to wait until now to enjoy this happiness. I’m so delighted!” Tu Jingwei asked curiously, “Why? Wasn’t there anyone telling you that you were handsome back then?” Wang Yang shook his head and laughed, “No, of course my mom and dad said, ‘Dear, be thankful to us, you little handsome guy!’ Then neighbors and acquaintances would also say, ‘You’re getting cuter and cuter!’ But how could I believe them?”

The encouraging and polite words from family and neighbors, while girls had no reaction…

Wang Yang continued to say with a laugh, “Besides them, no one really talked about whether I was handsome or not. I always thought I was quite ugly, so I would tell myself from a young age: Don’t judge a book by its cover! Mind you, my girlfriend was my classmate at the time, and she had told me I was cool. Back then, I thought it was ‘a hero recognizing another hero.’ It wasn’t until high school that girls began to say things like, ‘YOUNG, you look pretty strong and COOL! How about a date?'”

“Then I started thinking, huh!” Wang Yang stroked his chin and rolled his eyes, a mischievous smirk on his face, “Darling, you do look quite good! You—can judge a book by its cover now! You can do it!”

The audience below immediately burst into light laughter. Tu Jingwei and Zhao Wei opened their mouths and laughed. Tu Jingwei, curious, then asked, “What about you, Daniel Wu? Have you had similar experiences to Wang Yang?” Daniel Wu nodded and said with a broken Mandarin laugh, “I’m the same. My nose might be bigger than his, so I didn’t get many compliments from girls in middle school and university. When I first arrived in Hong Kong, I was so puzzled. Could I really be a model with this face?”

“This should count as a childhood anecdote,” Tu Jingwei saw that Wang Yang had no more to say on the topic and knew that he didn’t want to continue after the joke, so he smoothly changed the subject with a laugh, “Wang Yang, I know that back then you were already determined to become a director. When was the first time you filmed something?”

During the rest of the recording, the studio audience erupted into laughter and applause from time to time. The four moved from Wang Yang’s childhood to growing up and then shifted to talking about some of their experiences and anecdotes from filming movies and so on, including a few topics related to Las Vegas; they also talked about the Chinese movies he liked to watch, whether he has seen movies starring Zhao Wei, and so on…

Wang Yang was either serious or humorous throughout, striving to make this talk show full of fun. Tu Jingwei, on the other hand, grew increasingly admiring; in terms of pure hosting, the big director’s quick wit, humorous jokes, and ability to stir emotions were truly commendable.

Finally, amid thunderous applause, the 2-hour recording, which would air for 1.5 hours, titled “An Appointment with Wang Yang” special interview program came to an end. After leaving the studio, Wang Yang chatted with Zhao Wei for a while, fulfilling her request for autographs and a photo together. He then invited Daniel Wu to dinner at a restaurant, and after that, they watched a football match, drank, and bragged all evening until he returned to the Wang Mansion Hotel quite exhausted.

“Hi, Jessie.”


In the elegant hotel suite, Wang Yang lay comfortably on the huge bed, staring at the ceiling, holding his phone to his ear, he chuckled quickly to Jessica across the ocean, “The talk show recording went smoothly today; I’ll be recording ‘Qian Qian San Ren Xing’ tomorrow, and then I won’t have much left to do! Sweetheart, how about we go on a trip after I get back? Let’s go have fun for a week!”

“Sounds great! Where to?” Jessica’s voice was full of excitement. Wang Yang laughed, the trip was part of his proposal plan, and he needed to get it done quickly, either before September, or in late September, but not around September 11th, or the proposal itself and future commemorations might face some awkwardness.

He couldn’t wait for the original plan in late September and decided to get the ring as soon as he returned and formally begin the final preparations.

But which sunny beach to choose? Thinking about this, Wang Yang said with a smile, “I don’t know where yet, but this time I’ll make the decision!” Jessica reminded him in her tone, “Yang, you always make the decisions.” Wang Yang uttered an embarrassed sound, realizing that indeed… he traveled with her everytime; he laughed, “Next time, it’s your turn, but not this time.” He suddenly realized something was off with her voice, and his brow furrowed, “Baby, do you have a cold?”

“Mhm, I started having a runny nose this morning…” Jessica sniffled, and it seemed to trigger a ticklish sensation, as she suddenly sneezed without warning and then continued sniffling, with a heavy nasal voice laughing, “Oh dear! I’ve got tears now.”

“How did this happen! You were fine yesterday; you really are… As soon as I leave you for a few days, you catch a cold.” Wang Yang couldn’t help but sit up against the headboard, listening to her miserable sniffling and feeling very worried; he asked warmly, “Have you taken any medicine? Is it serious? Should I take a flight back right now?”

On the other end, Jessica snickered a few times, “It’s nothing, Yang! Has there ever been a summer where I haven’t caught a cold more than twice? It’s no big deal! As long as it doesn’t turn into pneumonia, I’ve been through that a few times before…” She was proudly saying this when suddenly, “Achoo!”

“Yes, you’re so cool!” Wang Yang helplessly closed his eyes, shook his head with a smile, this girl — always practicing kung fu and yoga, eating well, sleeping well, but still getting sick all the time! She really made one worry. He laid back down and instructed, “See a doctor, take medicine, and then have a good rest! Get better for our trip.” He suddenly remembered something and exclaimed, “Oh, SARS! I’ll have to self-quarantine for a few days when I get back…”




PS: Wow, I’m really asking for recommendation tickets here, we’re only 300 tickets away from getting on the weekly recommendation list for our category. Brave youths, charge ahead, thank you all!! (To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit , chapters are updated frequently, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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