The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 8 - His Beast

"Cronus stop moving or you will squash the cake." Eyes flare with annoyance as a low warning growl blares from deep within my chest as I regard him.

"How am I supposed to exit the car without moving, Theia?"

"You can exit gracefully, you need not wiggle around so much. It was quite hard to make this cake you know?" I murmur whilst picking the mass up rotating it lightly scanning to see if it were damaged in any way. I had spent hours before daylight with mother to bake and decorate it.

"Yes, I saw the mess you made in the kitchen this morning." He snickers softly whilst thanking the wolf who pulled open the car door for him.

"It is not easy you know, this was the first I ever baked a cake."

"You mean mother baked it, you simply decorated it." He counterattacks my words with his provoking ones.

"You weren't there. You did not see most of what I did." I argue back, not wishing for him to have the final word. He was fast asleep whilst I was with mother in the pack's kitchen, how would he know of my effort?

"Right, I believe you." He scoffs adjusting the collar of his shirt looking away as though he would rather be elsewhere than listen to my truth.

"Do not fight me, Cronus." A flash of teeth I offer him, showing him my upsetness. This male has been fighting me since we left home as if I had done something to bother him.

"Funny how you baked a gateau with all your love and care for his birthday but never have for mine. Quite the sister."

"Will you two be bickering all morning or will you come inside?" Deimos peeks in with his teasing whilst he smiles gently at me in welcome.

"Good morning, Deimos." I beam at him whilst grabbing his hand he offers as he helps me out of the car.

"Good morning, Theia. The cake looks wonderful." Deimos replies whilst peeking through the transparent plastic shield that keeps the cake secure and neat inside. His greens skim with curiosity through the content of the container taking in the decor and icing, he likes it.

"Thank you. Cronus dislikes it."

"Do not mind him, your brother is merely jealous." Deimos chortles, his palm smacking my brother's back in a friendly way. Cronus turns towards him with a fiery swiftness low playful growls vibrate through his chest to Deimos's words. "Come, let's go inside. Would you like for me to fetch Agatha, Theia? She can keep your cake in the refrigerator for you."

"No, thank you. I want to give it to him as soon as possible." I respond whilst following them into the castle struggling to hold onto the heavy cake and watch my steps simultaneously. Wolves greet me with welcoming smiles whilst I say my morning wishes passing by them in a hurry to present the cake quickly before it begins to melt.

"Deimos, why isn't the castle decorated?" I question peering up at the high ceilings to find nothing out of the normal. Not even a single balloon is in sight. I do not understand, I clearly remember the noisiness of the pack on Deimos's ninth birthday last year. Why wouldn't they do the same for Phobos?

"Because Phobos does not wish for it. He finds birthday celebrations to be childish. He finds no meaning in them." Deimos responds whilst tickling the nape of Cronus's neck only to receive a severe swat to the back of his head by my brother.

My eyes skim across the empty walls void of decor or colour in disappointment, this is the first time I shall be here to celebrate Phobos's birthday for my designated days of visit came before his birthdays and I never got to do so. Yet this year I pleaded with my parents to allow me to come and celebrate, he is unaware of it though for it is a surprise.

"Birthday celebrations are quite entertaining. Why does he think that way?" I question once more to Deimos confusion surging within me. There is a meaning to birthdays for it is the day the moon gifted you with life. My mother always made our birthdays special, pastries and ballons are mandatory.

"I do not know, Theia. Perhaps because he is older than us. Hey, Cronus you want to race?"

Rolling my eyes with irritation at the two males who are too eager to tumble around and spar I stroll towards the garden, to 'our' place. "Deimos did he go to train today?" I inquire glancing back at the mischievous male who has now jumped on my brother's back seizing him in a chokehold whilst my brother fights him.

"Yes but he-" His words are halted by his deep laughter as Cronus collapses onto the ground with Deimos on top of him. He couldn't carry his weight. I shall never understand the minds of males, they are truly bizarre.

"Can you just finish your answer and then spar?!" I yell at the two rough and tough males who seem to be lost in their world uncaring that a female waits patiently to converse with them.

"He will return soon, perhaps in a few minutes. You can play with us while you wait." Deimos utters as he playfully plunges his teeth into Cronus's arm as though he were fighting rogues. There is a wildness in how males play, I do not wish to be a part of it.

"I'd rather not. I wish to wait in peace." I reply whilst swiftly turning around to saunter into the garden seeking our spot beneath the tree.

"You are missing out, Theia. Come now, do not run away Cronus." Deimos shrieks out to me from within the castle's bounds whilst holding onto my brother who desperately tries to scramble away.

"Theia! Help me get this male away from me." My ears perk up to my brother's plea followed by his heavy grunts and pants.

Ignoring the obtuse males I stride towards the tree whilst meekly peeking around scanning for his presence. Phobos is excellent in hiding himself, he could be watching from the shadows as always.

Giving a thorough sweep of the area I find that he has indeed not arrived yet. Plopping onto the garden floor placing the cake over the wet grass I take my seat folding my legs leaning my back against the tree bark with comfort.

My eyes peer up at the blue sky painted with white marshmallow clouds and I conclude it is truly a beautiful day to celebrate his birthday. Excitement is quick to hold me by my beating heart, I cannot wait for him to see the cake I baked and taste it. I wonder what his reaction would be, would he be overwhelmed or happy? I suppose he would be proud as always.

I look towards the arch that he always comes through, eagerly waiting for his presence. "Come soon," I whisper loudly into the summer breeze, a small giggle of anticipation leaving my lips. Today shall be a pleasant day, I know it.

I was recently taught of a saying that my mother told me I needed to abide by, 'Do not possess high expectations for disappointment shall be swift to come.' I didn't believe it for I always acquired what I wished, my expectations were always met. Yet today is the first time the saying has come true for me as dismay did come to take me.

Phobos did not come to the castle.

I waited and waited until my patience ran dry. I kept myself busy running around the garden, riding the swing, playing with the doves in the cage, cupping the warm water from the gushing waterfall. I did everything one could do in this garden. I kept my hopes high that he would arrive with time and we could finally celebrate. But he never came.

So I sat by the tree watching as morning bled to early afternoon, I remained there silently observing as the fresh gateau I baked melted and turned to a soppy unappetizing mess. The birds had stopped their chirping and left their homes in search of food hours ago, it became more depressing to sit by myself watching my hard work destroyed by the furious sun.

First anger swooped me off my feet, then disappointment and finally sadness. I couldn't even take a picture of the cake. I should have with or without his presence.

"Theia." The soft voice of my brother beckons me. Deimos is by his side, arms folded across his chest whilst he peers down at me with compassion. He understands my upsetness for he is aware of the bond Phobos and I share rather, every wolf we know is. Best friends. I do not have such except for Phobos.

"I am sorry, Theia. I did not think that he wouldn't come home today. It does usually take him a few days to return but I thought he would come today for it is his birthday after all." Deimos explains whilst his eyes peek at the messy dripping cake.

"There is always next year, Theia. You did not eat breakfast today nor lunch. Would you like to go inside and have some?" Cronus squats by my side patting my head gently showing me his support. He is always gentle with me rather he is this way to all female pups.

"Yes, and we could watch a movie or even play your favourite game. I shall be the catcher this time and you can run." Deimos squats beside my brother both males gazing at me with concern prepared to do anything to make me smile.

I peek down at the cake my lips wobbling, tears I held back with stubbornness is quick to well up in my eyes to their concern for me. "I want to go home," I whisper to my brother as tears stream down my cheeks and I begin to cry rubbing my eyes with my fists. Phobos is mean. He is truly a mean male, I do not wish to be friends with him anymore.

"My brother did not know of your arrival, Theia. You wished for it to be a surprise. If he knew he would have come." Deimos mutters whilst trying to fix the melting cake, scooping it in the spoon piling it up so it does not fall over. "Perhaps if we take it to the refrigerator now we can still save it."

"It doesn't matter anymore. I just want to go home." Even if the cake is let to freeze it will not be the same.

"All right, come. I shall take you home." Cronus utters paying heed to my wants standing up briskly offering me his hand to take which I quickly grab onto. There is a seriousness in his voice, the playfulness disappearing for my upsetness displeases him.

"I apologize for this, Theia. Perhaps next month we could celebrate when you come?"

"We shall see," Cronus replies to Deimos whilst patting my back gently giving me support. Next month is not his birthday, today is. And I merely just wished to-


A gasp is swift to fly past my lips whilst the three of us turn to his sudden booming voice that halts our chatter. Phobos stands there by the arch eyes widened in surprise at my presence. His eyes are first to seek mine narrowing as he discovers my tear-stained cheeks.

"Why are you here?" He questions taking prompt steps to where we stand. I tremble at the tone he uses when he speaks to me as though he did not wish to see me today. As though he finds my presence to be a nuisance. No, this is not what I dreamed of for today, this was not a surprise for there is no excitement from his side that welcomes me but discomfort. I made a mistake.

Whilst he nears me I flee to the protection of my brother hiding behind his back clutching onto his shirt for aid. I do not wish to see Phobos anymore. I do not wish to talk with him either.

"Brother." Deimos smiles warmly at Phobos welcoming his presence delighted and relieved that he has arrived.

"Phobos." Cronus greets him as well but not as warmly as Deimos. He is upset that I am upset.

"Today is not your designated day for a visit." Phobos frowns in confusion whilst he seeks an answer to ease his puzzlement.

"Indeed but my sister wanted to surprise you for your birthday and baked you a cake which you see has now melted with perfection on the ground. She waited for you since earlier this morning. Woke up before daylight to bake the gateaux as well." There is a taunt in my brother's voice as he delivers the truth to Phobos.

Silence consumes us whilst Phobos's ocean eyes glimmers wildly at the situation. It is as though he is happy but I cannot decipher his true emotions, it is like playing with one of my jigsaw puzzles.

"I apologize, I wish you had informed me." He sighs tenderly, his apology having no effect on me. I simply wish to not be part of this situation anymore. I remain silent grasping my brother's shirt tighter as though my life depends on it. Shyness creeps up to my burning cheeks yet disappointment and anger surge higher.

"Theia?" My brother calls me gently encouraging me to respond and share my thoughts. I should be happy that he has arrived despite his tardiness but he failed me as a friend. Knowing or not knowing.

"Theia, come here." Phobos's gruff voice beckons me delicately awaiting my action with patience. His eyes are fixated upon me as I struggle to disappear behind my brother's shortness. Phobos is a juvenile male after all and we three are pups in both height and physique.

Understanding that I shall make no move towards him he strides towards my brother with quick fast steps, bending low his arm reaches around my brother to seize me. "No! I am going home." I fight back with my words moving away from his emerging hand protesting against his antics. I snarl at the male with all my pent up energy showing him my displeasure and rage. I am in no mood to play with him.

"Theia." A flash of fang Phobos delivers, my name yelled out in a reprimanding manner whilst his eyes burn with an intensity like my father's do when he is angered. I flinch startled by the small raise in his voice perhaps an ordinary wolf would not notice it but I do with clarity.

My eyes sink to the ground, lips quiver once more tears brim in my eyes and I begin to wail. He finds me annoying I know it. I noticed it for a while now, the more he grew the more he distanced himself from me always putting space between us. He does not wish to play with me anymore nor converse much. He would train me when I came to visit but would not chat much.

He does not wish to be friends with me anymore, I understand this. Yet why do I feel so connected to him, I do not have the same intensity of friendship I possess with him with others. I wish he were my age perhaps it would be easier. This truly is unfair.

"I-I do not wish to be f-friends with you anymore. I d-dislike you." I sob loudly to the uneasiness I feel.

His eyes broaden a bit to what he witnesses, he exhales a short puff of air as though he is exasperated. "Cronus I wish to speak to your sister alone, you males can go ahead and play I shall bring her to you later."

Cronus sends a small glance my way and offers a curt nod to Phobos. Whilst the two males walk away Phobos squats down before me peering up at me with his warm ocean eyes, he offers me a soft smile only to be met with my fiery glare. Warm palms rise to hold my cheeks whilst his thumbs gently wipe away my tears.

"I am sorry, little one." He apologizes soothingly ruffling my hair with affection pacifying me.

"You are cruel, Phobos."

"I apologize, Theia. I was unaware of your arrival. Come, show me the cake you baked for me. Let me see it." He utters whilst taking my hand leading me to the tree. He sits us down upon the garden floor delicately removing the plastic shield to peek at the gateau with curiosity.

"It is melted," I whisper as my cries turn to hiccups whilst staring at the mess that glides down as soon as he lifts the shield.

"It is not that bad, little one. I can still eat it." He replies whilst his fingers delve deep into the softness to gently scoop some into his palm and shove it into his open mouth. There is a wildness in the way he eats it uncaring and untidy. If mother saw the way he is eating she would surely be displeased.

He takes in bite after bite filling his belly with the treat I made, he enjoys it despite the way it looks. I wouldn't have been able to eat it if I were him but Phobos always surprises me. My eyes find his mouth coated with white and pink icing he looks quite odd.

I begin to giggle whilst I peer up at him, his eyes are swift to find mine and he narrows them with playfulness. "What do you find so amusing, Theia?" He inquiries.

"Your face. You have icing all over your face." I burst out into laughter holding my belly whilst I take a good look at him. He looks like a snowman.

He is quick to shovel some icing to smear it all over my cheeks and nose. My laughter intensifies into wild shrieks to his action as we both lie there smudged with cake and icing.

"I adore being your friend, Theia. But you must understand that I have two homes and other friends to tend to as well." Phobos mutters while wiping his mouth with the back of his palm. He has devoured almost the entirety of the cake, only a slice remains.

"Other friends?" I question. Well, I did expect him to have friends his age.


"What are their names?" Curiosity pools within me for this is the first time he has spoken to me about this.

"There is Drakho and Awan. Awan cannot speak so I must use my hands to converse with him. Then there is Moira, she is the closest to me. I have known them since I was a pup. They are the reason for my tardiness, I left to visit them last week." He finishes.

"You have known them way before you knew me." I pout showing him my dislike for competition. I do not wish to compete to remain the closest to Phobos.

"Yes, they are my good friends. But you, little one. You are my best friend." He finishes pinching my right cheek delicately as I beam at him with joy.

"I would love to meet your friends. And h-how do you speak to Awan?"

"Using my hands. You need to create these signs for him to see." He shows me certain signs with his hands, I have never seen such before. How can one speak with their hands? This is so intriguing.

"I do not know it. But I shall learn it so that I can speak to him one day." I offer him a curt nod of determination. If Phobos likes them then I like them. I shall be friends with them too. I will ask mother to teach me.

"That is very nice of you, Theia."

"Why did you say you have two homes?" I inquire. I thought the castle is Phobos's home for he remains here most of the time even though he leaves often for training.

"You shall understand it with time. Even if I were able to say it now you wouldn't be able to truly comprehend it. Perhaps when you become a juvenile." He utters, his eyes peering around the garden as though he is formulating something.

"You know I am quite mature for a ten-year-old, tell me." I urge him shuffling closer to his warmth. His words have aided in the upsurge of my inquisitiveness.

"Tell me, little one. Would you like to play a game?" His question catches me off guard pulling us to another bubble of conversation whilst his eyes glimmer with mischievousness.

"A game? What game?"

"Hide and seek. I should reciprocate your kindness for a pup as you rose early in the morning to make my birthday exciting." He utters waiting patiently for my reply.

"Of course, I adore hide and seek. I play it all the time with Cronus back home." Excitement pulls at the pit of my belly, playing with Phobos is always fun for I discover new things.

"This is also part of your training, little one. I shall guide you to use all your senses except for your sense of sight." He states whilst rising from the grass to swiftly tear a piece of his onyx shirt.

"I do not understand."

"You shall hide and I shall seek you. But your eyes will be covered, you must try to hide from me using your sense of smell, sense of touch and sense of hearing. There is no way to teach this except experiencing it for yourself. It shall be fun, I assure you." He turns me around to gently wrap my eyes with the piece of his torn shirt.

I squeal with delight bouncing on my feet whilst Phobos laughs at my antics. I have never played it with my eyes closed before, it will be more thrilling I suppose. But Phobos knows how to play and this is my first time. It will be challenging.

"What if I fall?" I question uneasiness sinking in.

"I will not let you fall, little one. You can remove the cloth once you feel as though you have hidden well." He eases my worry replacing it with tranquillity. "Ready?"

"Yes!" I shriek with pumping my fist up in the air. Cronus taught me one should do this before experiencing something arduous or fresh.

"I will leave, Theia. You hide. I shall give you five minutes. I will be close by." He states as I feel the smile in his voice. He is excited for me to experience this as well.

"I am ready."

"Go, little one." He propels me gently with his palm as I take moderate steps to locate and secure a place to hide. My ears perk up to the departure of his footsteps and my heart pounds with enthusiasm.

My breath slips past my lips in low pants, there is a deep thrill that settles within me. Of learning, of running, of being caught. Cronus is quite good at hide and seek as well, rather he is an expert in camouflage. It is hard to find him.

My arms flail in front of me swiping back and forth to meet with a surface or anything that shall show me where I am headed towards. I am aware of the contents of this garden despite its vastness for I have explored it thoroughly but being unable to see it is a different issue.

The further I walk I become highly conscious of my surroundings, the flapping of wings shows me I am beside the dove cage. The gushing sound from the waterfall assists to expose my exact position. A plan illuminates within me for I know two pathways lie in front of me.

If I enter the trail to my right I shall be close to the swings but if I enter the left there is a tiny partition that exists small enough for me to fit through. I have tried to fit through several times, it swallows me whole.

I can remain safely inside until Phobos finds me. He probably deems that I would go towards the swings. A wicked smile paints my lips whilst I begin on my route once again. It will positively take time for him to discover me.

"Slow steps. Slow steps." I keep murmuring faintly as a way to calm and direct myself. Time is running out and Phobos would have already begun to seek me.

My fingers encounter the soft leaves of the topiary sculptures to my left. I am close, the hole lies at the bottom in the middle. I kneel to the earth crawling on my knees and palms searching for the hollow hole. This was quite easier than I thought it would be, is it because I know this place very well?

Following a few minutes of tumbling over the wet soil and digging to find my spot I finally determine it. It is truly a reliable spot for no one can find me here. Removing my eye fold I wriggle inside to settle myself wholly. "It is dark in here," I whisper as I pull my knees to my chest so my feet do not give me away.

Nudging my face into my knees I giggle with anticipation of his arrival. He is a strong juvenile, he would be able to find me in a matter of minutes. I begin to count as a means to calm myself.










He is here.

My eyes find the outline of his bare feet right in front of where I am burrowed. My heart pounds with the thrill of being seized, I clamp my palm over my mouth holding in my breath and stay still as possible to prolong the game longer. Perhaps he shall assume I am not here and search elsewhere. His steps halt and I squirm deeper into the hole attempting to escape his senses.

Yet what happens after possesses a wild rapidity that instils a profound horror within me. A large hand is rammed deep into the hole grabbing my ankle with a harshness bounding me, leaving me no room to escape as sharp claws elongate to rake against my flesh.

A high pitched terrifying screech tears out my open mouth whilst I am dragged out the tiny hole, my back meeting hardly with the earth as damp soil saturates my body.

My widened eyes find glowing golden irises that gawk at me as though I were prey. His nose raised towards the sky he sniffs inhaling intensely. Deafening piercing growls reverberate through his chest, so powerful a demand arises to cover my ears. My legs kick and hit his stomach continuously yet it does nothing to halt his approach. "Phobos! Stop! You are frightening me." I shriek tears of anxiety gushing down my cheeks. I do not wish to play this game anymore.

Fangs elongate with velocity, his grip on my ankle hardens claws sinking to create an indent over my flesh. I clench my eyes shut with dread and panic whilst I wail and scream my fear out, my body shivering violently to his relentless wrath. I want mother. I want to go home. My cries echo throughout my surrounding but this male in front of me does not heed to it as though his mind has been consumed.

"Phobos!" I scream his name in gut-wrenching fear that leaves me immobile. I do not understand what is happening, why is this happening?

The heat of his body is instantly removed as though he flung himself away from me. I control my breathing and meekly open my blurry eyes to look up at him. I find his canines sunk deep into the meat of his arm. His eyes are widened as he gazes at me with a horrifying expression. Canines descend deeper into his forearm ripping a lump of his flesh to survive his inner battle as he grunts and groans with the immense pain that confines him, his chest heaving he wheezes breathlessly.

Phobos crawls back stumbling in his movements trying to get as farther as he can get away from me. A war of orbs befalls blue attempting to overcome gold.

Blood. Everywhere I look, I find red thick blood. It spurts out his arm to drench his mouth and earth with its redness.

This is the first time I have ever seen it. His fear. He is drowning in fright.

"Phobos," I whisper as the world around me twists and turns my eyes turn drowsy. I keep my eyes on him as I am devoured by my spinning and blurry sight.

Blazing vivid golden eyes meet mine. His orbs ignite me with the truth before darkness consumes me before I give in to it. This is not Phobos, this is his beast.



Hello, my little wolves,

Hope you enjoyed the long chappy!

As I said before Phobos and his beast are one. Either cannot control the other, it is a hard struggle to go through. His beast is an animal with wild instincts, he mistook the game of hide and seek as a claiming ritual where females run and hide whilst males chase and seek. He took control to find his female whom he wanted to mark. Clearly, the human side of Phobos sees the wrong in this and directs his beast's need to claim Theia towards himself so he can confuse his beast with the pain they would equally feel.

What do you think will happen next chappy? Share your thoughts, my females.

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