The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 5 - The Only One

"One." I begin to count whilst Phobos lies upon the grass floor with his right hand held over his face covering his eyes as a form of shade from the burning rays of the hot sun.

"Two," I mutter under my breath making sure to search thoroughly. It can be quite tricky he warned me of this.

"Three and...four! I am done." I smile wide as if I have accomplished a big mission proud of myself. If I fail at this exercise I can at least reason with him saying I said the numbers properly.

Phobos sighs turning on his side peering up at me through his sleepy eyes. He seems to look so tired these days. Has his training gotten harder or is he just not getting enough sleep? The dark circles that paint his skin beneath his eyes make him look like a panda. I snort as a weird laugh flies past my lips.

He frowns and playfully glares at me knowing my thoughts are definitely of his appearance. He is quite used to me now and has gotten to know my antics better than my brother which is quite surprising for my brother has the ability to predict my actions before I do them.

"Search again. You are not looking properly." He raises his wristwatch to read it. "You have a minute left." He utters and drops his head back onto the floor his eyes snapping shut whilst a small yawn flies past his lips.

Pouting I peer back into the book searching for more wild hares. Where are they hiding? I did find four but I cannot see more. Phobos is teaching me how to improve my eyesight saying it shall be useful for when he teaches me to hunt.

Mother would have my head if I said I was going to learn to hunt as well as be in close contact with arrows and spears. I begin counting again leaning closer to the book going over the wild hares I had already spotted.

Only four. There are only four! I peek back at him from beneath my lashes. Is he playing around with me? No, Phobos would never do that whilst I am in training for he is always serious. Scratching the side of my head trying to ease the tension my headband is causing I fiddle around with the book.

My fingertips trace the page sweeping past the hares in plain sight. Where are the res- What was that? I felt something, it halted the smoothness of my path. I begin to trace the page again my eyes widening when I find a small hidden partition within the page.

Digging my nails into the small layer I begin to tug on it. It seems as though there is an opening or a block that I can remove.

"You have twenty seconds left. I think you might fail this one, Theia." Phobos pipes in telling me of his doubts about my accomplishment of his exercise.

Grinding my teeth I claw on it and adding pressure to it has a piece pop up from the page. I startle dropping the book to the grass floor, caught off guard. Peering in I see fur peeking from underneath the piece. Time is running out. Taking a small breath I slowly tear the piece from the book.

It comes off easily as if it was meant to whilst uncovering a small picture of four baby wild hares sleeping in a basket. There weren't merely four hares but eight.

"T-There are eight hares! Eight like my age." I proclaim still filled with doubt for there could be more pieces that are that I haven't uncovered.

Phobos gives a curt nod and gets up swiftly to sit up in front of me. "Are you sure of your answer, Theia? I shall not give you another chance."

I look back at the page chewing on my lower lip. I might be wrong, I hate being wrong. But I can...I can learn to be better. "Yes. I am certain."

His eyes plunge into mine as if he is waiting for me to change my mind as if he is waiting for me to waver but I do not. I stand by my answer.

After a while of tension-filled silence, he offers me a prideful smile whilst he nods. Crawling towards me his right hand reaches forward to ruffle my hair. "Well done, little one."

"Yes!" I shoot my hand into the air as a sign of success.

"Now that you have accomplished it, you must know of the meaning behind it. In the present and in the future, Theia you will find that many things shall be hidden from you. Things you cannot see." He begins.

"Like what?" I question frowning. Hidden from me? What kind of things can be hidden? Perhaps magic? Or mystical beasts?

"Like emotions. Like bonds. Like intentions." He replies.

"And what of them?" I ask.

"You must learn to uncover them. To dig deep and find what lies hidden beneath. Wolves are merely shells of what they truly are and very rarely you can see their truth. But you must learn to wield this power of 'uncovering'. For once you do you will get to see their cores." He explains slowly enunciating every word for my mind to take in and digest.

"Cores? What are their cores?"

"Their souls, Theia." He finishes.

Souls. He often speaks of this that it's something that lies hidden behind the heart and one must feed it with good things just as you do to your stomach. But why is it hidden? Why cannot it be in plain sight? Is it shy? Like me?

"Do I have one?" I voice my doubt to him whilst plucking the grass strands from the floor. I don't think I have one for when he talks about the symptoms it proves to me I do not possess it.

"Have what?" He asks.

"A soul." I look up to meet his eyes. He smiles gently as he gazes down at me.

"Give me your hand, Theia." He says and I do so immediately placing my hand upon his open palm. He grabs it and places my palm upon my beating heart. "Close your eyes."

With a curt nod, I pay heed to his words. "Now what? Must I perhaps recite a spell?" I question.

A low chuckle surges from the base of his throat. "Listen to the sounds of nature. Feel her tranquillity for she speaks to your soul. When you are in misery, in doubt or pain all you need to do is this for your soul lights up to sing and you shall feel it."

I try following his words listening to the breeze that makes the leaves dance, the birds whilst they chirp in their nests and the water that gushes forth from the waterfall. But I do not feel it, my soul. Yes, it is calm and peaceful but there is nothing else to it.

Perhaps I am doing this wrong, with an upset sigh I open my eyes to call out to him. "Phob-" I stop myself whilst my eyes land on him. His head piercing up into the air eyes closed with a soft smile he drowns in nature showing me of his unique connection with it. He sways his body side to side his left hand digging into the earth's soil sharing his warmth with it.

The strands of his hair seem to shine like gold in the sun. He finds joy in this rather immense peace that comforts him. As his smile widens my heart pounds in my chest and I frown not understanding this sudden new budding emotion.

I feel...I feel as though there is something. Something coming alive within me, a small gasp leaves my lips. It's as if I am laying on a floating boat in the ocean with nothing around me but crystal clear water. A feeling of calmness as if you are protected as if you are guided.

His eyes flutter open meeting mine. "Did you feel it, Theia? Your soul?" He questions.

"Yes. B-But I think it is not nature that helped me." I whisper pushing my palm deeper into my chest. I want to feel it again, that emotion that consumed me for a few seconds. I do not know what it is but it was beautiful.

"Then what?" He questions with a tilt to his head as if questioning what else it could be other than nature.

"You, Phobos. Somehow when I looked at you, I felt something. Like a spark in my chest. Is that the feeling of one meeting with their soul?" I crawl towards him eager for him to quench the thirst of my curiosity.

His smile swiftly disappears as he takes a quick deep breath, eyes widening a fraction whilst he moves backwards putting distance between us. His eyes plunge into the ground frowning deep in thought as though he is unable to comprehend my words. "I do not are only eight. Still a pup, you-" He begins to mutter to himself beneath his breath.

"Phobos?" I question a small impatient whine leaving my lips. "Tell me," I demand.

"Yes, you did meet your soul but something has opened up within you, Theia." He replies.

"My wolf? Mother says my wolf will come alive when I turn sixteen. Isn't she sleeping now?"

"Not your wolf, something else. Something you are too young to be aware of." He whispers whilst grabbing the tiny notebook from his back pocket.

Turning to a fresh page he begins to scribble quickly with a blunt pencil that clearly needs to be sharpened. I always keep my colour pencils neat and sharpened, if he gave me his I would do it for him.

"What is it that you always write so profusely when you are with me?" I question whilst leaning towards him trying to get a peek at his writing whilst he leans further away hiding the book from prying eyes. He always does this when I do something new or when I talk about myself and the emotions I face. When I do well in his training or when I am in the midst of it, his eyes are often glued to that notebook.

"Nothing that concerns you, little one." He says finishing up with a few quick scrawls. Snapping the book shut he thrusts it into his back pocket swiftly.

I glare at him folding my arms across my chest. "You know I do not like secrets. I will steal that book from you, mark my words." I offer him a sly smile.

"Is that so? That might happen in your dreams but definitely not in reality for I am a juvenile and not a pup like you." He says.

"I am not a pup!"

"Right, of course, I believe you." He chuckles.

I bare my growing teeth at him my imitation of a wolf's growl thrown at him. I squat getting into a predator stance that he taught me ready to pounce and gobble my prey. His eyes widen with surprise as he swiftly jumps up into his own position head hunched spine bent.

"Is that what you call a growl?" Eyes low they seep into mine taunting me playfully.

I take a deep breath and growl again allowing the sound to burn through my chest and boom out from my throat. "That book. I want it."

"You can have it, Theia. Only if you can take it from me." He speaks his truth shaking his head side to side imitating a wolf that ruffles up its fur to remove the remains of water or dirt instilled within it.

I circle him for he lets me do so. He remains still falling back on his bum looking at his nails as if they are more interesting than my intimidation. This irks me, how he regards me as no threat but rather a...cuteness. Finding an opening I grab his arm swiftly to sink my teeth into his flesh. I shall at least leave a bite mark as proof of my power.

"That tickles, Theia." He laughs as I keep biting and gnawing at his skin.

"Submit," I say my words muffled for my mouth is squashed into his flesh. He looks down at me with his gentle eyes that always smile when they meet mine.

"Please do not hurt me, I shall do it. I shall submit." He bows his head eyes downcast as he abides by my demand.

I extract my teeth from his flesh setting him free to check my work of art. A clear red outline is imprinted on his arm and I smile with success.

A sudden deep snarl booms from his chest startling me, his mouth open glimmering fangs flashed for a display he roars and the birds flee from branches to the power his sound carries.

My eyes wide I watch the strength and power he wields in his growl, one that I do not have. One that could make another submit with ease. A growl that could bring anyone he wished to their knees. "Wow," I whisper.

"Now that is a growl, Theia." He says smiling peering down at me showing me the difference between our roars.

"Teach me. Teach me! Teach me! Teach me!" I jump up and down like a wild hare fueled with excitement pleading for him to train me in this area as well. If it is with him I can do anything, perhaps even climb mountains...maybe not that. I am forbidden to do so.

"I will. When you are of age." He replies.

"No, teach me now. Please. Phobos, please." I beg fluttering my lashes on my knees hands clasped in front of my chest a small pout on my lips.

He ruffles my hair messing up its peace. "What did I say about patience, Theia?" He questions.

I huff. "No, I won't say it. Every time I demand something you speak to me of patience."

"Theia." He says my name. Not in a gentle way but in a soft reprimanding way. A warning with no consequences yet still a warning from his side.

"Patience is...patience is a virtue," I whisper the words he imprinted within my mind.

"Indeed. I will not forsake your dreams and demands. I will make sure to grant every one of them but...with time." He says whilst pushing a strand of uneasy hair behind my ear.

"Phobos." The sudden low and deep voice of Alpha Ares strikes through the happy energy startling us both.

Phobos gets up faster than lightening the playfulness quickly struck down, a cold demeanour up and on display. His spine straight hands fisted at his sides he greets his father with a bow of respect.

"Father." He says.

"You are late for your training." Alpha Ares declares his eyes plunging deep into Phobos's. Phobos's immediately glances down at his wristwatch his eyes widening as he finishes his scan.

"I apologize. I did not notice it." He says.

Is Phobos in trouble? Is it because of me? Wait am I in trouble? Thoughts trouble my mind but scurry away as Alpha Ares turns his attention to me.

"I see the reason as to why you didn't notice it." Alpha Ares utters.

I flinch and immediately rush to hide behind Phobos grasping a tight hold of his shirt. My face pushed into his warmth a small tremble to my flesh. I am so going to get punished now.

"Still shy I suppose. Or afraid? I wonder which one of those it is? It has been four years now." Alpha Ares mutters with a low chuckle.

"Definitely afraid, father. There are no wolves other than mother, Deimos and me who do not tremble in your presence." Phobos replies trying to peek back at me for my tight hold on him prohibits him to do so.

"Well, I can agree with that. I am quite intimidating even though I do not wish to be." Alpha Ares sighs as though it truly troubles him. "If only I had a daughter." Another sigh passes his lips.

"Theia would love to take that place. Right, little one?" Phobos questions but grunts when I punch him with my right fist.

"Little Theia, you need not be afraid of me. I hope you can be free with me for, after all, you are my male's mat-"

"Father!" Phobos intervenes quickly stopping his father from going further with his words.

Alpha Ares clears his throat and looks away as I peek up at him from behind Phobos. "I apologize, that was careless of me. must be hard for you, Phobos." Alpha Ares voices his thoughts hands held behind his back.

"It is at times but it is quite rewarding I must say for not many males have this gift that I am blessed with." Phobos turns around holding my right palm in his guiding me to come to stand at his right. He chuckles when I struggle against his hold but give in for I cannot fight against him.

"What gift?" Alpha Ares questions with a frown.

"Watching her grow. Being a part of her journey." Phobos replies whilst he bends down patting the back of my dress. Perhaps it is dirty for I have been playing around on the grass all day.

"Indeed it is. She is a part of our family, is she not? She suits you quite well. You already have your hands full with her even though you are merely a juvenile, this little one shall definitely make it harder for you." Alpha Ares utters a gentle look in his eyes as he peers down at me.

Who is this she? Another friend of Phobos? A female other than me? Curiosity sparks within me again to their conversation. I do not understand a word yet I do know it is a wolf that is close to Phobos.

"I cannot wait for when she will be ready," Phobos says.

"Have you been training her?" Alpha Ares questions.

"Yes, father. Rather she forces me to. She is so different compared to other females her age. She never fails to surprise me or catch me off guard." Phobos admits. What? He is training another? Other than me? If so how many?

"That is quite remarkable." Alpha Ares offers me a curt nod of acknowledgement and I frown not understanding anything that is happening. "Phobos, finish up and come for training. This is the first and last time you will go unpunished for being late, do you understand?"

"Yes, father," Phobos replies giving him another bow of respect. Alpha Ares offers me a small smile that I do not return as he turns on his heels and walks back into the shadows of the dense trees.

Peeking back at Phobos with an upset pout I punch him again with my fist. He grunts and acts as though he is in pain whilst falling to the ground rolling around howling with fake misery.

"Who else? Who else are you training? How many friends do you have other than me? I hate you!" I stomp my foot on the ground my hands on my hips.

His playful smile swiftly disappears from my words and he frowns deeply as if I have hurt him. Pulling my hand with a harsh tug I fall onto his lap. It is quite funny how Phobos's actions are so similar to my father for I still love to sit on my father's lap.

"Do not say you hate me, little one. They are words that hold a deep meaning not meant to say with no thought. Do you understand?" He questions peering into my eyes. I have made him upset.

"B-But you..but I-" I begin to form my reasoning as he stops me.

"Do you understand, Theia? You do not say this to wolves you hold close to your heart." He mutters.

It takes time with me drowning in cold silence and him waiting patiently but I give him the answer he wants. "Yes, I understand."

"I do not have many friends, Theia" Phobos answers my previous question.

"But you talked about-"

"You are the only one, Theia. The only one." Phobos whispers striking my worries whilst bringing me into his chest as I calm listening to the beat of his heart. My soul awakens.



Hello, my little wolves,

I hope you enjoyed this chappy. Phobos knows Theia is his mate. Please note that Theia is eight and Phobos is seventeen. His father Alpha Ares and him are the only ones who know the truth behind Theia's and Phobos's bond.

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