The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 36 - His Affection - Part【4】

Then comes Argus's mother Moira shuffling forward a wide grin on her face as he sees the both of them, she laughs along with Argus as Phobos smiles down at her in greeting. A smile? A smile. He has never once beamed at me that way, does her presence make him that happy?

Phobos tickles Argus's belly as the pup screeches whilst Moira regards the both of them with softness. It feels like I am observing...a family. No, I do not like this spectacle. My heart tenses inconsolably as it fights to beat within its enclosure beneath my ribcage. It stings, what is this agonizing feeling of bitterness to their amicable conversation that is brewing within me like a tumultuous storm?

He offers the containers packed with the food I cooked for him to her as Moira takes it from his hands surprisedly. He wanted to grant it to her out of all the others? Why? Who is she to him that he thought of her whilst I was seated on his lap?

My wolf paces in the depths of my mind following what is transpiring before us with low booming gnarls of unrest and dislike. She does not approve of their connection and neither do I, suspicion and jealousy shall ruin us both. He said they were friends but why do I feel this way? So wretchedly unsettled.

"Luna!" The leader of females beckons me with a sternness in her voice she is pestered by my distraction.

"I-I apologize. I haven't trained." I choke out tearing my eyes away from my male. I am finding it challenging to breathe for that disheartened feeling in the pit of my belly is climbing upward to leave a foul taste in my mouth.

"Why have you not trained, is your brother, not an Alpha?" Her inquiry catches me off guard. How does she know who my brother is? Had Phobos familiarised her with my background?

"I did not train because I found there was no need for me to. I was well guarded on my lands." I express my truth. Cronus never let me procure even a single scratch on my flesh, I was looked after. I was cared for.

"Your brother has weakened you. Your pack has failed you." Her words were spilt out with a blink of her eyes. Unhesitant she is to strike me with her savageness uncaring of the title I hold.

"No my brother cared for me. Caring for another is a sign of love and not a defect. My pack has always been good to me."

"Perhaps on your lands it is different but here no one shall shield you. Not even your mate. Here, you fend for yourself." She declares pounding her wooden stick adorned with the skulls of little creatures upon the earth. There is a rise in the pitch of her voice as it resounds through the empty field and it obstructs the discussion my male and his friend were having. The radiation of his orbs penetrates my back. His attention is redirected back to me.

"Am I not your Luna?"

"You are not our Luna yet, you do not deserve neither our respect nor our honour unless and until you demonstrate you are worthy. You show me your strength, you birth that nonexistent power of yours then I shall bow to you."

I hold my jaw shut as taking in long breaths pacifying my storm, what does she want with me then? "What do you want me to do?"

"Today you start with cleaning." She responds as the females behind her once more begin to laugh already comprehending what their leader is hinting at. "Zavi pusu, pokud si vichni nepejete, aby vs biovali." She commands and her females speedily submit to her humbly bowing their heads down to her words.

(Close your mouths if you all do not wish to be whipped)

"Omlouvme se, vdce." They state in unison a flash of terror swims in their globes, as they keep their eyes pasted to the dirt.

(We apologize, leader)

"Today you will load and clean cattle dungs." She instructs her eyes narrowed as though she is expecting me to oppose. All these females view me as though I am a princess, as though I possess none of that wildness they hold within me. With time I shall prove them wrong.

I inspect the nightgown I don currently, it is quite lengthy stretching to my ankles. It will disrupt my duty for today. Without another thought, I bend down shredding the hem of my dress uncovering my thighs for all to see. It shall be more manageable to walk and clean this way.

I do not turn behind to witness the reaction of my male, his behaviour has perturbed me. Am I perhaps being too childish? Is jealousy absurd? But if our roles were reversed and I swung a pup who belonged to a mateless male and chatted with him the same way my mate did with Moira would Phobos not be affected? Is what I am feeling irrelevant?

"Guide me to the place," I speak my voice steady and unfaltering.

"Moira!" The leader summons her and she comes racing towards us.

"Yes, vdce?" Her voice is melodious and faint unlike mine for I possess a shrill one. Is this how she sounds when she discourses with my male? And how does he feel in return, does he find it therapeutic? Does he wish I held such a voice?


"You will take part in the assignment along with her."

"Yes, vdce. I shall lead you there Krlovna." Moira utters as I follow her uncommunicative. My cheerful attitude has been plundered by these females.


The crisp air that skims past my nude legs has me quiver, I am not used to wearing such revealing clothes when the weather is shifting towards winter. Moira escorts me to a nearby area and the sonance of sheep bleating and cows mooing underneath the jailed sheds has me smile.

I like animals, I think they are very cute but I also like eating them. I am their predator after all yet the way these ruffians kill them is vicious. Back home we would put them to sleep and address a prayer for them to the moon thanking them for their life.

"Here, Luna." Moira hands me a shovel that I quickly take from her hand. "I shall show you how it is done."

The female sends out a feeble whistle as the animals swiftly make way for her and I watch on in wonder. She whistled the same way Phobos did with Asger, they seem to understand and differentiate what the varied tones indicate. As the animals move away I am horrified by the volume of excrements I see, I have never heeded such a sight as such before.

She does not seem disgusted by it rather there is no visible transition in her emotions, as she stoops down shovelling the nasty smelling dark brownish goo only to turn and toss them into a cart.

"Just like this, Luna. It shall take a few hours to clean them fully. Once you are finished you can head home to scrub yourself or you can do so in that stall over there. There are some extra tunics stuffed somewhere inside for you to wear after."

"Thank you, Moira," I say entering the shed holding in the bile that threatens to splatter out my tightly shut mouth. Goddess the sight of it is more revolting, I cannot stand it. But it does not mean I cannot do it.

Holding in my breath I mimic her movements, digging the faeces making sure not to accidentally spill some on me. That would rather make me dizzy with repugnance.. When I return to the cabin I shall knit myself a mask for this task shall be easier to undergo next time.

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