The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 146 - The Moon Makes No Mistakes - Part【3】

He would have never given me space after that he would have caged me close to him at all times and would have never let me out of his sight. It would have put a strain on our relationship even more and I did not want that whatsoever.

The sounds of faint whimpers and whines startle me drawing me out from my thoughts and I scurry as fast as I can towards the living room. Luna Ira is often busy attending to the females of the pack and Alpha Giovanni is also frequently occupied with his duties which leaves his five-year-old sister Gianna by herself most of the time. She loves sprinting around the house and often trips and tumbles everywhere. And at times I noticed she was doing so on purpose to gather the attention of her brother who hardly has time to spend with her.

Being with Gianna is always entertaining, she loves to talk and share with me her thoughts on certain things. She is smart, fierce and speaks her mind. Even when her brother raises his voice at certain times her she does not cower but faces him head on her blazing eyes plunging into his. It surprises me how she is and if she were to train back in my pack among the rest she would surely become one of Phobos's top warriors. But on Giovanni's lands, the females are not allowed to train or fight their duties are more feminine. Everything I was taught to be by my mother.

Peering into the living room my eyes search for Gianna scouring the ground attempting to find her crying somewhere. Yet what I do encounter instead is in the corner of the room are Ira and Alpha Giovanni seated upon the couch their backs turned towards me. His palms roughly squeeze and knead her ass cheeks as she straddles him the nape of her neck is flushed as a shade of deep red covers it whilst his face is sunk into her stripped bosom.

The wet sensual sounds of kissing and sucking have my cheeks redden with intensity. "Gio." Ira mewls out her back arching as she shoves her breasts more toward his devouring mouth. Newly mated wolves are always initially passionate but doing this out in the open is quite....well who am I to question this Phobos and I were the same. Wishing to give them the privacy they need I prepare to leave but halt in my tracks as my eyes find Gianna keenly observing them with narrowed questioning eyes peeking through the glass doors that leads to the garden. She looks utterly confused.

My eyes widen as the rhythms of my heart quicken, this is not an appropriate sight for a five-year-old to witness! Though she cannot see much except for their sides she moves around trying to get a better view, that pup's curiosity reminds me so much of myself. Sensing my eyes on her flesh she turns to me and smiles brightly waving her hands at me. "Gianna. Come here." I speak soundless words as to not interrupt the couple whilst she carefully reads my mouth. Understanding what I said she folds her tiny hands across her chest and pouts turning her face away from me. She is upset that she is left alone once more.

"Enough Gio, we must stop now. We have duties to attend to." Ira's pleading voice garners my attention but I do not look at them keeping my reprimanding eyes on the naughty adamant pup.

"It is still early in the morning. Let me taste your cunt, Ira." Alpha Giovanni rasps out dripping with heavy arousal and I detect an eager squeal followed by moans of pleasure. Oh goddess, how do I get to Gianna without revealing myself to them? This situation is so uncomfortable, I do not do well with such things. Though I am convinced Alpha Giovanni would not mind if I interfered but Ira would be humiliated by my presence I do not want her to feel that way.

When I take a fleeting cautious peek at them I find that his shirt is off baring his tattooed muscled back that flexes to each of his movements with his jeans that cling loosely around his hips, Ira's legs are seated on his shoulders with his mouth sunk into her pussy as her fingers grip onto his hair. I once more scrutinise Gianna who looks even more confused at their antics.

I bare my teeth in warning at her and she playfully pokes her tongue out at me prancing around like a wild hare mocking me. Having had enough of this I stride out through the back entrance doing my best to step faster despite my heavy belly. I understand their need to be close to each other but they should know how inquisitive and mischievous Gianna is. But Ira has complained to me many times that the little pup barely gives them time to be alone with one another so I also understand it is not easy.

Once reaching the garden I whisper out harshly to the little one keeping my voice low as to not disturb the mates consumed by passion on the other side of the glass doors. "If you do not come with me this instant, I will not play with you anymore." She jerks at my words and turns her startled gaze towards me.

She flashes her growing teeth at me and I stifle a chuckle as a furious growl booms out her small chest and I gasp for it has been caught by Alpha Giovanni's sharp ears. He instantly rises from between Ira's legs and his striking eyes collide with my broadened ones. I feel like a deer caught in headlights as my cheeks flush wildly to his bewildered frown. Well, this is quite awkward.. He unhurriedly rakes his eyes down my being and discovers Gianna hiding behind my back her tiny palm clutching onto the material of my skirt seeking protection from her brother's wrath.

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