The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 140 - Unanswered - Part【4】

There is once more a profound quietude that follows his words for she is pondering over it and Cronus gives her time being patient with her.

"All right, I will be there soon and then we can talk." We both sigh with relief. I am not sure what he would have done if she refused I do think he possesses a backup plan. She seems to be my only way out.

"Do you need me to pick you up?"

"No that would be a risk as you desire for secrecy. I can drive there, let me just take Kal from his crib and make him sleep next to his father so he is distracted and won't seek my presence for a while."

"Thank you, Lumina."

"You know I love you Cronus, I would do anything for you. I will see you soon." As soon as he ends the call and stuffs his phone into his back pocket I wring my fingers together against my lap anxiously waiting for his next instructions.

"Here is what we are going to do since we have very little time. First, you will answer these questions. Are you certain that you want to leave your male for a while? Are you absolutely sure of it? And tell me you will not regret this whatsoever."

My lips wobble and my hands tremor to his questions. This decision of mine could end everything I have fought for all my life, everything Phobos and I have created as one so far. But...I do not want to return to his side at least for a while longer. I need to breathe I need time to heal and forgive if possible. Him kissing Moira, him calling her name with that gentleness, him allowing her to touch him like that is all I can picture in my mind and it torches me alive.

"Look at me." The loudness of his voice raises as he seizes my chin and compels me to meet his smouldering eyes. "This is not a game. I am putting everything on the line for you, my pack, our family and now Lumina. So I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me you are sure of it. That this decision is not ruled by pure emotionality that your mind is the one making the conclusion, not your heart."

I give him a terse nod of assurance though my heart and soul are resisting me with everything they have within them. My wolf collapses to the ground high-pitched whines leaving her mouth as she beckons her male from the cage I put her in. She does not deserve this but neither do I. I will not return to him that easily for only from loss will he truly know the goodness he held in his arms. "I am sure of it, I have made my decision. I will not regret this."

His orbs search mine studying them intensely, he is attempting to glimpse at my truth. Lips lie but eyes do not. Once he has gotten his answer and finds it to be satisfactory he gives me a curt nod and returns to lay his back upon his seat whilst removing his outer pale blue denim jacket and handing it to me. "We will go inside now, and you will follow me quietly without making a single sound. I need to hide you from our parents and from the sharp eyes of my wolves. Wear that jacket over your head and make sure your face is covered am I understood?"


"Once Lumina arrives you will take a pregnancy test, Theia." The abruptness of his command has me choke on my breath and enter into a state of continuous coughing. My breath is retained in the base of my throat my eyes wide as I turn to face him with astonishment.

"A-A pregnancy test? Why?" I haven't told him or anyone from my family about my infertility it will surely show negative.

"So I know the enormity of the risk I am taking on your behalf. If there is a chance you are pregnant you will need to reconsider your decision."

"I am not pregnant Cronus."

"And I will need you to take that test to prove it, Theia." He vacates the car without another word indirectly conveying to me that it is not up for debate. He closes the door behind him and I do the same whilst shrouding my face and head with his jacket. He comes over to me and does a thorough scan of my being inspecting to see if nothing gives me away. The rhythms of my heart quicken as I take a peek at the mansion from beneath my lashes. Running from Phobos is gradually proving to be difficult. To think that I would have to hide from my own parents and friends is truly amusing, I cannot even seek solace from them or obtain advice. This is how greatly I am bound to him.

Cronus lightly pats my head as though I am a pup garnering back my attention, he has a tender smile on his face as he looks down at me. "You need not worry about anything, I will protect you with my life. You are my twin part of my soul belongs to you, Theia." His lips brush my cheek and all I wish to do is submit to his warmth and remain there for a long time until the storm of my heart has calmed.

When my brother and I ultimately locked ourselves in his massive room where no one dared to enter, he had reached out to Lumina several times to make sure she was doing fine. Keeping secrets from your male is no effortless task and I seem to have forced her to do so and I feel awful. Deimos will come to know soon on his own his conversations with my male will perhaps make him suspect Lumina and she might get punished all because of this one secret. Though I wonder if she will ever let him punish her. She is different from me stronger more untamed a true...queen.. A female I wish to one day become.

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