The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 11 - My Male

WARNING: - This chapter contains light sexual content not suitable for young readers.


"Theia! Theia!" A youthful female of merely twelve years runs towards me her chest heaving breathlessly, eyes overflowing with anxiety.

"What is it?" I am swift to arise from my seat hastily proceeding to her side to receive her concerns.

"Deimos is fighting again. It is unusual this time, a crowd has gathered." She mutters as my eyes close with exhaustion, a deep sigh passing my lips. I had foreseen it but I truly hoped he would behave until he leaves to return to the castle.

"Take me to him."

Whilst she directs me to the fight all I can ponder is how Cronus shall lose his patience with him today. This is the ultimate straw; he shall be thrust out by him even before the skies darken. He was doing exceptionally well the past few days, staying sober preparing for his departure next week. What has happened? Had a male irked him, discoursed of his frailty or his parent's death?

"Who caused the fight? Were you able to behold it?" I inquire. Perhaps if his opponent commenced it, I could still save Deimos from my brother's wrath.

"I am sorry, Theia. I wasn't there when it started."

"It is all right. Thank you for notifying me." I ruffle her hair with a delicateness. If she had gone to Cronus first rather than me, Deimos wouldn't even possess the chance to say his farewell wishes.

My ears perk up to the dins of disturbing grunts and groans of injury, flesh meeting flesh with a cruelty that worries me from within. I despise violence, it is something that I cannot endure viewing. And because of this, I had ceased training with the female warriors a few years ago. It wasn't that I couldn't spar or I was not competent at it. It was solely because I was incapable to manage witnessing bleeding limbs and overhearing the rackets of infliction of brutality.

I hasten towards the raging commotion stirring through wolves attempting to get through to the final circle. As I win my place my orbs broaden to what I heed in front of me. Deimos bleeds from the manifold bruises he has received. His cheeks are profoundly cut with ruthlessness, lips split flesh torn into two yet he fights back with vigour, with a sizzling determination. This is the very first time I have seen him battling back with a vengeance. Perhaps this is not to forget his misery but to reveal it.

His eyes are moist with unspeakable emotion, lips pulled back to display his cutting teeth. He is truly enraged with his opponent. I am unable to see the male whom he is challenging, all I can discern is the broadness of his back and his unfathomably toned muscled flesh that could instil awe among any wolf. He is certainly not a juvenile.

Fear for Deimos saturates my being seeing whom he has dared to go against this time. I am unable to procure the wolf's scent either for there is a mixture of diverse smells of my pack members who are present.

I squint my eyes aspiring to comprehend who this male is. The blondeness of his short cut hair, the thickness of his veins prominent upon his ripped biceps and the density in his grunts explicate to me that I do not know him. Who is he? I merely get quick glimpses of his flesh making it tricky to detect him with precision. The way he fights is not how our pack is trained, I know our war tactics.

I gasp as a conclusion of the circumstance is keen to sink in, this male is not from my pack.

"Quick go fetch my brother, say an intruder is present and he must hurry." I urge the female at my side driving her gently towards the right path as she nods eagerly and sprints towards where Cronus is training with his warriors.

The wolf is able to dodge Deimos's every potential attack with ease as though he can predict it revealing to me his years of discipline and practice. This male is tremendously skilled we must be cautious and vigilant with interrogating him; he might have accompanied others lurking here on our lands hidden to sight.

I must warn father as well to get our warriors alert. But I do not follow what is happening. Why is the wolf merely brawling with Deimos as though he was his prime target? Why are my pack wolves standing around the two males whispering and chattering amongst each other as though watching a show? They are the least worried about this unidentifiable male's presence as though they recognise him.

Deimos conveys his ferocity as he gives his best to obtain a blow to the male's cheek yet the wolf does not seem to be angered calmy dodging his attacks and at times letting Deimos take what he desires on purpose. The male enables Deimos to hit him.

Their fight is raw and viciously unforgiving both unmerciful to the other, I cannot stop this for it is a way Deimos can procure time until Cronus arrives. I clench my eyes shut to the savagery of the males on display uncaring of the several eyes watching them.

"He is it at it again. When will Alpha Uranus acknowledge this male's immaturity and kick him out?" An older male whispers his displeasure with Deimos to another who stands close by his side.

"I agree. We must perhaps sign a petition and give it to him. Just because his pups adore Deimos and Alpha Ares was a true friend to Alpha Uranus does not mean there is a need to raise this rebel anymore. He is of age already." He responds from his side.

These wolves are unaware of anything merely using their empty mouths to begin gossip and spread vileness. Rage fills me to their thoughtless words, as I stride towards them with a purpose to stand up for the rebel they speak of.

"You do not know any-" Before I could rebuke those wolves for their sickening words Cronus's resounding voice echoes through the field.

"Stop at once!" He roars with coercion that propels our wolves to quickly duck their heads carried by a whimper to his mighty madness. His chest heaves as he tries to take in deep breaths to calm his essence, whilst his limbs are glazed with his sweat. He ran here with an unimaginable speed I believe. Reassurance is agile to finally descend within me for he has appeared to Deimos's liberation as always.

Deimos and his opponent suspend the conflict promptly paying heed to my brother's leadership. "Turn around so we can see you. Who are you and how did you enter my pack lands? Did you slay our scouts?" His voice is smooth and calm but I know what is burrowed within expecting to be unleashed as he investigates the foreign wolf who is a threat to our territory.

The male ultimately shifts to face us but he does so with an unbelievable slowness until my anticipation leaps off the edge. As soon as I accept the features held upon his face an audible sharp gasp is swallowed by my open mouth. My eyes widening with an extremity heart pulsating with a breathtaking fierceness. I am unable to exhale for my throat swells overpowering me to take short puffs of air to coincide with the rapid pace of my hammering heart.

"Phobos?" Cronus beckons his name with uncertainty and the truth is delivered to me.

"Cronus." Phobos greets back with a curt nod of acknowledgement, a sound I cannot decipher. There is a lowness and depth to his voice that shocks me of the male he has become.

"It really is you! I-I cannot believe this. I am speechless." Cronus laughs his eyes broadened with a positive surprise. Is this why my pack wolves were not threatened as some identified him? It was a fight of brothers.

There is strife that unfolds within me as I aim to breathe and remain still whilst my being sways to the magnitude inflicted upon me to his unexpected presence. I am unable to comprehend if this is reality or perhaps one of the dreams I have of him every night.

I need to go away, I-I cannot linger here. I must flee before I am introduced. I do not know how to face him. I do not know what to say to him. Numerous emotions rise to take control within me, my heart and mind at war.

"I hold so many questions for you. I do not even know where to start, I find myself to be wordless at the moment." Cronus chortles peering back and forth from an agitated Deimos to a calm faintly smiling Phobos.

Run. Run. Run.

"Theia! Look who has arrived." Cronus beams at me pointing his finger at Phobos.

I swallow harshly clenching my jaw pressing in my emotions. I wish to run into his arms, hug him and kiss him. Say how much I missed him and yearned for him. But his betrayal of our promises, the undeniable chance that he may possess a mate, my wicked sinful wishes to devour him tears me apart from inside. I am rooted to my spot as though an ethereal barrier encloses me leaving me with no escape.

Phobos stiffens, a sharp jolt of his back to Cronus's words as he nonchalantly turns to finally regard me. Vividly striking ocean blues meet mine. It is as though I am struck by sudden lighting I cannot hold the intensity of his gaze as he passionately licks up my flesh capturing my matureness and changes of my being that has occurred over the past few years.

He starts from my ankles slithering up to my uncovered thighs, ravishing my belly and wide thick hips then my heavy ample breasts. Ocean blues tantalise and linger upon my bare neck only to instantly progress and feast on my full red lips. He engraves them with an alluring slowness and the world around me fades. All I see is him.

I swallow once more taking feeble steps backwards away from the hot flares of his orbs. He observes my every movement, my every action be it the smallest of all. "Theia." He greets with that sonorous voice he possesses. How I yearned for him to call my name, my dreams are nothing compared to this.

A cutting intake of breath comes from my side to the way he beckons me. The way he summons me is how a beloved would, how a mate would. Do I desire him so much that I am assuming things now? He is a deceiver, a cunning male. But he is also the male I hallucinate every night. This is not genuine, none of this is.

"I-I shall go inform mother and father," I murmur hurriedly averting my eyes away from his running to where my parents reside. A shelter I seek, it shall protect me from my insanity and his roguish blues.

The heat of his smouldering gaze upon my fleeing back scorches me. I dash faster eager to escape his powerful bounds.

"Papa!" I beckon him as I force open the door to his quiet warm office.

"What is it, Theia?" He says peering up at me from his table setting the book he holds onto the wood whilst mother casually sips on her tea perched comfortably upon the sofa.

"Phobos is here," I declare watching him intently for his reactions.

"Yes, I know."

"What do you mean? How do you know?" I question frowning at his words.

"He asked my consent to come to visit a few days ago."

"Why did you not tell me, father? Why did you not assemble wolves to welcome him at the gates?" There is a vexatious raise in my voice as I explicate my upsetness about his choices. Perhaps if he had informed me earlier I would have had the time to prepare myself and not be taken off guard by him.

"I thought it shall be a surprise for you. You were close with him as a pup were you not? I did not welcome him for he requested me not to. He holds some personal issues to resolve with Deimos and did not wish to gather attention." He responds sauntering towards mother refilling her cup of tea whilst planting a delicate kiss on her forehead to which she smiles up at him tenderly.

"This is not a surprise for me, father. I am not happy." A flash of teeth I offer him whilst turning my back to him shutting the door behind me without speaking another word.

Happy? How can I be happy? I am in torment.

Muffled vibrant chatter of males demands my attention, the source emanating from the living room. Whether I like it or not I must confront him, even if it means I must face my sins. All I need to do is act in a way that he does not discover my craving for him.

I take meek quiet steps towards them, well aware that his teasing orbs shall rest upon my flesh once more. I begin to count inaudibly within my head, my private way of calming my nervousness.

"Why did you not come all these years?" Cronus questions as I enter through the room's arch and indeed I have become the centre of attention. "Theia, did you notify them?"

"Yes." That is all I say whilst taking a seat opposite the two brothers. Deimos holds an ice pack to his swollen cheek as he is quietly slumped down in his seat.

I do not look at Phobos, peering down at my lap playing with my fingers. I know he is waiting. Waiting for me to meet his eager eyes and finally speak to him and say my greeting, I do not heed him.

"I couldn't come." I shiver at his voice a quick jolt of want going straight to my core. He possesses a seductive voice, one like none other. I have never heard such a bewitching voice before. "I had to show my loyalty to my pack."

"What do you mean?" Cronus questions.

"When I left the castle, I took an oath to be their Alpha. Each day I had to undergo a test to show my worthiness to them. I must put the pack first at all times." He replies as my eyes glimpse at his thighs, they are broad and toned with muscle. He must train all the time.

"I hope your pack is quite happy to see how you abandoned your brother. You proved it to me Phobos."

"What did I prove to you, Deimos?" There is a calmness in his voice as he asks his brother.

"That I am not your family anymore." Sincerely hurt forest greens meet his brother's as though he never wishes to see them again.

"You are my family."

"Then where were you when mother and father died? Where were you when I needed your shoulder? All you needed to do was come see me for a day." Deimos whispers his truth.

"You know the distance of this pack and mine is large. I couldn't afford to leave them unprotected for even a day. You are not an Alpha yet; you possess no such duty as mine. My pack needed me."

I needed you, Phobos. I needed you.

I want to scream it at him, throw a tantrum and reveal to him all the pain he inflicted within me. But still, I remain untroubled and tranquil listening to their conversation not uttering a single word for his statements merely show me how least of value I am to him.

I understand how his pack demanded him and the distance between us but everything he says I find to be an invalid excuse.

"And even if I did come to your side, I wouldn't have been able to support you Deimos. You needed to mourn and heal by yourself in your way just as I did." Phobos remarks with strictness to his words. Deimos does not reply to his brother merely keeping his thoughts to himself and digesting his words. It makes sense, but eight years is too long. He must earn forgiveness from Deimos.

"And what now? You can come and go as you please?" Cronus asks him leaning forward showing his interest.

"No, I still do not possess that type of freedom but after eight years of severe discipline, I have selected my Beta. He is new at it and can manage while I am away only for a while. I leave today before nightfall."

My heart clenches further with pain, so he shall not even stay for a day? If this is how much he adores his pack, there was no need for him to come here in the first place. It is as though he came purely for the sake of it and not because he missed us.

"I shall leave to claim my seat at my pack in a few days," Deimos speaks to his brother removing the ice pack from his cheek regarding him with neutral eyes.

"Yes, I heard. I am proud of you, brother." All I hear are his words, I cannot decipher his actions or the emotions he beholds in his eyes for my orbs are still glued to my lap.

"Theia, why are you so quiet?" Shall I excuse myself now? "Theia?"

I startle at the suddenness of my name being called and glimpse up at Cronus. "Yes?"

He frowns with confusion. "Are you feeling all right? You seem hot." Perhaps it is because I have my mouth shut with a simmering rage that pleads to be unleashed on the captivating male who sits opposite to me.

"I do not feel well."

"Why what has happened?" Cronus asks with concern. It is because of him, of this male who has arrived! But how can I say that out loud, I can neither tell the truth nor lie to him so I make the best choice. To bolt.

"P-Please excuse me." I rise not giving either of the males another glance marching to my room with an urgentness to retreat.

"Theia!" Cronus beckons me with concern whilst I ignore him and climb the stairs to my room. I know they are all questioning my antics for I am never like this. I am always welcoming when wolves arrive but with him it is different.

Closing the door of my room I begin tidying up to soothe my mind. He shall perhaps resolve his conflicts with Deimos and leave for after all isn't that what he came for? Our promises meant nothing to him, that day when he left I knew this would happen.

I had foreseen these events way before any other wolf did for I knew him better than others. I knew his priorities would change and so would he as a male. It is inevitable. But a part of me hoped it would be like this, that it might be different.

I hoped he would at least keep the promises he made to that pup he adored. But wishes truly do not come true. Fairytales are for the hopeless.

The door to my room opens behind me as I casually fold my clothes placing them upon my bed. "Cronus, I am simply tired. Do not worry." I utter to my brother for he always comes inside to comfort me even if he felt the slightest of changes in my body language or emotions.

Being met only with a sheer silence I turn around with a sigh only to bear clear ocean blues. I gasp taking a speedy step backwards away from his searing heat.

"Hello, Theia."

"P-Phobos," I whisper his name stuttering as I greet him. My heart once more hammering deep beneath my rib cage to his proximity.

He paces towards me with spirit until there is an inch of space between us, uncaring of my feelings. His crisp succulent scent saturates every pore of my flesh shackling my limbs in awe of him. He is so much taller than me, but I am quite used to this for most males are but Phobos is of a complex breed. He is an adult male, not the juveniles I am familiar with. Goddess, his heat is unendurable I cannot stand it.

"How have you been?" He probes eyes lingering on my lips as he stares at them with a want. No, a need.

"Good. And you?" I ask him breathlessly meeting his maddening ardent orbs as he arrests a loose strand of my locks with his fingertips drawing it to his lips as he kisses it tenderly plucking me off guard with his fervid antics.

"I have been good as well." He responds taking another step forth to seal the space between us as I recoil and flee from him as a frightened lamb to the other side of my room consuming huge gulps of air attempting to calm my mortal heart that cannot seem to handle his casual ethereal actions.

"Do you not recognize me, Theia?"

"Of course, I do. You are Phobos." I am prompt to answer him guarding him intently from the opposite side of my chamber analyzing his every advance preparing to run again if his deeds call for it. This has become a hunt. His words he told me as a pup come forth in my mind, predator and prey.

"No, I am speaking of my soul." He confers to me his condemnation of my antics; he does not approve of it. Me escaping his fatal limbs, me forcing space between us.

"I do not understand."

"Where is your wolf, I can neither see nor smell her?" My cheeks burn with a remorseless embarrassment at his inquisition. I wished he wouldn't ask me about it.

"I am a late bloomer; she is still resting underneath." His eyes swell mildly in shock yet he covers it instantly not permitting me to seek his truth to my news further. It is as though he is troubled with what I have told him.

"Have you resolved your issues with Deimos? That is why you came here is it not?" I question with a hint of taunt in my voice, aspiring to conquer my tremors that wish to be unleashed.

He tilts his head insignificantly to the side hands plunged deep into his pockets. "I came here for you as well, Theia."

I scoff at his dishonesty whilst he grimaces at my action not being able to comprehend why I am behaving this way with him. He deems he can just barge in here and make me succumb to him with his honey-coated words just because of our past.

"I shall go and prepare the guest-chamber for you. You must be weary from your travel; you can unwind before your departure." I utter advancing towards the door setting my palm on the doorknob opening it but startle as a large calloused palm is laid over my head upon the flatness of the wood to close the door with fervour.

There is an impure animalistic urgency that gorges me up from within to the sensation of his flesh behind me. Can he perceive it, my violent trembles? Can he breathe it, my lustful arousal?

His other hand hurries forward with an unruly gravity to bolt it. "What are you doing, Phobos?" Teeth sink deep into my lower lip as I pray to the goddess to aid me.

"I'd rather rest here with you." He hums the cruel hotness of his breath caresses the skin of my stripped neck. I shudder at the electrifying tingles that eject from below my bones. Crushes are truly deathly.

This is dangerous.

"You cannot."


"Why, Theia?" He whispers as he leans forward towards my desperation whilst his hips gently roll forth with merciless greed to settle against my bum. Lewd thick lips tenderly nibble and tug on my earlobe merely to appease his one desire. To savour.

I am weak to shift and meet him for my cheeks blaze with vehemence yet he does not pause his pervertedness for his tongue soothes the reddening of his bite with a wet passionate lick. Palms descend to spread upon on either side of my supple and vulnerable waist drawing me to his chest.

He breathes me in with a naked rawness, his touch kindling a certain unfathomable fire deep inside my soul, I cannot put it into words for it is chaste euphoria. I have never been touched by a male like this before, it is my first.

"Did you not say for me to not fasten doors with a male inside?"

"I certainly said you can with me when you are of age." His nose dives into my golden locks whilst he inhales deep a moan of absolute bliss crossing through his lips as though my scent tortures him. "I've missed you, Theia."

Missed me? How can he caress me like this and cheat me concurrently? How can he do this to me? Does he find me to be this innocent?

"Let go of me," I mutter a feeble cry of dejection escaping my quivering lips which he does not catch. Tears briskly well in my eyes to my heart that bends and tears to the wild variations of his expressions and actions.

"I do not want to rather I cannot do so. "

I forcibly withdraw and separate my flesh from his gratifying bounds to wander away from him once more. A predatory snarl of disapproval emits from his chest, teeth displayed to me with a fierceness. "Why do you keep running from me?"

"I demand you to vacate my room." Tears gush down my cheeks with an unyielding adamance as he lowers to my wild trade of emotions, he does not realise why I am whining or why I seem to be perturbed with him.

"Are you not pleased that I am here? Why are you vexed with me?"

"You truly do not know why? That itself proves to me your intentions." A flaming glare of indignation is hurled his way despite my dejected weeping.

"Stj. Come here, drah. It has been eight years since I have beheld you, I do not wish to fight you this way. Tell me." His palm hastily jails my wrist yanking me to him as I grapple against his firm but delicate grasp on me with a vengeance.

(Stop. Come here, beloved.)

"You p-possess not even a single notion as to why I am unsettled with you, is this how you regard me with no value when I cherish you so much. No, do not touch me." I cry with my fondness for him as he calmly regards me observing my features and my terms.

As I prepare to depart from his unrelenting emerging heat and neglect the room he is keen to foretell it and seize me by my waist to hoist me up off my feet so that I shall have no room to escape him anymore.

He carries me with ease as though I bear no weight despite my weak protests, his eyes occupy a profound seriousness within them. Gently settling me upon my mattress he hovers above me, my trembling flesh caged beneath him.

Silence consumes us as he lovingly regards me whilst I wordlessly weep blanketing my orbs with the rear of my palms.

His hands delicately lift them away unveiling my eyes to him. "Look at me. Is it because of my broken promises?"

My eyes widen to his sudden revelation meeting his earnest blues with my blurry ones. He remembers it, he realises it. Then why-

"I truly sought to fulfil them in every way I could but it was challenging. I was unable to on several circumstances though I knew you would be expecting. But know this, you were never disregarded not even for a second. So, I retained the oath I could to you."

"Which promise?" My eyes sink deep into his seeking his truth.

"The promise that you shall live in my soul every second of the day, I kept it. Forgive me, Theia." He implores whilst the tips of his thumbs rub my tears away from beneath my eyes, his own dispirited perhaps by the fact he has made me cry.

"I-It is not a simple matter."

"I know." He nods his shockingly crystalline blue globes studying every feature beheld upon my profile.

"You must earn it,"

"I shall. Anything for you." He declares orbs burning with determination as he consents to my command with no wavering.

The unsecured straps of my dress slip down my shoulders to hang loosely at my sides due to my continuous nonstop movements. Unbelievably daring blues catch the fall with a barbarous passion forcing him to ultimately examine our position.

My dress has advanced further up my quivering thighs whilst the upper swell of my breasts peeks out my attire with a naive enticement. They seem to shine with a vigour that his carnal blues indulge brazenly in with an immoral craving. My flesh summons him as a siren would and he grapples to answer her beguiling melody. He fights to breathe, his firm palms shivering with the magnitude of the attempt to restrain his beast that stands haughtily behind barriers admiring me.

"P-Phobos what is wrong?" I search his eyes that seem to be suffocating in torment as I raise my hand to softly caress his cheek.

His flesh shivers vigorously his eyes tensed shut a frown residing between his eyebrows. "Do not wear apparels such as this anymore, Theia. Your flesh is not meant for the eyes of any other but mine."

"I-I do not understand. What is wrong with it? It is my beloved one." I protest to his instructions, the meaning of his words I do not comprehend.

Phobos's left palm succumbs to the call of my being as he lays it upon my naked thigh slipping upward revealing more and more of my flesh to his wicked eyes that feast on every inch of my slowly exposed legs.

My mouth opens with a demand to pacify my palpitating essence, this is what I had ached for. This is what I dreamt of each haunting night for the past few years. Yet the significance of his embraces weakness me driving me to my knees causing a want to beg him to deliver more. To liberate me from my lustfulness. Canines descend into my lower lip, an attempt to prison the words of passion that hope to restrain him.

"Goddess help me." He appeals to the moon as though he found our current situation to be agonizing.

"What are you doing, Phobos? Are you all right?" I chuckle beaming up at his antics. Such a peculiar male he is.

"No, I am not all right. I am famished Theia. A hunger that cannot be sated no matter the number of times of my...release."

"Why don't you eat? Shall I prepare you something? I am good at cooking; it is my pride." I mutter my chest puffing with my contentment of the skill I possess. Most males tend to be spellbound by my dishes.

"Hush, stop talking." He pleads in bestial anguish, gripping the quilt within his tremoring palm for dear life.


"Do not move these lips of yours." There is a hint of a corrupt warning in his tone, unblinking dilating globes daring me to proceed chatting despite his sensual caution.

"That is quite arrogant of you to sa- " The end of my sentence is sacrificed by the raw carnal crudity of his lips that coincide mine with a sizzling fevour that sets the entirety of my being aflame. His orbs do not flutter close rather are wide open drinking my reaction to relish on. Phobos is cruel uncaring that this is my first kiss claiming what he wants with no shame. A pure beast.

His kiss is relentless providing me with no room to breathe, my eyes clench shut to the new scalding awareness that enkindle my flesh. Awareness of this sexual being that is ravaging my lips. I clutch the material of his shirt as I struggle to give my lungs the air they demand.

"Breathe through your nose, Theia."

Thick lean fingers seize my jaw positioning my face to take his sultry tongue that is rammed into the warmth of my mouth as he samples every nook and corner. A muffled groan of satisfaction escapes his lips as though he is sipping on rich honeyed wine.

Does he know? Know that I desire him? I haven't even confessed. This is naughty. This is forbidden and immoral. Mother said I must stay pure until I meet my moon blessed. But this is Phobos. The ocean eyed destructive male I fancied each night for the foregoing years. I am unfathomably enticed by him I cannot hinder this. His insatiable touches, his unkind passion. He is making me into a delinquent.

Panties soaked, my cunt dripping with my hedonistic hankering to have him inside me. "Phobos." I mewl my toes curling inward to the unscrupulous pleasure conveyed to me. For some, it is merely a kiss but to the naive inexperienced me this is everything.

He withdraws his lips from my aching swelled ones, his are lustrous and red for he has had his way with them. I peek down with a tremendous shyness my cheeks flaring with a compulsion to the way he regards me. Phobos's left palm that yet lays below my dress over the fever of my flesh glides downward to hook beneath my thighs and haul me to his girth in one robust tug.

My eyes widen, a perverse gasp drew in as a jolt of excitement is shot straight to my dampened sex. His straining cock is positioned to nestle firmly against my pussy.

"Forgive me. I pray you and the moon pardon me for I cannot stop myself." His voice drips with his lascivious thirst. Nuzzling his face into the side of my neck canines extract to descend toward my skin, not to claim or mark but to leave an indent of his overwhelming gluttony for me.

"P-Phob-" My call to him is replaced by a piercing hoarse moan of delight to the intoxicating and vigorous thrust of his hips into mine. My body quivers not with fear but with a yearning I never knew I possessed. To swallow him whole.

This is so distinct compared to the fantasies I owned of him. So much more favourable. Deliberate pumps are propelled forward straight onto my leaking cunt. I feel the length of him over my clothes. It is as though he truly is claiming me for I indulge in the hardness of his thick cock and the warmth he portrays in his blues proving to me he yearns the same way I do. Phobos groans into my neck his body eager and flushed. He burns for me.

His impassioned tongue savours the delicateness of my neck relishing the taste with villainous succulent sucks. Ecstasy. I am in paradise.

"I wish to devour you like this, relentlessly over and over until my beast and I are filled." His truth is delivered to me as my concealed breasts bounce heavily to his unbroken nefarious thrusts.

His hips seem to possess a mind of its own, forcefully piercing and severe he humps me. Equal undeniable pleasure delivered to both that instils a thought within me. How would it feel to cream him inside me? Impatient fingertips pull down the plump meat of my lower lip with a mouth-watering longing that confines him. He demands another taste.

Surrendering to that demand Phobos plunges towards me to claim my lips again with zealous greediness bestowing to me just how much he needed this. He sucks and nips them moulding them with his own. It is as though he has discovered his latest addiction.

"C-Can I touch you?"

"I do not deem that is a safe thought, drah". He pants his heated breath coating my cheek, words heaved out exotically. Nibbling on my lower lip daringly overlooking his weak warning my fingertips dive beneath his shirt to settle upon his bare belly, my eyes unwavering from his.

His orbs tense shut as he shudders to my stroke. This male is so firm to fondle, muscles peeking out to say their greeting. Fingertips slide down to lay upon his throbbing cock over his jeans. I blush as the awareness of what I am caressing engulfs me. It is my first time exploring a male, I wish to see what lies underneath but it would be too brazen of me to ask that from him.

His fingers clamp tightly around the railing of my bed as his orbs shift from blues to a vivid gold. The beast mounts forward regarding me intently with his storming wild eyes.

My eyes broaden as I yield to the king who has arisen. I have never met him before; he is absolutely breathtaking. He does not speak merely examines me from head to toe as though he is contemplating my willingness. As I shift to sit up so I can decipher him more precisely he is keen to fist my hair in his palm and draw on it with a coarseness.

An outcry of surprise is heaved from me as his beast bares my neck to his uncompromising eyes as he searches for his spot. What is he doing? What does he want with me?

"W-Wait stop," I whisper my dread of his potential actions that instils dark anxiety within me.

His mouth opens wide faint growls of redemption reverberating from his chest, he leaps downward speedily to immerse his fangs into tissue.

"No! You cannot, stop it!" I squeal my heels kicking his belly, his thighs and his chest in an attempt to get him away from me.

His beast merely grasps my jaw and turns me once more endangering the side of my neck to his teeth. He stoops with a speed as though he shall never be able to get another chance like this.

"Phobos, stop him!" I shriek my eyes welling up with tears as I bathe in a state of panic. Canines sink into my flesh and the entirety of my being freezes with a fright that immobilizes me. What has he done?

Barely before his beast could fully declare me as his Phobos flings himself away from me plummeting to the ground writhing to the other side of my room wheezing fiercely with his incapability to breathe well. Battling his beast must be arduous.

I sit there dumbfounded adding pressure to my neck that bleeds with a violentness making sure to not look at it for I will undoubtedly collapse.

"H-He tried to mark me. I do not understand. Why? I am not your-" Consciousness of it all swamps me savagely in quicksand as I peer up at him with betrayed eyes who is slumped by the door wearily at the other side of my chamber. I hadn't expected this. Never in my wildest dreams did I see this as a possibility. "Tell me. Have you found your female, Phobos?"


"I have." His eyes glance away from mine as though he wished the truth wouldn't come to light. He hurls forth his first fire coated arrow straight to my heart.

"Have you claimed her?"

"I have not."

"Why haven't you?"

"Because she is not ready."

"What if she is ready?"

"She is not. I cannot face my pack if I take her as she is now for her wolf still sleeps. They will not let me fight for her; she is weak." His second arrow strikes, the skin that preserves my heart peels for the very first time.

"Then you do not regard her with honour."

"I always have and I continually will. But she did not heed my instructions to train, she cannot handle blood or violence. She will be seen as dishonourable and shameful in my pack. My pack is pitiless and unsparing. She will encounter no welcome. "

"Then what about you? Are you disappointed in her? Do you find her undeserving?"

Do not hurt me, Phobos. You know me.

"Yes." His third arrow strikes impelling a little deeper into the tender flesh of my heart. It splits it into two.

"Would you ever find her ready to claim her as yours?"

"My pack decides for me." He is remorseless with his words only delivering to me the truth. I make up my mind.

"Leave Phobos, I do not wish to see you again." I gaze away picking up the blanket concealing my flesh from his eyes. I feel nauseated and sickened with myself. Pack before his moon blessed. My soul mourns.

"Do you truly wish for it? Is this what you want? You know nothing of what I have fought for or my bodily war when it came to you. Theia." He challenges as I turn away hiding my sobs from him with determination to defeat my love for this male. I am damned.

Years of pure agony and unfiltered misery to the feelings I possessed of him. Years of envy, hope and not understanding why I felt his way for him. It all makes sense now. He knows nothing of eerie frosty twilights I spent weeping in my bed to the soaring emotions I couldn't decipher. He knows nothing of my yearning or the days he condemned me to be a sinner.

Eyes meet his with a maddening scowl. "No. You know nothing, Phobos."

He was an exceptional deceiver but so was I with myself for my love for him never faded despite my constant irritation with myself and him rather it evolved to new heights. How could I not adore him, when at the end of the day he was solely, utterly and completely, my male.



Hello, my little wolves,

Phobos is a beast. He takes what he wants, that is all. I am sure this came as a surprise to you as Theia realised she is his, she cannot feel the bond though as her wolf is still asleep. I am aware most of my readers thought she was oblivious, she was aware 🙂

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