The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

Chapter 242 Naran Disciples Have Arrived

<Energy Mountain>

"Usopp, Toria, what are you guys planning on doing?!" Asked Ray in a low voice.

"You three." He gestured at Ash, Ray and Rock. "Scram!" There was an ominous look in Toria's eyes, no trace of any civility in his words. Powerful spiritual energy burst from his body as a suffocating pressure spread.

"Toria, do you think I'm made from mud?!" Rock was also a proud individual. His eyes immediately hardened as he too stepped forward, violence brimming from his eyes as he looked towards Toria.

"Oh, have your balls grown Rock? Do you really believe you've found a reliable backer?" Toria's tone was filled with ridicule.

Rock's gaze turned icy. Spiritual energy swirled around his hands as they faintly expanded, undulations violently pulsing from them.

By Toria's side, the silver hair youth called Usopp spoke up in an indifferent voice, "Rock, this matter does not concern you guys. I advise you to open your eyes a little wider, and not be so easily tricked by others. There are some people who have no ability, but wield their tongues with impeccable finesse."

His gaze seemed to sweep to the back, where black-dressed Ezra Zephyr was seated, clearly putting no effort to conceal the disdain within them.

Ray's lips opened slightly as she calmly said, "What we do is our own business. There's no need for Brother Usopp's concern."

Usopp coldly snorted. "Sister Ray, in our previous bout, your Black Shadow Art really caught me off guard. However, I've now mastered the Sun Light Law, so feel free to come at me again."

Ray frowned a little upon hearing this. She naturally knew that the Sun Light Law just so happened to counter the Black Shadow Art she practised.

Toria coldly chuckled, no longer bothering with them as his gaze looked straight towards the prince. "Ezra Zephyr, didn't you say that we Shiyan disciples can not occupy any of the top ten spots? We're here to find out what right you have to say such things!"

His expression turned serious as he stepped forward, his thunderous voice rumbling across the entire Energy Mountain.

"So get your ass over here!"

"If you don't give us an explanation today, you will not be able to walk out of Energy Mountain!"

Usopp and Toria's thunderous voices echoed, causing the hearts of countless disciples to jump in their chests. From the looks of it, these Shiyan disciples intended to deal with Ezra today.

They obviously knew that Ray Lime and the rest derived their confidence from Ezra Zephyr, so as long as they were able to force him into submission in front of everyone here, the other disciples would naturally understand that the dignity of the Shiyan disciples was not to be challenged.

Gaze after gaze converged on Ezra Zephyr.

Toria sternly looked at Ezra and said, "Mhm. Lowly werewolf, if you apologise to us Shiyan disciples today, we can act as if we never heard those words you said previously. Or else, we Shiyan disciples will not let this go!"

Rock was practically about to explode due to Toria's overbearingness, the former's rage channelled into a single laugh as he said, "If you want to play, I'll happily accompany you!"

Spiritual Energy also began to surge around Ash Bekham and Ray Lime, a sharp iciness brimming in their eyes.

Behind them, the non-Shiyan disciples also got ready to fight. After all, Toria and the rest were being way too outrageous.

If they were allowed to do as they pleased with Ezra Zephyr, the non-Shiyan disciples would no longer have any hopes of rising up against the Shiyan disciples.

"The one who causes trouble should be the one to resolve it. Rock, you guys should stop erring any further."

However, just as Rock and the rest were about to act, a faint voice was suddenly heard. It seemed to bring with it a mighty pressure that instantly made the surging spiritual energy around Rock and the rest grow sluggish.

Rock and gang's expressions changed as they lifted their heads, to find Drake Tubble indifferently looking towards them on his prowess platform nearby.

In the face of Drake's gaze, Rock and the rest immediately felt an indescribable pressure, as if they would be truly suppressed by Drake if they were to go any further.

As the number one individual amongst the outer mountain disciples, Drake's presence made others extremely wary.

"You chicken-hearted thing, all you do is hide far to the rear and come up with all kinds of underhanded tactics. Do you really believe sending trash like them will achieve anything?"

While Rock and the gang's expressions were fluctuating indeterminately, a calm voice broke the deadlock.

Countless gazes looked over, only to see that Ezra had opened his eyes, and was now looking straight at Drake, his words clearly referring to the latter.

Drake's eyes hardened slightly. "All you have is a sharp tongue, and the reason why I don't personally deal with the likes of you is because I do not feel that you have the qualifications."

"What do you mean by 'trash like them'? What right does a mere 2nd Level Core Formation have to put on such airs?!" Toria's expression darkened as he ferociously glared at Ezra, evidently angered by the latter's earlier words of disdain.

"Do you think the likes of you are worthy enough for Brother Drake to take action?!"

The prince's gaze turned a little colder as he looked towards Toria, shaking his head as he said in a soft voice, "Reckless fool."

"What did you say?!" Toria's rage hit its peak. The manner in which Ezra viewed the former as insignificant was really grating hard on his nerves. He truly could not understand why Ezra Zephyr would have the gall to show such an attitude towards him.

The prince shook his head, deciding not to waste any more time arguing. He lazily raised his hand and waved it slightly.


Everybody heard the sound of gusting winds and soon after, hundreds of Naran disciples arrived. Unlike other disciples, they kept a very low profile since the first day. However, the current powerful spiritual energy around them was terrifying.

Especially, the five that were in the lead.

"These right here, are what you call top-tier subordinates. If you like games then I'll provide you with players" Ezra grinned.

"Out of the way, watch me kill him with a single punch today!"

Howled Toria as ferocious spiritual energy exploded. His hands rapidly expanded as faint glowing runes appeared, giving off an endless aura of forceful unyieldingness.

Light flickered in his pupils, detecting a blurry figure dash towards him from an angle.

"Die!" With a fierce cry, his palm suddenly chopped downwards, creating a dozen feet long dipper energy that tore open a glossy deep cut in the ground below.

However, his deadly strike landed on a different spot. The blurry figure seemed to stand in front of Ezra Zephyr, and when they saw the blurry figure they found out that it was Theor Galearms, who parried the attack of Toria.

"Just shielding yourself with people, do you believe you're a turtle?" Ridicule was revealed in Toria's eyes.

Ezra Zephyr made a mocking face as he said. "That was the lamest insult I have ever heard in my life, you are cringe. Theor, eliminate this synonym of shit, his face is hurting my eyes."

"Haha, as you wish, your majesty." Theor replied with a laugh as if he was waiting for this moment.

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