The 31st Piece Turns the Tables

Chapter 569

Episode 569:

While they are looking sideways at each other, the power of the knight of the white tree is activated.

[Power: Uses the power of stars.]

[All abilities increase significantly.]

[All abilities overwhelm abilities of the same level.] [

Abilities below Fantasy Season cannot be used.]

[Except for physical attacks, certain abilities Only the power of the attribute can be exerted.]


The knight of the white tree was quiet, but the demon king burned black. Guardian stars floating next to the raven like flames.

All nine guardian stars.

Paper profit profit-!

The flame of one of them, the guardian star, died out. It disappears at the same time as the power is manifested.

[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor uses the ninth Guardian Star – Caliga.]

[Siloi’s Night Raven: All of the Emperor’s stats increase significantly.]

The Guardian Star is used like a consumable. The immortal used the power flowing out of the process in battle.

Although it was simple in some ways, it was the most suitable power to deal with the white tree knight.

If there is even a small gap during the battle, the sword will hit your head.


– Sometimes, I wish you could be my companion.

– … It’s boring.

– Karen Marcus Don’t say that…

– Hahaha! It has been done. Rather, it is better to treat them without hesitation.

– ….

When the ninth guardian star disappeared, memories flowed into the surrounding space.

The scenery became disorganized.

A voice overflowing and the strange emotions contained within it.

Razin’s voice explained what this phenomenon meant.

– This is… a memory. Memories of King Jin Sun.

Jin’s memories are sealed in the guardian castle. When the guardian spirit that was sacrificed to manifest the power disappears, the repressed memories burst out.


To choose.

To not hesitate.

I chose to keep my emotions and memories closed.



The White Tree Knight and the Demon King clash.


Every time the swords met, the surrounding space shook. The shouting was just a breath, a rhyme for two different people to come together.

Just saying it out did not intensify the emotions.

If not, it may be that there are no more feelings left to wear out.


We check each other’s eyes between swords. Both of them are unwavering. This is why they both ended up here.

Not only Kangseol but also Buddha was about to take his last step.

A lot of bad karma has accumulated.

The annihilator of the world.

The opponent who confronts him.

What path did you have to take to become a god?


Fallen fruits dance.

Fruits that are overripe and rolling on the ground.

What do you want?

Why did you stay?


[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor uses the 8th Guardian Star – Sorrow.]

[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor’s new fantasy season opens.]

Black light flickered.

[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor uses Illusionary Season: Purgatory.] [

Every attack that Siloi’s Night Raven attempts is imbued with the power of collapse.]


As the night raven’s sword penetrates the ground, the ground collapses.



They fall down one floor.

However, the same scenery as before unfolds.

There is no escaping this space.

Until the fight is over.


The sword of purgatory catches both the embers and the dawn. The power of collapse emanating from the raven’s sword seemed as if it would shatter both swords and decapitate the knight at any moment.

– We are friends.

– friend? Why are you friends with us?

– Because I have no friends.

– …you don’t have any friends? Doesn’t the emperor have it all?

– I don’t have much.

– Then I will do it. that.

– Karen!

– I asked you to do it! Don’t tell Lane!

It harbors the fantasy of a child’s memory. At one time, their minds were fairy tales.

If you feel it quietly, you will smile.

The raven and the twins also smile.

Thinking back to the past during this terrible fight. None of them were aware that they were laughing. That memory made me smile as naturally as if I grimaced in pain when my body was stabbed with a sharp object.



The white tree knight’s movements became smoother than before. It is a process in which different shadows that were creaking become completely one.

That meant time was running out for the Immortal, the Emperor, and the Raven.

The strongest being in Pandea right now is this pure white knight.


[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor uses the Seventh Guardian Star – Sosoko.]

[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor forms an alter ego.]

[The clone has physical power.]


An alter ego of a shadowy night crow was created at the end of Daejeon.

It rushed straight towards the pure white knight who was confronting the immortal.

– How do you feel now that you have such a talented knight by your side?

– How is it?

– … Karuna, why don’t you stop me?

– I’m curious about this too.

– thanks.

– … what?

– Thank you.


The night raven winced at the terrible memory. It is not a seizure of immortality.

This is Jin’s suffering.

That suffering created a gap.



His alter ego, who was not him, died in his stead when he found a chance.

It’s like losing one opportunity.

How many opportunities are left in the future?

“Come to your senses, Emperor. It’s not over yet…”


Siloi gritted his teeth and swung his sword.


A white wooden knight who blocks the impact of a blow by crossing his swords in both hands.


The ground collapsed once again.

And again, the place we landed was the same Daejeon.


The emperor doesn’t know battle.

No, I don’t know.

He just mentally supports the immortal so that he doesn’t waver.

Every time the guardian star disappeared, the psychological shock to the night raven was enormous.

Perhaps, if the immortal had had to deal with this alone, victory or defeat would have already been decided.


A night crow burning black.

Pure white knight.


Their shadows follow their movements as they clash their swords.

One side is white and the other side is black.

The owners of the two powers are different.

However, the difference will not be as stark as visible.

The two are not good and evil.

It’s just a vortex formed in a swamp.

And finally, the Knight of the White Tree finished adjusting to his new power.

Giiiiing –

A mysterious energy that resides in the two swords.

It’s not a normal force.

The night raven’s eyes widened.

[Illusion Season: Uses a solar eclipse.]

[Illuminate the target with a sword.]

[Inflicts two types of property damage.]

[It has a greater effect than the normal illusion season.]

Seueueueu. -!

A round border of light is created in the black paint.

Can’t stop it.


Paper profit profit-!

The guardian spirit explodes at the same time.

[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor uses the 6th Guardian Star – Mulani.]

[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor hides in the shadows.]

[While hidden in the shadows, 90% of all damage is nullified.]


The raven’s shadow was torn in the wake of the eclipse.

But survived.

– It’s dangerous!

– Karen!

– Ugh… Karuna! Take Jin and escape!

– Sister survive! I will definitely come back.

– Kahaha! Who cares about whom!

As we continue to experience memories, everyone comes to think the same thing.

It is said that all of the Emperor’s sealed memories are related to the twins.

Happy memories, painful days, even peaceful days. It was all the same moment.

Siloi, who had taken the emperor’s body, was furious at the reaction.

She was stronger than ever before, even using the power of her guardian’s destruction.

Perhaps, if he had stood in front of the white tree knight in the same physical condition as before in the Gorgozia fight, his head and body would have separated in an instant.

She had to admit it.

There is no way to gain the upper hand against the knight of the white tree racing towards fate.

This is determination and growth.

I went through the pain to face her, and I’m still hurting.

His sword seemed to be saying that it would crush all who came into contact with it, no matter what kind of determination it had.

Still, Shiloi did not give up. Her level wasn’t achieved lightly either. A situation that is approaching the greatest level ever.

Paper profit profit-!

[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor uses the fifth Guardian Star – Tsuron.]

[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor summons the Dark Knights made up of shadows.]

[The power of the Knights is proportional to their level.]

Huoooooooo -!

Dozens of knights rose from the shadows and rushed at the pure white knight.

– jin.

– huh.

– Are there any moments when you feel like running away?

– Did you have it?

– often? When Lane is being mean. Tell me, okay?

– Why are you suddenly curious about that?

– The emperor is different from other people.

– … same.

– … same? Then, did Jin ever have times when he wanted to run away?

– There was.

– when?

– always.

The weight of life is harsh.

Can you carry it? Are you prepared to betray their wishes? Are you prepared to sometimes ignore them all for the sake of your ideals?

The emperor is just a human being.


The white tree knight’s pupils shone like stars.

[Illusion Season: Uses Lunar Eclipse.]

[Emits a shock wave consisting of a slash in all directions.] [Inflicts

two types of property damage.]

[It has a superior effect than the normal Fantasy Season.]

Quaaaaaaa -!


A strange wave surged like a wave and crushed the shadow knights.

The night raven tried to block that power with the weapons of the era.

Promises come true.

– Orgo my master… This sword will break your last sword.

Kwajijigi profit-!

The swung dawn rose, broke the final demonic sword Annihilation, and further split the night raven’s chest.



The night crow rolled around and vomited blood.

[Power: The world I see is activated.]

[Under any circumstances, if Siloi is not convinced of death, it will strongly resist death.]

A monster that jumps up even though it is attacked when it should have died.

Kahak… Hahaha…

Hahaha… Orgo you damn bastard….”


“Not yet, not yet, father. I’m not dying! Not yet!”

Paper profit-!

[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor uses the fourth Guardian Star – Mumugin.]

[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor summons the demonic sword Discord.]

[The power of Discord is proportional to the level.]

Huoooooo… A sword made of black light was held up by the night raven


– You…

– Look into the future.

– Ah…

– A future where everything is burned and even the burnt ashes will not be remembered by anyone.

– I… I…

– If you turn away, you will be at peace. If you fight, you will be in pain.

He is a revealer.

For the first time, memories related to the Revelator spewed out.

The night raven, not wanting to reveal any more memories, forced the knight of the white tree to fight.



Snowfall thought.

A person who appears before Jin wearing a mask.

Who could it be?


[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor uses the third Guardian Star – Jabuwa.]

[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor no longer recovers health.]

[Life continues to be consumed.]

[At the cost of life . All abilities increase significantly.]



The loose competition was achieved.

Reach the next level first before your vitality runs out. Shiloi bet on that future.

– Lane.

– Your Majesty…

– Have you also encountered the Revelator?

– ….

– Did you roll around on the ground naked?

– This guy… is not human. God or something equivalent to him….

– I have to choose. I take the fate of life into my own hands.

– How can I bear such a harsh fate…

– ….

– I will follow whatever decision you make.

– Honor will be tarnished and original sin will not disappear.

– … Even if I throw away everything, I will maintain my loyalty.

– ….

– Sun King of Montra, I will walk your path together.



The night crow screamed and ran away.

All my blood vessels swelled as if they were about to burst, and my pupils became tense.

The spit flowed like a stream, soaking the floor with black blood.

Memory and responsibility.

The burden and hatred return.

With sealed memories.

“Kill me! Please… me! “Kill me!”

The knight of the white tree was willing to face his suffering.



[Raven of Siloi: The Emperor uses the second guardian star – Hilgrim.]

[Raven of Siloi: The Emperor specifies the target.]

[Steals the abilities of the target specified only once.]

– Select the Revelator. would.

– ….

– Before that, let me ask you one thing. Is everything about the future you showed immutable?

– What I showed you is not the future.

– The future is… no?

– This too is as fixed to me as your past.

– So… that means the end I saw will not change either.

– I don’t know what it means.

– …are the twins coming?

– It will definitely come. In pure white with a black man.

– That would have been a great article. Maybe…

Jin in the memory smiled brightly.

– If so, fine. According to your wishes, I will bear all the original sins of Jean Audem Montra.



[Crow of Siloi: The Emperor steals the abilities of the Knight of the White Tree.]

[Fantasy Season: Steals the Polar Night.]

[It is a power that cannot be used due to lack of realm.]


The last remaining guardian castle disappears.

[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor uses the first Guardian Star – Ohm.]

[Siloi’s Night Raven: The Emperor’s level temporarily increases.]

[Forced level elevation is an act that goes beyond reason. The ability of the ascended level is weakened.]

The night raven’s sword moves.

[Crow of Siloi: The Emperor uses the Fantasy Season: Polar Night.]

[Colors the world pitch black.]


An incredibly dangerous power.

Is it beyond Shiloi?

Are we finally heading towards a distant existence beyond?

Razin’s voice rang out.

– Everything will burn here!

I’m so tired!

Razin disappears.

[Use the 10th Guardian Spirit – Rajin.]

The knight of the white tree swings his sword.

Wrapped in Rajin’s flame, he confronts the shadow.

Is it night or day?

Is it day or night?

What is the future to come?

Who gets there first?

Of the two challengers, one reached the destination first. By a narrow margin.

[Snowman reaches the state of supernova!]

[It is a state beyond providence.]

[All transcendents recognize the birth of a new supernova.]

The first dragon Mier said.

– When the midnight sun finally arrives… everything… will be known…

Kaka Ga Ga Ga…

Two swords cross.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu their

their their a pure white light is created.

A star burns on the ground.

The black paint spilled on the world is cleared away with a blinding white light.

This is the end.

The end that the immortal Shiloi had longed for.

“This is it….”

The death you had longed for.

Shiloi finally accepts death.

She understands.

Well, it’s a worthy ending.

Through the flickering light, the king and knight bid farewell.

The driver leaves.

“Hello… my empire.”

The emperor leaves.

“Hello… my sun.”

[Sacred Season: Use White Night!]

[Light up the whole world!]


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