The 31st Piece Turns the Tables

Chapter 563

Episode 563


“Don’t be pushed away!”

“Hold your position!”

“If you get swept away, it’s over!”

Bisu was still encountering resistance and was unable to gain speed.

It seemed almost impossible to break through Montra’s castle, where the defenses were in place, and reach the high castle.



“The signal has been lost. “Please prepare.”

Kang Seol nodded at Ddukduk’s words.

The pre-prepared plan to destroy the Montra defenses has just begun.

“One minute to go.”


The snowfall gathered the shadows.

“Magic Legion! Establish a defensive position!”

“Prepare for impact!”

One minute felt like a split second.


Meteors appeared from the sky and began to fall towards Montra’s defenses?


A defense line built appropriately for the front line at the right time. At this time, even snowfall had to use force.

[Fantasy Season: Use Shadow Castle.]

[Choose one of the castle wall, drawbridge, and tower resistances to create a shadow creature.] [

Creatures have different effects.]

[The effect increases depending on the level of the living shadow. .]

Blah blah blah…

Rising castle walls.

The shadow of the snowfall covered the front of as many people as possible.

Just as the impact of one challenger on the front line was clearly visible, the light of the strategic weapon Heaven’s Punishment and the tactical weapon thunder that followed struck the upper atmosphere of Montra precisely.



A meteor that collides with the defense and creates a tremendous roar.

Pii Lee Yi Yi-

Shock enough to lose hearing if you haven’t prepared enough.




Flying debris continued to hit the castle wall made of shadows.

Some of them were fragments of the fallen Montra Castle, pieces of meat from the dead, and even rocks caught in the explosion.

Fortunately, although the castle caved in or cracked, it did not collapse.

At this time, a huge amount of sand and dust filled the battlefield, and snow fell on the castle walls.


The sight of the shadows, having faithfully fulfilled their role, gathering back towards Snowfall was not only mysterious, but even beautiful.

“Corsair! “Advance!”

“Push on!”

The infantry, led by giant soldiers and ogre troops, pushed the front line closer to Montra.

Due to the nature of the enemy we had to deal with, it was difficult to use cavalry, so we placed it on the defense of the right ridge, which was ultimately the right choice.

Perhaps if they were here, all the horses would have fainted or lost their will to fight due to the explosion just now.


Allied forces advance, trampling on the bodies of the unconscious dead who had fallen from the impact of the explosion.

Neither those who died nor those who killed counted the lives that were disappearing. Because everyone felt that it had no meaning.

Today may be the last war in history.

Doo doo doo…

The front line continued to advance without stopping.

To wave the flag frantically and hoist it on the collapsed rampart of Montra.

As soon as the dust settles, everyone wakes up from their dream.



The dead pouring out again made the Allies frown, but a huge hawk suddenly appeared in the sky.

And the knights riding on its back.

The twin knights spoke from within the snowfall.

– … Order of the Highland Falcons.

– I can’t believe it…

“… the ridge on the right! The ridge on the right!”

“Damn it!”

To make matters worse.

The front line on the right ridge, which had been thoroughly defended, collapsed.

The ridge on the left of the Allied Forces was made into terrain that life could not cross through thunder, but that was not an option for the ridge on the right.

Since the total amount of magical power needed to break down the defensive wall was too high, it was decided to divide the troops to defend the ridge on the right. In addition, in a situation where the battle had already occurred in the first place, the forces allocated to the right ridge were large enough to withstand even if the remaining troops that might have been distributed across the continent came rushing in.

Still, it collapsed.

After hearing from the messenger about the size of the troops joining the front line through the ridge, Smart closed his eyes.

“It was a miscalculation. All the way to the right ridge… Where on earth do we get this many troops…”

However, this question quickly disappeared.

You shouldn’t try to understand now.

Because I don’t even have time for that.

You have to respond first.

Smart said.

“Montra’s hidden power far exceeds our expectations. Even though the Khan tried to keep their army behind the wall.”


Now a situation has come where it is inevitable that it will snow.

‘Immortals too… will respond.’

If so, the battlefield will become embroiled in a fight between the two challengers, and conversely, the challengers will also be affected by their remaining power.

This would never be a good situation for the Allied Forces, which were overwhelmingly outgunned.


When the plateau falcon knight pointed his spear at Kangseol, it quickly hit the ground.


His enlarged shadow hand caught the plateau falcon and crushed it.

Plop, plop…

Blood, bone fragments, and crushed steel fell to the ground.

The Zodiac’s magic corps will have a hard time responding to this much air force, and the Allied forces will appear to be in an attractive state to the dead coming down from the right ridge.

However, there was still one chance left on the Allied side.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu the sound

of the


was transmitted deep into the battlefield.

Smart looked at the snowfall.

“It is as you said.”

“… they are here.”




Kikui tilts his head in the air as if he doesn’t like the tightly tightened reins.

“It’s a killer view.”

Two brothers with high wings.

[The powerful helper ‘Coward Hekai’ appears in this adventure.]

[The powerful helper ‘Coward Hekai’ joins your ally in this adventure.]

[The helper ‘Great Warrior Hekum’ appears in this adventure.]

[Helper ‘Great warrior Hekum’ joins your ally in this adventure.]

Doo doo doo doo…

The black and thunderous Gripto cavalry quickly followed along the flank of the battle line.

[The powerful helper ‘Electrifying Ungola’ appears in this adventure.]

[The powerful helper ‘Electrifying Ungola’ joins your ally in this adventure.]

Then, without hesitation, raise a flag depicting six stakes. A force that appears swinging.

It was a league of troll tribes.

“Brother! Fortunately, it’s not too late, right?”

Bronn asked, looking at the snowfall far away from him.

Kang Seol nodded slightly.

It was perhaps something of a miracle that the Tribal Alliance joined forces in this war.

Snowfall thought they had been wiped out by the disaster of Montra’s resurrection, but as preparations for war were nearing completion, Glaciermaw’s magic falcon flew toward him with shocking news.

They are still alive and preparing for the final battle with Montra.

Surprisingly, they were preparing for their own war with similar ideas to the Allied forces.

In this urgent situation, we couldn’t share much with each other. Kang Seol immediately shared this with Ttuk-ri and announced the existence of the tribal alliance.

A plan that was pushed through without a single meeting taking place. Naturally, their beginnings were not the same.

But somehow we made contact.

[Force: The Troll Tribal Alliance will join your allies in this adventure.]

They were not the only ones who joined this counterattack.

Hu Woo Woong …

Hu Woo Woo Woo Woong …

Jade Dragon appeared with a strong breeze.

Along with him, the three major tribes of the north appeared.

[Force: Keshii is joining your ally in this adventure.]

[Force: Deki is joining your ally in this adventure.]

[Force: Baldu is joining your ally in this adventure.]

.. .

[The powerful helper ‘Tantuinu, Descendant of the Earth’ appears in this adventure.]

[The powerful helper ‘Tantuinu, Descendant of the Earth’ will join your ally in this adventure.]

Tantuinu has a red neck . He was wearing jewelry.

It was evident that it contained tremendous heat.


Not only Baldu’s drake, but also Keshii’s jinn appeared.

They all came here through a secret advance route secured by the Tribal Alliance.




[The powerful helper ‘Kupa’ appears in this adventure.]

[The powerful helper ‘Kupa’ joins your ally in this adventure.]

This was the last remaining strength of Pandea’s life.

A power barely squeezed out.

The strength to endure.

However, it is a power that cannot be overpowered.

If a wave even bigger than the previous ordeal comes, then everything will sink. So now is the time to struggle.

Tantuinu shouted.

“Come to me! “We will cross the wall in one fell swoop!”

A sound was also heard from Tantuinu’s necklace.

– I sensed a lot of troops heading here. We have to move quickly.

Snowfall hesitated for a moment.

But Smarty next to him did not sit still and watch.

Kang Seol’s body flashes and speaks.

“May this dagger pierce the heart of the Black Empire.”


Kangseol jumped onto Tantuinu’s back, took a stance, and looked at Dduktuk, who was quickly walking away.

Smart smiled and nodded.

“Must… must.”

The brainy ogre’s eyes quickly turned red.

“There is no retreat! Fight! Death is near! “This is the frontier of life!”



Sofia and Koopa cover Tantu-inu carrying Snowfall.

No matter how good the Highland Falcon Knights were, they couldn’t make them fall.

A sound came from the jewel on the necklace Tantuinu was wearing.

– Karen I came looking for you.

Karen still hadn’t appeared in the snowfall.

– Rajin, did you… know?

– Now, the level of suspicion is…

– Why… Why… didn’t you tell me? I…

– Because I felt like saying it out loud would make my suspicions true.

– ….

– You and I… are no different. I… that’s why I came to see you. To face the truth with you.



Aircraft passing through the castle and entering the Montra Castle.

At the same time, it became a target of the city’s saturation network.



– It’s extremely poisonous. Must be avoided!

“As far as the royal castle… I will go as far as I can.”

– It’s impossible! Then…

Rajin noticed Tantuinu’s determination.

– I’m thinking of dying.


Koopa tried to create wind by imbuing the heroic spirit, but it was not enough to block all attacks.



Snowfall looked at the Koopas left behind to block the incoming Highland Falcon Knights, and then closed her mouth after seeing their gaze gradually lowering.

“… Rajin, please leave me now.”


“Come on!”



Sophia attempted a low-altitude flight to defeat the dead on the ground.



Meanwhile, Razin’s flames escaped from the necklace and circled around Snowfall.

Kwahiah ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Falling dragon.

Even though Kangseol got his bearings, he couldn’t land perfectly.

This is the royal castle of Montra.

Snowfall stood in front of the huge door and tried to take his hand, but it wasn’t his job.


The twin knights suddenly appeared and pushed both doors.

Snowfall looked back.

Tantuinu saw me off with a smile.

Finally, Rajin Snowfall and the twin knights entered the royal castle.

Outside, a bloody fight is in full swing.



The corridor of the royal castle was really long.

The four of them clearly walked in the same direction, but at some point they realized that they had split up.

Snowfall was not embarrassed and walked down the corridor alone and exited into a bright space.

A long table is placed in a pure white space.


A man with clear eyes is sitting in a chair at the end of a long table.

“nice to see you. “I don’t know if this greeting is appropriate.”


It was not an immortal who greeted him.

It was someone’s welcome.


At this point, with not much time left until the annihilation of life…

Snowfall’s last words, the great sage Milan faced him.

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