The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 233 (Part 1)

Chapter 233: National Prestige (Part 1)

“As of this moment, I, ‘Gustavo,’ declare an end to my dictatorship and surrender to the ‘Black Scythe.’ The slave system is abolished, and all restrictions on communication, trade routes, and other suppressions will be lifted. I pledge never to appear before the public again, as an act of penance for my past actions.”

An unbelievable scene played out on the TV screen that had remained dark until now.

The dictator Gustavo, who had held Mexico under his thumb, announced that he would step down voluntarily.

He even apologized.

“Is this… real?”

“That looks like his real face, but…”

“Is he lying to trick us again?”

People were too afraid to believe it so easily.

Would a monster who had ruled through terror really give up his power so easily?

But it didn’t take long for their doubts to turn into belief.

Not only was TV broadcasting normally again, but communication and the internet were active, and families who had been dragged away like slaves returned home.

Most importantly, the players—agents of terror who suppressed everyone—had vanished from the streets.

It was as if they had collectively migrated somewhere.

“Wow, did things really go back to normal?”

“Did Gustavo and the players really just go into hiding?”

No one knew where they had gone, but one thing was clear.

The citizens had regained their freedom, thanks to none other than the ‘Black Scythe’ mentioned in the broadcast.

[The Black Scythe liberates six nations including Mexico, Brazil, India, and China within a week.] [The Black Scythe has truly done it! Citizens from various countries express their gratitude…]* [The hero who saved nations in crisis, known as the Black Scythe.]* [President Yoon: If any other nations are ruled through force, we will continue to save them.] [The Black Scythe, who saved millions, demands nothing in return…]

Articles poured in.

Media around the world raced to report on the heroic actions of the Black Scythe.

The internet trolls who had mocked him as arrogant until now had a change of heart.

└Wow… he actually did it. A true hero. └This is a real boost to our nation’s prestige. └Shouldn’t he get a medal for this? └Forget the medal, put the Black Scythe in parliament! └I’m a Korean living in Germany, and thanks to the Black Scythe, Korea’s image has greatly improved. Truly, thank you. └But were there really countries oppressed by players like that? └A few days ago, people were scoffing, saying there’s no such thing, and now they’re nowhere to be found. └The trolls who criticized the Black Scythe are hiding like cockroaches, aren’t they? └I’m proud that the Black Scythe is Korean. └The Black Scythe is an angel! The Black Scythe is an angel! The Black Scythe is an angel! The Black Scythe is an angel! └The Black Scythe is a legend. It’s incredible how he’s willing to sacrifice so much for others. └What’s so great about this that everyone is praising him? If I had power, I’d help people too. └The guy commenting from his basement who probably picks his nose while typing would surely do that. └LOL, loser. └It might seem easy, but fighting evil while risking your life is really hard. Respect. └I always believed that the Black Scythe would use his power for the right reasons. └Check his comment history; he used to be a troll. Don’t believe him. └LOL, look at how they change their tune now that he’s saving countries. └Trolls are disgusting. └But how did he make them record those videos? Did he threaten them with a gun if they didn’t cooperate? └Players who dodge bullets? He probably used his scythe to threaten them. └He should’ve just killed them, why even bother with threats… └He probably recorded the video and then killed them. No way he’d let them live. └They deserved to die. Both the leaders and their followers. └Recording those videos was a good move. It clearly shows their surrender and serves as proof. Plus, it boosted our national standing a lot. It’s a monumental achievement. └True. It’s like he became a world-saving hero.

‘A hero, huh.’

Ryu Min chuckled dryly and put his phone back in his pocket.

‘Well, it’s not a bad feeling.’

Just a week ago, he had been criticized for being arrogant, but now he was praised as a hero.

It made sense, considering he had acted as a vigilante, saving countless lives.

‘They say it was difficult, but it wasn’t that hard.’

How does one reclaim a country from those who seize power through force?

The answer was simple.

‘Just take it back by force.’

By using superior strength, he eliminated the leaders and every collaborator involved in the coup.

But instead of using their corpses as proof, he made them surrender.


‘Just like with Gustavo, kill them, transform into them, and record a video.’

With his Assassin’s Mask, Ryu Min could transform into the players he killed.

Manipulating things to this extent wasn’t difficult.

‘And gathering information was easy by reading their thoughts.’

He had even learned the nicknames of the leaders planning to create independent states in China and India by reading Gustavo’s mind.

Like the others, those leaders died first, leaving behind videos of their submission.

‘After that, I liberated two more countries, leaving videos for the world to see.’

In the past week alone, Ryu Min had killed nearly 400 players.

They were all criminals, necessary to save the six countries.

‘All the countries that needed saving have been saved.’

Since there were no more reports coming in, he was confident of this.

‘But that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop.’

He had told the president to inform him immediately if any more reports came in.

After all, there might be countries he wasn’t aware of.

‘If another country calls for help?’

Ryu Min was ready to act as a champion of justice whenever needed.

It wasn’t just about raising his own worth or becoming a hero.

It was to prevent a dystopian world and reduce the number of players victimized by criminal players.

‘If I take the lead, I can prevent future crimes.’

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