Temporal Pearls

Chapter 70: Class A Neighbourhood!

There were other reasons that set Raaz and Seana apart, such as their habits and attitude were in contrast with one another and also their goals and ambition were also not aligned.

The last thing was that she was too attractive for him. Maybe he was a simp but can he protect her from all the wolves on her tail? If not because she did love him, he doesn't think he should be able to keep her.

"I'm a loser...no. She shouldn't have cheated on me. She only likes me for sex and she always acts smart ass and as if she was doing me a favour for being with me!" Raaz grumbled.

She was a gius, with an IQ of 88, an invtor and also a rowned scitist.

"Fuck!" He cursed now that he saw her with someone a fang of pain was throbbing in his heart.

He turned and thrashed until he managed to sleep. Early in the morning, there was an insistt knock on his door.

He had no choice but to walk there to op grumbling. "Who the fuck….!" He swallowed hard.

A tall woman, about 5 years old, with an oval face and bright red eyes stared at him. She had red hair that reached her buttocks and flawless ageless skin.

"Officers, this is the man!" She proclaimed and two huge security m stormed into the room about to arrest him.

"What did I do?" Raaz shouted in panic.

"You stole my tech yesterday and for that reason, you will answer to the law for trying to take national treasure!"

'She gave me the damn thing… but I have no proof of that… damn, is she merciless to use that object to get back at me for yesterday's mistake?!"

"Seana, I brought good news, I swear it's good news. Please...zzzrr!" He was electrocuted and his body fell unconscious with seizures.

She winced seeing him fall in pain but harded her expression and carried out the arrest.

'M are evil… he dumped me wh I needed him the most and wh I have someone to marry he comes and ruins it!' She justified.

Raaz was tak to a special security prison and was dumped there. After he woke up, interrogation sessions began as they asked him where the tech he stole was and also where he kept it.

Seana on the other hand goes on with her life trying to forget him. At least he will not die, just a little suffering!

The two of them have loved each other and still do but… they have a lot of grudges against each other too.

While Raaz was screaming in interrogation Seth was on his way to the new workshop together with Manuella Sefu.

"Here, wear this clip. It's an idtity tag that indicates you are with me," She said.

The clip was a device that had the Manuella logo on it. Seth put it in understanding, this informed him of the level of the house he was going to. Class A neighbourhood.

He should have be nervous on a normal occasion but as he was in his super emotional jumpy attitude, he felt excited about seeing this type of place.

Before they reached the house, he began to see some differces. There were dogs of differt colours and breeds. Some were as big as horses and some were as small as small birds—they were hybrids and some of them were androids.

They seem lovely and cute but very dangerous. If he wt out without the clip they would pounce on him and th take him straight to the nearest police station, after he was severely injured of course. If they kill him, nothing will happ to the owner.


Because they were equipped with an advanced tool to smell out bad inttions from people.

At every junction, there was also a humanoid police robot that took records of everyone that passed and if a new face was sighted without a special idtity that person would be arrested.

Just now, there was a Drone the size of a helicopter gliding in the air as it followed their car. Manuella was th called to idtify the new person that was with her. She did and the Drone Cop left.

This startled Seth greatly, as he heard her explain the reason for him being with her. The security is way above what he assumed.

If she had not idtified him, or by chance he was alone he would have be thrown to jail. Not only that, he will be starved for three days before they release him.

Seth heard that as a rumour but he never expected they were true.

The advt of this cruelty was the homeless people that took pleasure wh they were captured. In the past, they would be put in jail with good beds and three square meals for a week and th kicked out.

The prosecutor learnt that the homeless came for bedding and food reasons, the cursed man th changed the law and made those captured as long as they are Class C or lower than, they will starve instead of being fed, for three days before they were kicked out. And that stopped any thought of coming to Class A for no guine reason.

Still, it wasn't ev easy for one to come here due to intse security on the way but sometimes the higher class might bring someone from the lower class for various reasons. However as long as the person has no guine reason th the lower class will still be punished for coming, ev if he was forced to come.

Seth sighed with relief as he glanced at the black woman that seemed to hold a lot of respect.

Why does this painter have so much value, he wondered?

The house they reached was one of the best in the neighbourhood. And the family residing in it was very influtial in Class A in the city. Seth began to tertain the idea of winning them over but th he shook his head.

He isn't smart wh it comes to interacting with people he doesn't ev know where to begin. And as it was a usual occurrce for Lower Class to suck off to the higher Class the momt he started, they would know his inttion.

However, Seth wasn't worried about that, he worried that he might be rejected from tering the house completely.

And if he wasn't mistak, this was Sally's Home.

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