Temporal Pearls

Chapter 3: Dragons!!!

"Is this... really a game? This is too much!" Sam said with a trembling voice. His face was strick with horror.

With impulse, Anna raised her massive Shield. And wh the fire descded, Annas' Shield protected them.

Thankfully, it dispersed as fast as it came and Anna inhaled with a smile.



About a kilometre from them, missiles were shot from a Tank towards the fire dragon. It flapped its wings and moved faster than the eyes could see toward the Tank while avoiding its missiles.

"Fuck me! Is this a game?" The gunner was resurrected with a grin but wh he saw the red creature, he was scared shitless.

But he was brave ough to raise his gun to the creature.


As the Tank was gulfed with the flame from the Dragon's breath, it exploded while the Dragon flapped upward and made a beeline and breathed down fire to the other players on the g.

People run for their lives screaming. Few brave ones use their weapon to attack the Dragon. While most just froze in place.

Seth too froze in place!

But his sister did not. "Let's run!" Sam yelled, grabbing her.

"To where?" As the line of the flame was coming their way, she raised her Shield again!

Her body was trembling with fear but she held on while imagining the Shield having an attribute that can absorb fire to strgth itself.

True to her wishes the Shield changed and by the time the Dragon was above them breathing out flames, the Shield had become red with fiery inscriptions.

Thankfully the Dragon was moving and it passed them thinking that it had turned them to ashes. The g heated up and Seth felt himself being cooked from the butt.

Due to his sister's bravery, his mind was working fast as he pondered how this strange game works.

"Anna, think of everyone behind you as your subject. A thing for you to protect!" Seth shouted.

He was about to shout again assuming she did not hear him, he felt the scalding g was cooling down ev the scorching wind was cool again.

Seth grinned as he fairly understood the game mechanics. It may be strange and new but it was an interesting concept.

He looked at his Staff and thought about the Aspects he should incorporate with. What he understood was every weapon can be developed with a variety of Aspects.

He was making some changes to his Staff wh he felt electrocuted. The trio raised their heads. The Fire Dragon has moved far away but the above Dark Cloud was about to spit something more terrifying.

Crack…. Boom!

Thunder and lightning struck everywhere. In time Anna raised her Shield.

Despite that, her body shook as she bled from her nose. But after adding anti-lightning to the Shield they feel safe. The Thunder Dragon did as its predecessor did and flew away.

It was a blessing, Seth and Sam were under the protection of Anna because more Dragons with differt Elemtal Abilities attacked. After being spat out from the Dark Clouds!

Thirty minutes later everything calmed down. Still, some players managed to survive through various means.

The Dragons have not targeted players individually. Their attack was indiscriminate and they only specifically targeted those in clusters.


A kind of attack that was silt but hard to defd. Anna's Shield cracked and her mind wt blank! The destruction of her Shield made her body disappear in a flash of light.

At the same time, a Gre Dragon was descding, with epiphany from how Anna used her Shield, Sam held his Sword with two hands!

His Sword began absorbing residual Energy from the previous Dragons' attacks, affecting 00 meters radius of himself.

At the same time, the Dragon was breathing down gre liquid on them, Sam slashed with his Sword, and the slash created a Cresct Ark that glided toward the dragon.

The attack destroyed the Gre Dragon's breath and slammed on it which pushed it away hundreds of meters.

Sam huffed before he dropped to his knee and disappeared in a speck of light.

Without Anna, the air has become hot and filled with electricity but after Sam's attack, the air was safe again.

Seth looked a as he watched Dragons moving a. From time to time they dive down and eat a player.

Among the many flying creatures, there were small ones, the size of cows. But they moved fast and were cruel to their prey.

One dragon captures Seth's atttion. It has six wings and a long tail with a sharp d. It was just two meters, from head to tail but if it landed its eyes on prey, it made sure to kill it. And it only kills for sport without eating.

The reason he was staring at it was that it was moving towards him.

He wanted to stand and run but because outside where he hid was a Dragon standing, gazing at the surings If he moved he was bound to be spotted by one of the Dragons.

Seth adjusted his seating position, his Staff shrunk to 30 ctimetres, and th he pulled a sharp double-edged Sword from the reduced Staff. The Sword was short with an extremely sharp pointed d.

That was one of the adjustmts he made.

He had discovered the rules of weapon imagination and the reason he couldn't make a normal weapon.

The momt the Six Wings Dragon noticed him, it flew toward him at the same time, he said.


The short Sword extded faster than the eye can see!

The Dragon changes course, avoiding the extded sharp blade from piercing its head!/But the Sword punctured through the Dragon's chest and pierced its heart!


The Six-wing Dragon wailed before it fell to the g and glided due to its moving momtum.

"Hooo... haha.. it worked. Thank you, Gin." Seth said with euphoria seeing that he slew a Dragon.


The air stopped moving. Seth looked up. The cloud has become pitch black, emitting an eerie phomon.




All the other Dragons began roaring. A roar of defiance but in just three seconds, they all drop to the g!

The Six-wing Dragon's body trembled with fear and moulded its body turning into a White Onyx.

It was not dead!

The first five Dragons were the only ones still flying but—ev them—they were moving away. As they are the largest and first of the Dragons that came out from the cloud

Fire Dragon!

Thunder Dragon!

Water Dragon!

Wind Dragon!

Earth Dragon!

Seth's eyes were glued upward as he was froz in an indescribable fear that he never felt. Not ev wh his Head Gear burst with fire while it was on his head.

From the dark eerie cloud—a silhouette of a black macing head—protruded from pitch black clouds.

Seth did not know wh he ordered his short Sword to shoot.

It moved fast and extded almost a kilometre up. Th it hit something...


That destroyed the blade! And Seth bleeds from all his orifice before he turns to a streak of lights.



The VR Cabin oped as Seth punched and flailed his hand wanting to be out faster! His eyes still register with the immse fear he had expericed.

His father and Sam help him out.

"Calm down! The death is painful but it's not real!" Sam said as he tapped Seth back to calm him down.

Seth was escorted to the washroom to clean himself due to unexpected excretions. And he crawled back to the parlour and was going to complain about the Game.

"Everything is too real…" but he found his family watching the Game News.

There was a discussion about the reason why the Beta Testing was the way it was.

But the reporter was just telling a gibberish thing without revealing any satisfactory explanation.

What shut everyone's mouth was the Ranking and the possibility of Reward that will be giv to those that perform Extraordinary Feats.

"As you all attest that the Game Realism was high but the main reason for the realistic show early was to scoop out hidd Gems from every City in our Ni nation!"

"Now we will reveal the Rankings. The First Ranking was that of Bravery. The Second-ranking for Special Feats and the last are those that last to the d.

[Bravery Ranking]

- Anna Enoch

- Noah Seth

3- Johnson Bush

4- Samantha Job

5- Mariya Wala

6- Sam Aeron

7- Pupa Season






The list was up to 50

[Special Feats Ranking]

- Noah Seth

- All John

3- Anna Enoch

4- Sam Aaron

5- Samantha Job

6- Pupa Season

7- Seth Enoch






The list was up to 50

[Survivors Ranking]

- Sham Jeremy

- Pupa Season

3- Susan Luck

4- Mina Zar






The list was up to 50


Seth finds himself at rank 5. One thing was only Pupa Season reached the Third-ranking but all those that appeared in the First and Second Ranking did reach the Last ranking.

Either they were targeted by the Dragons and killed or their weapon shattered and they died.

"Overall Rankings we selected the top t and they will be rewarded handsomely.

- Anna Enoch

- Noah Seth

3- Samantha Job

4- All John

5- Sam Aaron

6- Johnson Bush

7- Sham Jeremy

8-Pupa Season



"We will not disclose the Rewards. Congratulations to all of you!"


Anna looked at her ringing phone... and th she fainted! Shortly after, the family received a guest with a series of packages. That makes them flabbergasted and afraid at the same time.

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