Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 604 - Zerg Massacre

Chapter 604: Zerg Massacre

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

It was the slow reinforcement at the northern front that had given humans time to cobble together a GN gun unit. Xie Su had spent a lot of time looking for Wang Tong, and by the time they conceded that he had gone missing, it was already too late as the GN gunners had already reached the frontlines.

In other words, Wang Tong was the culprit of this subpar performance of the Zerg army.

Moye was very dissatisfied with his troops’ performance during the war. He had expected them to have already taken over Mars a few months ago, but they were still unable to break the humans’ line of defense. In a fit of anger, he made up his mind to kill all humans on Mars once he had defeated their army.

The delays in the reinforcements aside, Zergs still had the upper hand in the war. A huge uncertainty still hung above the humans’ head, since till this day, Michaux and Lie Jian were nowhere to be found. These two warriors were essential in preserving human morale. Their death would be an unthinkable loss for the humans.

The two warriors represented not only themselves, but also the two most powerful factions of the Mars. Lie Jian was House Lie’s best candidate to inherit the family power, and the same went for Michaux. Although Susu was able to inherit Michaux’s title, she had far less authority over the sect members than her brother. If another Zhang Guanming surfaced from the sect, the sect would be doomed without Michaux.

The public desperately needed a strong leader while both of their heroes was missing in action.

As the Martian public anxiously awaited the return of their future leaders, another human started to wreak havoc deep behind the enemy line. Once Wang Tong was out of the mountain and into the plains, he charged his three hundred deadly retinues into a Zerg city.

He didn’t even bother to cover up his tracks this time; his attack was so conspicuous that the Zergs had spotted him from miles away.

Their target was Ontario City, one of the largest city in the Zerg land. When the city commander saw Wang Tong, he was on his way to investigate the distress signal from Mount Dynamo.

Three days ago, Wang Tong might have avoided the Zergs’ main force and charged right into his empty city instead. However, it had occurred to Wang Tong that taking one or two cities meant nothing if he couldn’t get under the dark lord’s skin.

He was well aware of the intricate power balance between the dark lord and Patroclus. He knew that between the two, Moye was the one who would never relate to his existence. Capturing Wang Tong meant as much to the dark lord as winning the war on the human. If the dark lord lost his purpose in the eyes of the mother supreme, he might as well wait for Patroclus to come and claim Mars for himself.

Even the lower level dark ones feared death and were addicted to their life, much less the powerful and intelligent dark lord.

As the dark one’s army charged toward Wang Tong, he stood up in his saddle and shouted, “Formation!”

Although the dark ones had no clue who this group of human soldiers was, they knew they had to do away with them. It was too far away from human settlements to encounter a group of traveling merchants. They charged at the human intruders without given their identity too much thought.

When the dark one was finally close enough to see Wang Tong’s face, he finally recalled the face of the human devil on the posters; but it was already too late.

What was worse, these human devils were all riding on top of angry blue demons. Together, they charged forward with such ferocity that the dark ones felt their heart stop beating in fear. When the dark ones finally gathered themselves and were about to strike back, their heads had already been detached from their shoulders. Wang Tong didn’t waste his precious time playing with these dark ones. He and his army killed all of them in one swift charge. The human soldiers rode on toward Ontario city without even sparing the dead corpses on the ground a glance.

Deep Blue and his brothers possessed an incredible mobility on the battlefield. They could reach six to seven meters high in one leap, and therefore, were able to bring the human soldiers through any hurdles on the battlefield with ease. The direwolves’ mobility coupled with the soldiers’ incredible strength made the pair a perfect match. The soldiers felt grateful for having their direwolf assistants. After all, nothing felt more exhilarating to a human warrior than completely dominating the Zergs on the battlefield.

When the human warriors arrived in Ontario, it was apparent that the news about the city lord’s death hadn’t reached the dark ones inside the city yet.

Meanwhile, it had also occurred to the human warriors how quietly their direwolves were able to travel, since none of the dark ones seemed to have noticed them approaching. These creatures were the perfect weapons that the Zergs had created for the dark lord’s favorite blood kin.

However, not only had Wang Tong stolen the Zergs’ hard-earned product, but he had also silenced the queen mother forever. It would take another queen mother decades of research to reproduce these perfect weapons.

“Dongyang, Yuyu, get ready!” Wang Tong rose to the sky and looked at the city with a birds’ eye view.

“Zergs, I will teach you to be afraid of fire!”

Guan Dongyang shouted and then started to chant a spell. Suddenly, his body was aflame, and a fireball had formed in between his palms.

Xiao Yuyu didn’t say anything as she swung her body around and rose to the sky in the most elegant manner. The formation of Battle Wolf changed without Wang Tong issuing a single command. The mastery casters stood in the middle while the METAL warriors protected their flanks.

Wang Tong was only responsible for giving the first attack order, and the rest was up to Guan Dongyang. Everyone in Battle Wolf had their responsibilities. Despite Wang Tong’s ability, he was not in charge of absolutely everything; otherwise, he might as well be in charge of nothing.

Trust was imperative, because trust was what made each and every team member strong. Only when a soldier felt that he could trust himself and was fully trusted by others would he draw out his full potential during the combat.

A giant fire dragon charged at the startled dark ones and Zergs. The city wall could not withstand one single effortless charge of the direwolves. Seeing these blue demons that suddenly burst through the wall, the Zergs fled the streets in fear.

It took the dark ones a while to gather themselves and organize counterattacks. The battle that followed suit was epic. Never once had the human soldiers slaughtered the Zergs with such ease. The human soldiers released years of suppression in a fit of uncontrollable rampage.

The direwolves knew their dark one cousins well, particularly their weaknesses. Their sharp claws were capable of piercing through the dark one’s cranium, killing them in one strike. Meanwhile, their soul energy attack rendered the dark ones defenseless. The soldiers would have paused and marveled at their beastly companions’ abilities if there were not so many dark ones waiting to be killed.

In one afternoon, all Zergs in Ontario were killed by the rampage. Deep Blue devoured the fat queen, blubber and all. Meanwhile, the rest of the direwolves feasted on the dark ones.

These direwolves not only brought death to the dark ones, but also fear and a sense of dread.

The news about the fall of Ontario quickly spread among the Zergs and the humans.

After the human Devil didn’t flee to safety as many dark ones had suspected, he had gone back to hell and brought help with him back to the Zerg world.

The reason that the battle of Ontario was able to catch so much attention was that the nature of the battle had changed. However brilliant the previous battles were, those were surprise attacks. The battle of Ontario was a full on frontal assault.

Many people felt that Wang Tong and his men could survive the previous battles solely because of luck. If Wang Tong were slightly off in his timing, the dark ones would be able to have enough time to gather force and destroy his retinue with ease. However, as luck would have it, in all the previous battles, Wang Tong and his soldiers were able to walk out of danger unharmed.

As everyone’s mood had hit rock bottom after Michaux and Lie Jian’s defeat, their hope was rekindled by the news from Ontario. The heir of the Blade Warrior had attacked the city and sacked it with ease. After they had delivered such a huge blow to the Zergs, they disappeared like phantoms coming straight from one’s nightmares.

Moye was beyond furious. He could no longer stand this insistent insult and humiliation. He had spent many resources to build a lab in Mount Dynamo, thinking it was the safest spot since the humans would never reach it. Who would have thought that the human war band would be so crazy as to cross the impassable mountain range?

So far, Moye was still oblivious of the power of the direwolves. Therefore, he hadn’t been able to comprehend his loss fully. His main concern was that Wang Tong’s actions would undermine mother supreme’s trust in him.

If he couldn’t even keep Wang Tong in check, who could prove to mother supreme that his evolution path was the right one for the Zerg race?

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