Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 596 - Through The Danger Zone

Chapter 596: Through The Danger Zone

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

What did the man sound like? What would he say?

Brenda had never been so happy before; it wasn’t elation, it was blissful mirth.

Unconsciously, she closed her eyes and started to enjoy this moment. She knew that when she opened her eyes again, he would be there; and he was.

Brenda and Wang Tong smiled at each other knowingly. They didn’t know each other, but they were already soulmates.

Neither of them spoke. Brenda poured some water into an eggshell porcelain teacup and offered it to Wang Tong, who downed the contents in a gulp.

Although this was not the proper way of appreciating tea, it was precisely what Brenda had expected from him.

Even though this was the first time the two had met, they felt like they were long lost, friends. They were so many things to be shared between the two of them, yet they didn’t even need to speak a word with each other. Every glance was a story, and every intentional pause in motion a laugh.

A normal morning tea session would take no more than ten minutes, but Wang Tong was with Brenda for the entire morning. Time seemed to have lost its meaning in the blissful silence.

Then Wang Tong left, without saying a thing to Brenda.

Tears poured out of Brenda’s eyes. If Wang Tong wanted, she would follow him for the rest of her life. She had found her soulmate, and the joy of being understood was beyond words.


“Wang Tong, you are a jerk. Do you know that? She must be heartbroken.” Guan Dongyang complained. Wang Tong was a hero of the people, but a cruel meaner to the girls who liked him. He had to avert his eyes when he saw Brenda’s beautiful face awash with sorrow.

Among the warriors of the Battle Wolf, only Xiao Yuyu and Ye Zi understood how Brenda felt. Although Brenda was not any prettier than Xiao Yuyu, there was a different, friendly demeanor she carried with her. It made a man hard to hold back the urge of staying with her and protecting her. However, Wang Tong was able to ignore that pleading gaze.

The girls felt indignant, and they wondered if Ma Xiaoru was really prettier than all of them.

Wang Tong smiled and then said, “We don’t need to sacrifice any more good soldiers.” Wang Tong knew that the mysterious connection between him and Brenda was due to their soul essence. Although Brenda’s soul essence was still in its early stage, Wang Tong’s was already fully grown and matured. When they first met, Brenda’s younger soul essence was naturally attracted to the more mature and stronger one in Wang Tong. In an inexplicable way, the two soul essences were able to nurture a relationship slowly, which explained Brenda’s seemingly feverish infatuation. Wang Tong conceded that Brenda was a nice girl; however, he didn’t have to date all the nice girls in the world.

“Balls! So, you feel very comfortable sacrificing our lives?”

“Haha, of course! You are my bro.”

“Haha, fine! Wang Tong, I will follow you to hell!”

The soldiers of Battle Wolf laughed as aspirations to achieve greatness rose in them. Life was short, and everyone needed to use every precious moment to make a positive impact on the world. Xiao Yuyu watched Wang Tong with unswerving faith. She had changed; no longer was she a fragile and privileged flower living in an ivory tower. There and then, she felt that she was a true heroine, saving the world as she had always dreamed to.

“Hi everyone! I wonder if I can join you?” Someone caught up with Wang Tong’s group and asked. “Brother Guan, I had enjoyed our fight. I wonder if we can carry on our competition and see who will kill the most Zergs?” Xiao Libie smiled at Guan Dongyang earnestly.

Guan Dongyang shot the older warrior a glance and said, “You? If you try hard enough, we might consider it.”

“Haha, of course, I will try hard. I am hard right now if you want to try me.” Xiao Libie shot Guan Dongyang back with a lewd dad joke, and it worked.

“Brother Xiao, welcome to the Try-Me-When-I’m-Hard band! Haha! ” Wang Tong reached out for a handshake. After that, the small retinue of fewer than three hundred men and women embarked on their journey toward the direction where the sun was setting.

The effect of losing seven Zerg Cities was palpable at the frontlines. However, its damage to Moye’s overall plan was limited. Of all the cities that had been destroyed in the northern area, only the sacking of Samgha and Mephisto really mattered. Although Wang Tong had made a name for himself, his achievement was not enough to significantly hinder the Zergs’ advancement.

When Wang Tong and his retinue was in the city of Constantinople, great news came from the middle and western sections of the Zerg territory. Lie Jian and Michaux had each led their own troops into the Zerg’s territory and sacked a city.


“Mission like ours is a double-edged sword. If we succeed, we would be able to devastate the Zergs, but our mission could also go astray very quickly. When that happens, we are putting the lives of elite soldiers in danger and causing irreversible harm to the human resistance. Lie Jian and Michaux both commanded over two thousand elite soldiers. If they get caught in a real war, the consequence would be catastrophic.” Yin Tianzong said warily. He didn’t think it was a smart move for Lie Jian and Michaux to copy Wang Tong’s strategy at such a scale. Loss of two thousand elite units would be a devastating blow to the human resistance. As a matter of fact, he felt even three hundred soldiers were too many to lose.

“We don’t have time to worry about others’ business. I hope they had prepared well. Wang Tong, look here. This is the Mount Dynamo…In Martian’s dialect, it means ‘Soul-freezing’. Are you sure you want to take this route?” Guan Dongyang asked.

“Yeah, think about it, boss! Before the war started, I was in an expedition crew exploring Mount Dynamo. We had scaled to the highest point that humans had ever reached. But guess what? We were still at its foothill.” Lun Duo put in.

Wang Tong was an earthling, and therefore, he wouldn’t appreciate the cultural significance of Mount Dynamo. The horror stories about the place were high tales at best. However, as he surveyed the map, he realized that there might be some truth in those stories. Mount Dynamo was much taller than the tallest peak on earth, and the environment at such a high altitude was foreboding.

“Tianzong, what do you think of it?” Wang Tong asked his fellow earthling companion.

Yin Tianzong paused to think about it, then said, “It could be difficult.”

“What choice do we have? Head back? The Zergs know we are here, and they are ready. We would be lucky if half of us made it back to the wasteland. I second Wang Tong’s plan of scaling Mount Dynamo.” Xiao Yuyu announced firmly.

“Once we pass Mount Dynamo, we will be right in the heart of Zerg territory. There are many valuable cities we can attack, and we will be able to directly threaten the headquarters of the dark lord.”

“I agree. The Zergs wouldn’t expect us to take this mountain passage, and we could attack them while they are unprepared.”

“Very well! Let’s get ready for the climb then! We will head out tomorrow.”

“Gods be good that there won’t be any blizzard.”

“Everyone, if you persist on climbing the mountain, I have some suggestion for you.” Xiao Libie put in.

“Have you made it to the other side of the mountain before?”

“Me? Hell no! No one has climbed Mount Dynamo ever. I was born in the town at the foothills, and conquering Mount Dynamo had been my father’s greatest passion. He knew the mountain well and showed me a few routes to reach the mount from the foothills. However, once we are close to the peak, we will be on our own. The peak was called the Forbidden Zone. It was an area under a constant low-pressure blizzard, and no equipment would work in that storm. However, I think we should give it a try.”

Everyone knew that in order to achieve what they came here for, they could only press forward.

Two days later, the group reached the foot of the dark mountain, and were ready for the assent. Many local residents had urged them to give up their idea because in their minds, scaling the sacred mountain would call down the wrath of gods. However, after they learned that the soldiers needed to get past the mountain to attack the Zergs, they all started to offer their help and tips.

The soldiers breezed through the first few hundred kilometers. Despite the drastic change in temperature, they protected themselves using GN force. By nightfall, they have already reached the halfway point. They found a clearing and made camp for the night; the GN shield had been taxing on the warriors’ system.

The mastery casters seemed to be in a rougher shape than METAL warriors due to their weaker GN force. The elements had also taken a toll on their body.

In order to alleviate the situation, Wang Tong paired casters with METAL warriors so that they both could look after each other while climbing.

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