Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 659 - Six Hundred And Fifty-nine: Honeymoon Phase

Chapter 659 - Six Hundred And Fifty-nine: Honeymoon Phase

The third point of view:

While Isabella and Pedro were about to experience a major crisis in their life, Anabelle and Julie were still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship.

The once innocent bathing - if that had been the case in the first place - became sensuous as Julie's hands slid from Anabelle's hair down to her neck. He followed the trail of the sud on her body only to stop on the nape of her neck. He then began to rub circles on that particular spot causing her breath to hitch.

Shivers ran down Anabelle's spine and she slowly began to writhe.

"Julie," She breathed, "What are you doing?"

"Bathing you of course. I can't leave any area undone," his tone was smug as he asked, "Why? Is something wrong?" he asked as if he didn't know what he was doing to her.

"Irs nothing," Anabelle said immediately. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing the effect he had on her even though she had given herself away by moaning earlier. But she would not give in, Julie would be the first to cave in.

Julie has a smirk on his face, he knew Anabelle knew what he was doing to her, unfortunately, she doesn't want to admit it. However, he made up his mind, if he was going to be suffering here, she wouldn't be comfortable either. He would drive Anabelle crazy with need, giving her a taste of her own medicine.

Julie continued to massage her but unlike earlier, Anabelle braced herself. Although she still shivered, she had better control of her body - she hoped.

Suddenly, Julie withdrew his hand and she felt a sudden loss - she missed his hands on her. However, Julie wasn't done, instead, he picked one of the scented oils, smeared it all over his palm, and rubbed down Anabelle's chest, massaging the underside of her breast before closing over her nipples.

Anabelle moaned this time, unable to stop her body from reacting to the sensation overwhelming her body.

"Julie!" She moaned, her back shooting off the tub, but Julie pushed her back in while his other palm continued to rub circles across her nipples.

Anabelle's grip on the edge of the tub tightened, her veins showing as Julie continued to tease her. Her hand wanted to reach out and grab his hair from behind, but that would mean admitting defeat, so she had no choice but to writhe and moan in the bath.

"Oh my God!" Anabelle threw her head back, almost hitting her head against the porcelain-enameled steel had Julie not prevented the impact by catching her.

Thanks to protecting her, he had to withdraw his hand and that left Anabelle more frustrated. Her core was pulsing with need and she wanted relief right now.

"Why are you staring at me that way?" Julie leaned across the tub, staring at her with a wicked smile, "You look like you need something from me?"

Anabelle didn't say a word, she lay against the tub exhausted and was trying to catch her breath. Moreover, she didn't know what to say to him, she was more in the mood to jump him right now. But she would need to suggest that and that means he won in this unofficial challenge. The only reason Anabelle hasn't given up was because Julie was as horny as she was right now and she relied on the fact she had more control than him. Julie would cave in before her. He would give in to the temptation before she does.

"Why? Cat got your tongue, love?" Julie continued to tease, trying to provoke her into losing control. No, it won't work on her, she was strong - at least, in this aspect.

"Fine, since you won't say a word," Julie was facing a tough battle here, "Let me give you a little motivation," He said and dipped his hand into the water.

Anabelle's heart skipped a beat as she got a hint of what he was about to do. And she shivered, feeling his hand across her thigh beneath the water. He then spread open her leg before slipping his finger and stroked her heat.

Anabelle gasped with pleasure, her head lulling back. She was not going to lie, she wanted this and It felt so good.

Julie was delighted with her reaction and he continued to touch her rhythmically.

Her thighs quivered and just as she was about to come, Anabelle recalled what this should have been in the first place.

"You are cheating," She gasped, still reeling from the pleasure. Her eyes were lidded and she was trying to catch her breath.

Julie gave her a wicked smile, "Well? You forgot down there needed to be clean as well, right?"

And with that, he increased his pace while she moaned and cried his name. In no time, Anabelle exploded and she leaned back against the tub, satiated, unlike a certain person.

"F*ck," Julie cursed, unable to take it anymore. He pulled down his pants at once and the eager Anabelle turned and took his rock-hard brother into her mouth immediately.

Julie pushed his member into her mouth and she took him as much as she could. She then sucked him and a groan left his lips, glancing down to watch mesmerizingly the way she worked him.

Anabelle didn't feel shy when she met Julie's gaze as she sucked him. There was just something about the way he stared at her while she had his member in her mouth. It made her feel powerful and in control.

Right now, she was the puppet master and he was dancing to her tune. With each string she pulled, he either moaned or shut his eyes and even had the power to bring him down to his knee. The thought made her drunk with power and she worked him the way she wanted.

So she sucked him harder and the next heard a mighty moan from him as he released into her mouth.


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