Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 23: The assembly

"Mr. Ambrose," her voice said, bringing me back to my senses as I looked up. She pursed her lips, staring at me for a brief second. Then she said, "The sorting of students into the groups was completed yesterday, and you were allocated into Dracanores. Don't worry, it's well established and suitable for you. And the thing about your name has been changed too, you will be known as Ambrose from now on."

"Come meet me if you have any issues in the academy. My quarters are to the north of the academy." With that, she smiled at me and turned back to return to her position.

Wov! She just talked continuously and left like that without waiting for me to process. *sigh* I mean, I have no qualms about the group or where I am being placed.

Then came Mr. Manners and said, "Isn't that Professor Jeanine? Do you know her? What did she say?"

Man, can you stop with these questions. I looked at him and stared at him, then he asked again, "Why did she come here?"

*sigh* This sighing is making me feel old.

"She said that I was given the Dracanores group."

"Wait, you are also Dracanores," he laughed, gently patting my back. "It must be fate that we ended up together in the same group."

I raised my brows at his words, controlling my laugh. Haven't we met just now. Wait, as a thought struck me, is he? I screamed internally, I don't swing that way, bro!

But outwardly, I smiled wryly and said, "Yeah."

"Well, do you know, Ms.Jeanine. Isn't she beautiful and elegant?"

AH! I calmed myself and relaxed, knowing that he was still a man of refined taste. "Yes, she is," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

"I can't describe her beauty in words ," he continued, his eyes glimmering with admiration. "It's like she possesses a certain grace that captivates everyone around her."

I was startled to hear him speak so passionately about Ms. Jeanine. It made me wonder if there was something more than just admiration behind his words. Nonetheless, I kept my composure and simply nodded in agreement.

"Do you like her?" I asked in doubt.

"Who wouldn't! I admire her, but she is only there to admire from afar," he replied, a hint of longing in his voice. "She's unattainable, like a dream that you can never quite reach."

I wait for him to stop his praise. I mean, I couldn't agree more on the topic of Jeanine, but hearing him praise her is making me cringe.

But seeing Jeanine, I decided to add her to the list of women, taking the position of number two.

Then Headmaster Ashfield's voice reverberated throughout the hall. Then all the students turned towards the little stage and started paying attention to the headmaster. If I remember correctly, he was the man I met yesterday. After meeting him, I lost consciousness.

"Hello, my young and aspiring students..."

He started talking, but I leaned towards Mr. Manners, the name keeps getting better and better after repetition.

"When will this be over?"

He reluctantly turned to me and said, "Just a formal speech, and we will leave for classes." Then he turned his attention to the headmaster.

Hmm, I have to say, the name really suits him. Dude can't divert his attention even for a second.

After a whole ten minutes, the 'headmaster' has stopped speaking and dispersed the assembly. I feel like I have joined a school all over again.

Mr.Manners, flashing his teeth at me, led me to the class.


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