Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 20: Back to the school

As the last remnants of Earl's presence faded into the distance. While Jeanine and Jaegar stood there, Angelina was scanning the surroundings.

With a calm posture, Angelina turned her attention to the damaged house, her hands rising gracefully as she wielded her wand. A surge of magic emanated from the tip of the wand, causing the shattered fragments of the house to tremble and stir.

Jaegar's eyes widened with awe as he watched in amazement, witnessing the incredible power of the Mother Witch. The disarrayed pieces of the house slowly began to reassemble, like a jigsaw puzzle being solved by an invisible hand. Walls shifted back into place, shattered windows repaired themselves, and the structure regained its former solidity.

As the house continued its gradual rebirth, Jaegar walked alongside Angelina, his gaze alternating between the miraculous reconstruction and the enchanting figure beside him. A sense of wonder filled the air as Angelina broke the silence with a gentle inquiry, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "Where have you been all this time?" she asked, her eyes fixed on the house taking shape before them.

Jaegar replied to her without any hesitation, "I lived with my aunt. She was the one who raised me," he revealed, his eyes reflecting the memories of his past.

Jaegar's eyes shimmered with curiosity as he posed his question, and his voice was filled with a mix of awe and excitement. Angelina, still immersed in the task of restoring her beloved house, nodded in acknowledgment, encouraging him to speak his mind.

Taking a deep breath, Jaegar voiced his thoughts, his words reflecting his newfound sense of wonder. "What just happened to me? I feel completely different now. It's as if a veil has been lifted, and I've never felt this way before." His eyes sparkled with anticipation, eagerly awaiting Angelina's response.

Angelina turned towards him, her gaze thoughtful yet serene. She exhaled softly before offering her insight, her voice carrying a weight of wisdom. "Yes, it appears that the curse has been suppressing your magical energy all these years. When the curse was finally lifted, your magical essence surged forth with newfound intensity. What you witnessed was, maybe, the release of that pent-up energy."

Her words hung in the air, inviting contemplation and understanding. Angelina's eyes shifted back to the now fully restored house, admiring her handiwork with a sense of satisfaction.

With a subtle nod, she spoke once more, her voice guiding them towards the entrance. "Let us enter now, for there is much to discuss, and I'm sure you have a lot of questions."

"Not really," replied Jaegar.

Angelina chuckled and said, "You are a lot like your mother."

Jaegar asked, feeling that he wanted to know more about his mother, "What was she like?"

They entered the hall, and she said to Jeanine, "Dear Jeanine, for now, take him with you. Let him learn through the school, later, when I have time, I will take him when the times are right."

After what she said, she went to a room.

"So, I thought I would be staying with her," Jaegar said to Jeanine.

"Well, Lady Angelina might have some things that need her attention. We can't question her and should do as she says, Do you understand, Mr. Gadfraye?"

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