Taking My Elder Brothers As Husbands

Chapter 66 - The Rebellion.

Her insides were entirely dry, and after trying to push it deeper in without success, Wang AnZhi pulled out the oversized wooden hardness with a frown, only to realize that the tip of the tool was already covered in bloodstains. ;

To think that youre still so tight, Yan Jing mustve been a lot smaller than I thought Well, no big deal, I suppose we have all the time in the world to expand and loosen you up.

Fresh blood trickled from her slightly agape parts, triggering his senses to the brim. And it was as if he finally noticed that the oversized tool was never going to enter her fully, he tossed it away simply before forcefully entering her roughly with two of his fingers. ;

His face darkened instantly as he realized that aside from the blood, there was almost no moisture within her at all, but even still, her tight walls were enough to drive him crazy. ;

Do you truly believe that you can prevent this by refusing to get wet? He asked grimly as he wiped his body fingers on her crumpled dress, before taking out a jade vial from a nearby cupboard. ;

This is quality stuff, just one drop of this nectar is enough to lubricate your insides, but not to worry, I will be sure to fill your walls thoroughly, as the pain of injuring you is almost the same as stabbing myself with a knife.

Wang AnZhi explained lovingly as he opened the cap of the vial, before pressing it against her nose to let her sniff at the flowery scent of the oil, meanwhile also explaining the usage of the oil further. ;

Apparently not only would it lubricate her walls, but the oil also serves as a sort of aphrodisiac

Yan Luans face fumed with anger and shame as she finally understood what he truly wanted to do. This demonic man wanted her to live with the guilt of drowning in pleasure from someone she hated!

She shut her eyes in desperation, forcing herself to block off his cruel words. ;

Fortunately, as soon as he poured the oil on his palm, a sharp and familiar shriek sounded outside the room, followed by ushered footsteps and the voice of an angry woman. ;

It was Chu YunShang. ;


The door was kicked ajar, and as the men entered the room, Wang AnZhis face darkened in annoyance as he quickly tossed a blanket over Yan Luans naked body. ;

Chu YunShangs eyes were red with fury as soon as she noticed the messy room and the woman she hated on the bed. ;

Wang AnZhi, have you gone mad!? Your father told you to capture a hostage for our plans, but youre actually playing with the hostage at this crucial moment! How could you!? She pointed at her husband in rage with a shaky finger as she screamed.

Her shrill voice only seemed to anger him more, as his furrowed brows deepened heavily while his eyes flashed with impatience, Get lost, unless you wish to die.

This was why he never liked this woman. Truth be told, he would never have married Chu YunShang if it wasnt for the fact that she was the only one who could get in close contact with the Queen Dowager to poison her. If this wasnt the case, there was no way he would wish to look at her, let alone marry her. ;

Harh?! I am inquisitive as to how you would kill me, Wang AnZhi, dont you ever forget that if it werent for me, your familys plans would not have succeeded so quickly! You better change right away and come with me right now, the army is ready and your father is planning to start the rebellion!

But, her anger came to a sudden halt and her facial expressions twisted into a darker grim shade as soon as she saw the humongous dildo on the corner of the bed. ;

In fact, the only reason why she even married this man was because he had ascended the throne as the new emperor after Yan Jing passed away. And secondly, it was because of his handsome features, which was why she was willing to kill her own aunt, the late Queen Dowager, in exchange for being married to Wang AnZhi. ;

But on their wedding night, she found out that his manhood had long since been destroyed by Yan Jing. Unable to contain her horror and anger, she threw a tantrum, which in turn, angered him significantly. ;

Which resulted in her having her cherries popped by a TOOL! And worst of all, the excruciating pain and trauma she felt was incomparable. ;

On that night, Chu YunShang swore that she would never forget the humiliation, ever!

This was why she eventually settled her mind on helping them rebel with the memories of her previous life. She would help Wang AnZhi ascend the throne, then she would announce to the world that he was, in fact, not an actual man. ;

A man with no ability to create children could never be an emperor, which was why it would cause a huge disturbance in the court. As for herself, she would then find a suitable time to kill him off and then grab control of the Wang Family once and for all. ;

After that, she would control the court as Queen Dowager and live the life shed always wished for. ;

In fact, she had to thank her aunt for teaching her the fact that a woman could not go far if shes not as cruel as reality needed her to!

Naturally, he knew about todays arrangements, and according to the plan, he was supposed to kidnap Yan Luan, while his father will take advantage of the chaos in the Yan Family to initiate the rebellion. They would kill Emperor QiLing and then blame it on the Yan brothers, as they would definitely send their men out to look for their sister.

Perfect scapegoats.

Being at such a crucial juncture, fully reluctant to let go of the woman of his dreams, Wang AnZhi had spent his time here playing with Yan Luan, even preparing a wedding celebration to claim her once and for all.

WengZhu He sighed as he grabbed her cheeks roughly, holding her face towards him before kissing her bruised cheeks greedily, conveniently ignoring the hatred within her eyes, Look at the risk Im taking just for you.

His actions were like knives cutting into Chu YunShangs heart, but still, she tried her best to contain her anger, Wang AnZhi, Yan Jing had already mobilized their searching parties when I was rushing here, if you dont take advantage of this situation quickly and take over the palace by tonight, I can assure you that your head will be showcased on top of the city gate, while your hands will be sliced into pieces.

If one would talk about Yan Jings ruthlessness, Chu YunShang would definitely be the one who had much to say, as she had personally experienced it in her previous life

The two men that she feared the most in this world would be the Yan brothers, and that was also the reason why she was certain of the consequences if they were to fail the rebellion.

Is that so? I would love to see how he would chop off my head As for you, get lost right now! Wang AnZhi, who had been at odds with Yan Jing ever since the beginning, could not bear to listen to Chu YunShangs words of condemnation. After chasing her away, he glanced down at the woman he loved, whom he held tightly within his arms.

So wonderful and beautiful To the extent that she might one day even warm his frozen heartBut as soon as the thought of her sharing her bed with her brothers daily entered his mind, his eyes reddened instantly with rage.

You wish for me to die too, right? Do not worry, for I will definitely return with your precious brothers heads as decorations for our wedding.

Meanwhile, at this exact moment, Yan Jing received a secret report from his spies. And as soon as he read it, his usual calm complexion darkened significantly while hostile and murderous intent hanged around him, causing Yan Dao to backed away in surprise.

Elder brother, what happened?

Wang Yong had started their attack, we need to send our army to protect his majesty and the queen.

Ever since the start of their rivalry, Yan Jing already knew that such a day would come, especially for Wang Yong, who had always been an extremely ambitious man.

Furthermore, for him to choose this timing to attack, it was an obvious letter of challenge for Yan Jing, for if he could not react appropriately with haste, the Yan Family might eventually be treated as traitors of the country for causing the rebellion.

As expected, this old dog is really going too far! Im afraid that we might not make it on time, as the palace guards are probably his men His majesty is in big danger! Yan Dao said urgently.

Yan Jing raised his head towards the sky as he gripped onto the purse that Yan Luan had gifted him not long ago, he would still always caress the little fox embroidery every single day.

We need to find her as soon as possible.

His one and only worry right now was that Wang Yong would use her to threaten their position, and in addition to the fact that he had zero to no interest in seizing the imperial seat within his palms, if the price to save Yan Luan was to surrender everything he had, there was no doubt that he would do so without any hesitation.

But still, he was afraid that Wang Yong would go against his word, and still kill Yan Luan eventually

Elder brother, the Yans calvary could not be left without a leader, you need to lead them to victory. Yan Dao stood in front of him with a serious look, Trust me, I ;willfind her! You cant let the kingdom fall into the hands of rebels!

Having spent the first twelve years of his life outside the city wall, he knew how much the people resented the corruption of the Northern regime, and how much Wang Yongs name had been spurned by others Even the gentle lady who had weaved him the accessory had said that if the country continued to be lead by such corrupted ministers, the country might as well be destroyed.

Elder brother, why are you still hesitating? Go and kill the rebels! I will wait for you at home with Ah Luan safely rescued!

She was the only person keeping Yan Jing back from taking swift actions, and Yan Dao could totally relate to him.

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