Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend

Chapter 503 - 503 An Unexpected Person Appears

Chapter 503: Chapter 503 An Unexpected Person Appears

Translator: 549690339


She was quite a legendary woman.

She was born in 1970.

Now forty-one years old.

However, the years haven’t left too many marks on her face.

With proper care, she looks even fresher than most thirty-year-olds.

Her skin was tight, but who knew… cough cough cough.

Jiang Xu hadn’t expected Lifuzhen to appear at such an event.

But on second thought, he understood.

Eight out of ten, it was her brother who had her come here, to take Jin Zhizhang’s place and compete against him.

As Jiang Xu was mentally gearing up, he also became exhilarated.

Doing business with strong women like her was interesting.

Little monsters give little experience and drop nothing good.

But a big boss like Lifuzhen was different.

‘Defeating’ her, there was a high chance of dropping good loot.

Various thoughts flashed through his mind.

But outwardly, Jiang Xu pretended not to recognize her, asking, “Who might you be?”

“Stop pretending,” Lifuzhen spoke in standard Mandarin, “The moment you saw me, your pupils contracted.

That proves that you recognize me.”

Currently, the internet isn’t that well developed.

Folks in China are basically unaware of Lifuzhen’s existence.

It would take a few more years, after the internet has developed, for many who have entered society and been battered to realize just how attractive wealthy women can be.

After all, the hidden meaning of steel wool is wealth and endurance.

Jiang Xu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, “My apologies.”

Indeed, it wouldn’t be possible for someone to stand out in a grand family like the Sangsangs if they were simple and naive.

Moreover, Lifuzhen was twice Jiang Xu’s age, more experienced, and her… knowledge was beyond what Jiang Xu could aspire to.

Lifuzhen extended her fair small hand, “Pleased to meet you.”

Jiang Xu also shook her hand.

This woman looked at Jiang Xu with a different sort of intent in her eyes.

As if… a hunter regards its prey.

However, she indeed had the stature to do so.

Jiang Xu asked, “Miss Li, did you come here to participate in the competition?”

Lifuzhen laughed, “No, it’s just a few young people from my company who are participating, just for fun.”

But Jiang Xu’s heart skipped a beat.

Though the folks from the hammer often brag, love stealing from other countries, and love to cheat in all sorts of competitions, it seems like they have no merits.

Well, indeed they have no merits.

But one thing that has to be admitted is that many of their young people are slick at gaming and have won numerous world championships.

He would have to be cautious, lest he capsize in the gutter and let the hammer win the championship of this competition.

The strife began.

“I should be leaving,” Lifuzhen said to Jiang Xu, revealing a meaningful smile.

Then she turned and left.

A forty-year-old woman, yet her figure hadn’t changed at all.

She was one of the most desired women for countless men with poor appetite.

Wealthy woman, hungry hungry, food food.

After giving Lifuzhen a deep look, Jiang Xu went to the rest room.

Zhou Shuyi was already waiting there.

Upon seeing Jiang Xu, she excitedly stood up, “Mr. Jiang, hello, I’m… Zhou Shuyi.”

For a tomboy like her, perhaps she could never have imagined meeting Jiang Xu one-on-one.

“Yes, hello,” Jiang Xu said with a gentle expression, “Don’t be nervous, please take a seat.”

Zhou Shuyi waited for Jiang Xu to sit down before daring to take her seat.

Her two hands rested on her legs, extremely restrained.

Jiang Xu smiled and said, “Don’t be nervous. I asked you here because I want to know if you would be willing to join my team.”

“Huh?” Zhou Shuyi was stunned, “What do you mean?”

Jiang Xu: “I plan to put together a gaming team and would like to invite you to join.”

“But my skills are just average,” Zhou Shuyi doubted why Mr. Jiang would think of inviting her.

It couldn’t possibly be because he fancies me, could it?

Wait a second, it’s not impossible!

Even though Jiang Xu has a fiancee who is as beautiful as a goddess.

But men are known for loving novelty and tiring of the old.

Tired of the usual home-cooked meals, maybe he wants to try some wild pickings?

With that thought, Zhou Shuyi suddenly became excited.

Could it be, she had a chance to leap across social classes?

Jiang Xu had no idea what this woman was thinking at the moment.

Otherwise, he would’ve definitely given her several big slaps.

“You think you are worthy?”

Jiang Xu took out the contract he had prepared and explained, “I’ve seen your competition.

Although your skills aren’t yet outstanding and still seem a bit green,

you have a huge potential and will absolutely become top-notch in the industry in the future.

Here’s the contract, take a look at it.”

Zhou Shuyi was so flattered by Jiang Xu’s words.

She eagerly took the contract and started reading it seriously.

Of course, she hadn’t received much education and didn’t understand much.

She only understood that the base salary was twenty-five hundred a month and the contract was for twenty years.

“Ah, isn’t this period a bit too long, and the salary so low?” Zhou Shuyi showed a troubled expression.

This wasn’t what she had expected.

Jiang Xu said seriously, “This is a base salary regardless of performance, which many companies don’t offer.

As long as you achieve results, it’s normal for your annual salary to reach tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions in the future.

Do you think a billionaire like me with assets worth hundreds of billions would specifically target you?”

Zhou Shuyi understood.

It really was just as she had guessed.

Jiang Xu wanted to keep her as a mistress.

What about joining a team? That was just a smokescreen.

So, she quickly signed the contract.

Jiang Xu sneered inwardly.

With this, Zhou Shuyi was now in his hands.

Even though she wasn’t that great, her ability to make money was still there.

The contract was full of traps.

If she breached it, she would have to pay an exorbitant sum as compensation—she wouldn’t be able to get away.

After squeezing out all her value, he would just put her on ice.

The competition would last about a month.

With three rounds of preliminaries, that’s already three weeks gone.

And of course, the final is naturally set in Magic City.

Today, at the end of the competition, sixty-eight finalists were produced in the Magic City region.

Hmm, the Pure Love Team, unsurprisingly, was eliminated.

Jiang Xu wasn’t surprised, even though Fu Yanjie was fretting over it.

Jiang Xu patted his shoulder, “You don’t need to come tomorrow. Go back to

Jiang City and accompany Zhang Yuanyuan.”

He had specifically come over from Jiang City.

“Okay,” Fu Yanjie nodded.

When the competition ended, Ally took the stage again, “Everyone, please don’t rush to leave. We have a surprise for you at the end.”

The lights suddenly dimmed.

Then a woman with a graceful figure walked onto the stage.

The crowd was stunned for a moment, followed by bursts of cheering.

It was a singer with no small amount of fame.

Ally said, “After every competition concludes, there will be a performance by a surprise guest artist. Everyone can look forward to it.”

This was Mr. Jiang’s idea to increase traffic and trending topics.

Most importantly, it was to enable users of Daily Headlines to grow rapidly.

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