Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 176

176 His Bestie

Mimi made no plans of coming to the base today. Even though she termed Charlie’s death an act of self-defense and him leaving this world, a big favor to humanity, she still woke up screaming in the middle of the night from terror.

She didn’t have just one nightmare but many that kept her up all night. By the time the morning came, she was physically drained with dark circles around her eye.

Her mother was concerned over her state of health and thankfully attributed it to the illness she feigned having previously.

“The drugs don’t seem to be working,” Hannah nagged, and after Mimi promised to visit the hospital later, she finally let her be.

Her mother prepared Victor’s breakfast as usual and so far Mimi had no idea what to do with it. Mimi didn’t want to set afoot at that mansion knowing that would only trigger the memories she was trying to get over.

Sadly, the thing about death is that you needed time to get over it and time wasn’t what she had on her hands.

Mimi was still thinking of ways to send the food to Victor when a message came into her phone.

[Bestie, I’m bored]

Mimi’s face distorted at once, what’s with the title? She rolled her eyes and was close to dropping the phone on her bed when another message came in.


[I need you]

“Aish, that dumbass!” Mimi hissed, feeling the need to slap that idiot at the back of the head. Didn’t he know how misleading that message was? Or maybe he sent it intentionally? That one wouldn’t surprise her, Victor was a big jokester.

Nonetheless, she still was not getting off this bed. Mimi was ready to dump the phone on the side when her phone chimed with another notification. She groaned, then brought the phone to her face to read it.

[Please] accompanied with a teary-face emoji.

“Ugh!” Mimi groaned, burying her face once more in the pillow while kicking the bed in annoyances. How could she refuse Victor when he was begging her sincerely?


She grumpily typed down and sent it to him just so he would let her be. Having been with Victor for a while, she came to know he had great annoying skills and wouldn’t let her rest until he got what he wanted.

Well, that worked for good anyway, she would have to deliver his food to him now. So Mimi had no choice but to prepare herself and in no time, found herself at the entrance of the mansion she had vowed never to step in after what they did to Arianna. But just like a dog, she went back to her vomit.

Truthfully, Mimi thought they would refuse her entrance after the drama she acted that day but they merely gave her a look as she was let into the heavily guarded “fortress”. She guessed it was Victor’s doing.

Sigh, with the amount of security here, one would think they were keeping an ancient national antique here.

It wasn’t hard to find Victor lying on a couch in the sitting room, looking like he was sick or something until he noticed her presence and turned. His illness vanished, replaced by a wide smile capable of shaming the sun with its brightness.

“You’re here, bestie!”

Mimi rolled her eyes, she wasn’t ready for his drama.

“Here,” She stretched the flask towards him as he came over.

As usual, Victor received the flask with a wide grin as if Christmas came early.

“But where are you going?” He asked when she turned.

“Home,” She answered, “I’m not back to work yet. I need a break,”

“But you promised to keep me company,” He pouted.

Mimi stopped short, “Oh, right. She forgot about that part,” She turned to him with a sigh, “What do you want me to do?”

“Nothing. Just stay with me,” He said, and as a matter of fact, took her hand and steered her in the direction of the couch where he made her sit with him.

With glee, Victor opened the three-layer flask and began to set the food on the table, his eyes glinting.

So delicious, he practically rubbed his palms together and was ready to dig into the scrumptious meal until he remembered something.

Mimi slumped down onto the couch, prepared to drift away in her thoughts only to feel his stare. She became so acutely aware of Victor that she could predict when he had eyes on her.

“What?” She asked him when he gave her that gleaming look that told her he was about to annoy the hell out of her. What was it now?

“Pray for the food,” He said.

“What?” Mimi almost spat blood, she gave him a look of disbelief, “What are you, ten? Moreover, why should I pray for your own meal?”

“Love your neighbor as you love yourself, don’t you read your Bible?”

Her jaw almost dropped. Mimi was flustered, “That has absolutely nothing to do with -”

“Forget it then, I’ll do it myself,” Victor let the disappointment show on his face.

“Fine, I’ll do it,” She stopped him.

“Thank you, bestie,” He grinned.

God, Mimi was beginning to regret having agreed to be his friend. If she had known he would turn her once peaceful life upside down, she wouldn’t have agreed at all!

“Let’s pray,” Mimi said, folding her hands as he did the same.

“Father Lord God, we thank you for this meal from Thy bountiful goodness, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen,” Mimi added in her mind, “And may the person about to eat this, choke on it, Amen.” she finished.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Victor grinned at her before digging into the meal.

Mimi simply laid her head back on the couch. Between Victor and kids out there, she couldn’t tell which one was more exhausting to take care of. She was mentally drained.

However, Mimi still found him surprisingly cute. When Victor ate, you could tell by the look on his face that he was enjoying it. It was interesting to watch.

Victor felt Mimi’s stare on him the entire time but he didn’t say a word, his attention was more on his food. Growing up in a family where he was junior to two female siblings, he was petted, treasured, and treated well with all manner of goodies they could come up with. So yeah, his love for “good” food developed there.

When Victor was done with the meal, he finally turned to Mimi after stretching himself out, “That was nice....”

Mimi was asleep right next to him.

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