Sylver Seeker

Chapter 182: Strings Attached(2/2)

Chapter 182: Strings Attached(2/2)

[N/A (Unique) Raised!]

[Undead Mastery (V) Proficiency increased to 100%!][Undead Mastery (V) rank up available!]

[Necrotic Mutilation (III) Proficiency increased to 88%!]

[Mutating Override (II) Proficiency increased to 100%!][Mutating Override (II) rank up available!]

Sylver backed away as Morana asked for space. He then watched as strings appeared from the tips of her hoof/claws. She then proceeded to send a string up towards the ceiling, and in about 10 seconds, disappeared inside a giant white cocoon hanging on a string.

Sylver felt his hands going numb, and as he opened and closed his fists, he could feel that Morana was using their connection to suck his mana out of him. Sylver walked up to the cocoon.

I gave you the name Morana, Sylver shouted at the sack of string and undead horse/spider creature.

[N/A (Unique)] has received the name [Morana][Evolution Available!]


It was something Sylver had wanted to discuss with a [Necromancer] before using it.

Because he worried that the evolution the system would provide him would overwrite his own magic, and even though the undead would evolve, it would be an overall downgrade.

And with Spring specifically, he was terrified of the shade losing his personality.

Brunos advice was not amazing, but it made sense.

Wait until youre desperate, and then evolve the strongest shade you have. Pick one that youre not going to feel too bad about if it ends up changing, was what Bruno said.

Sylver was powerful enough for the time being, and having an instant shade upgrade, felt like a fairly good trump card to have.

His gut

Didnt seem to have an opinion on the matter.

Sylver had 3 evolutions, and if it really did make his shade more powerful, wouldnt it be better to wait until the last possible second? The higher Sylvers level was the stronger the shades became, and hypothetically, if the evolution increases their power by 10 levels, evolving them from level 300 to 310, would be better than evolving them from 130 to 140.

Sylver patted the horse cocoon and did his best to get across the idea of him leaving to drink with Bruno, while Morana continued doing whatever it was she was doing.

Going by the sound Sylver could hear inside the cocoon, and that he could feel Moranas mana channels slowly moving, she wasnt content with Sylvers alterations and decided to implement some of her own.

Given just how many potential creatures she was made out of, it was very likely she was simply bringing out their potential, like wings, armor, acid, that kind of thing. Sylver knew his steed well enough to trust it, and if she fucked something up, Sylver knew her body inside and out and would have little issue fixing her.


So, you married the horse? Tera asked again, with the kind of innocent tone that Sylver couldnt even get angry at.

For the last time, its just the spell some priests used to use when marrying a couple. I thought hey, wouldnt that be extremely useful for a creature I care deeply about and dont want to be separated from? Even this far away I can basically tell shes just gone to sleep. Its all very vague, her mind isnt that of a horse, or 1 single creature, Sylver explained, as Tera sat back down and one of Sylvers shades helped bring all the food onto the table.

The small golden spiders were currently on the same table, and everyone was feeding their respective spider small slices of chicken meat. Bruno was the only one who wasnt since he was partially gold pheromone spider and didnt need one.

Why is your hair white? one of the children, Corina, asked.

Training accident. I turned out to be a lot less smart than I thought I was. The nails are just a side effect of using my specific brand of magic, Sylver said as he raised both of his hands and showed off his pitch-black fingernails.

Which, considering that he took good care of them, looked painted and manicured more than anything.

Why are your eyes black? a different child, Isabell, asked.

Syl, Im so sorry- Bruno started to apologize.

Theyre curious, its a good thing. And to answer your question, I dont know. I just woke up like this one day, Sylver answered honestly.

The two children seemed somewhat satisfied with his answer, but that might have had something to do with the way Tera was politely smiling at them.

The news of Tera being pregnant with twins was received about as well as expected.

She fainted.

And when she woke up she screamed so loudly with joy that all the various chimeras spread throughout the underground farm joined in to celebrate, and scared the living shit out of the adventurers trying to make their way through the dungeon.

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