Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory

Chapter 161

Surviving With An Sss-Rank Inventory Chapter 161

Episode 161:

Kalphael also assumed the danger of mental manipulation looming over the polluted world tree.

However, there is one fact that Kalfael overlooked.

That was the inner thought inherent in Elaine’s unconscious.

“My illusion magic will not harm Elaine’s body at all. “It just shows the truth.”

Kalphael explained that Elaine’s runaway was not due to a mistake in her magic.

“I showed it to Elaine. What Luna did to Taeyang. “What they did to Solari.”

“Could it be that they rejected it because their belief in the World Tree is so strong?”

Roberto, who was listening to Kalfael’s words, made his own guess.

But Kalfael shook his head.

“no. “It’s not because of that.”


“I guess it’s because of guilt.”

Dio, who was watching the whole situation, helped out.

The day the World Tree first burned down.

At that time, Elaine lost everything.

Not only the world tree, but also the person you love the most.

There is only one reason why Elaine has lived until now.

This is to kill Crassus, the main culprit who burned the World Tree and the enemy of the clan.

But what if everything that gave Elaine a reason to live was a lie?

Luna’s plan in collusion with the darkness.

The terrible truth that the polluted world tree deceived all the elves.

Dio didn’t think Elaine would accept this easily.

Because it’s not something you can just say sorry for misunderstanding.

Because it means denying the entire beliefs of your life up until now.

“Elain… seems as if she wants to apologize in death. “I had no idea Elaine would make such an extreme choice.”

Crassus was devastated by Kalfael’s explanation and stared blankly at Elaine, who was running wild.

But I couldn’t just sit still like this.

“Elain is not that weak. “I can do it somehow…”

Crassus gritted his teeth and tried to approach Elaine.

However, Kalphael urgently stopped Crassus.

“Let’s stop. “The closer Crassus approaches, the worse the situation will become.”

“Do not be ridiculous! “I’m the only one who understands Elaine!”

“no. “You are not the one who will understand her.”


Crassus glared at Kalphael’s assertiveness.

“Mr Crassus. Haven’t you been avoiding Elain for hundreds of years? “We haven’t even talked properly in a while.”


Crassus could not reply to Kalfael’s words.

I never for a moment thought of Elaine as anything other than a precious family member.

But does Elaine really think that way?

The days of happy days are now a thing of the past.

In fact, the relationship between Crassus and Elaine can be seen as strangers.

No, for nearly a thousand years, Elaine had thought of Crassus as her enemy.

That’s why Crassus couldn’t get close to her and could only watch from afar.

In this situation, Crassus could not deny Kalphael’s words.

“Among the people here right now, the only one who can understand Elaine is…”

Kalphael, leaving the distraught Crassus alone, looked at Dio.

“…Why are you looking at me?”

Dio expressed doubt at Kalfael’s gaze.

Although I knew a lot of information about Elaine, I didn’t think I could understand her.

In addition, didn’t Dio, like Elaine, find out too late that the World Tree was Luna’s puppet?

Dio thought of Elaine, who had always raised her eyebrows at him during this expedition.

So I couldn’t understand Kalphael’s actions even more.

‘I don’t understand…How can I understand Elaine?’

Even if he understood, Dio couldn’t even guess what he should do.

Are you asking me to go and offer some words of comfort?

I feel like I want to kill him here and absorb his experience points.

“Elain’s current runaway is not a phenomenon that occurs arbitrarily. “The power of the polluted World Tree still remains in Elaine’s mind.”


Kalfael began to explain Elain’s current state to Dio, who did not understand anything.

“The polluted world tree is deceiving Elaine because the truth I told you is a lie.”

“You weren’t confident you could break the brainwashing!”

“Elain won’t let go of the false world tree. It’s impossible with my abilities. “Even if it were possible, she would just be a doll with no sense of self.”


Kalphael continued to explain Crassus’s journey.

But why?

Kalfael’s face, which had initially looked embarrassed, appeared playful again.

Like the facial expression a child makes when discovering something interesting.

Kalfael looked at Dio with eyes full of expectation.

‘This bastard… really?’

It suddenly occurred to Dio that Kalphael might have intentionally created this situation.

But I don’t have time to think deeply about this.


The energy emanating from Elaine’s body was no longer like an invisible wind.

As dark blue light, which looked like polluted mana, began to rush around Elaine, who rejected the truth, cracks appeared in the ground.

Blah blah blah-


Crassus tried to approach Elaine because she was caught in the collapsing earth, but his strong energy prevented him from taking a single step.

“Is this dangerous?”

Calliope, who was unfolding her shield, also shed cold sweat and raised both arms.

Elaine’s rampage is difficult for even her to stop.

“Elain’s heart is protecting the polluted World Tree. “If we don’t address this, her spirit will be destroyed in an instant.”

Kalfael continued speaking to Dio while injecting mana into Calliope’s shield, which blocks Elaine’s energy.

“You can do it, can’t you? “If you have received the sun’s protection, you can lift the ‘curse’ of the polluted World Tree.”

Kalphael looks at Dio with a grin.

Dio realized what Kalphael was talking about.

What Kalfael said earlier was not that Dio was the only person who could understand Elaine.

A person who can make Elaine escape from the polluted World Tree.

Kalfael said that the only person who could solve this situation was someone who had the blessing of Solari.

Understanding this, Dio’s thoughts began to move quickly.

Benefits you can gain if you accept Kalphael’s request.

That’s not all.

Elaine’s life…the fact that he was the only one who could save her touched Dio’s heart.

‘Kalfael. Looks like you know quite a lot…good. ‘I’ll do it for you.’

Dio took a step towards Elaine, who was caught up in the fluctuating dark blue mana.

There was someone holding Dio’s hand.


Sepia called out Dio’s name with concern.

Dio smiled as if it was okay and reassured her.

“are you okay. It will be fine…just like it was then.”

It was like speaking to myself.

After making his decision, Dio slowly began to step outside Calliope’s shield. It felt like his skin was going to fall off from the


mana, but Dio didn’t care.

As Kalphael intended, he was the only one who could solve Elaine’s problem now.

It’s Elaine’s runaway that the three seven stars can’t do anything about.

This is because the ‘World Tree’ existed at the center of Elaine’s runaway.

Although it is contaminated and its main body was destroyed by Crassus, the world tree’s mana is still contained in Elaine’s body.

Although Dio has not experienced mana during the World Tree’s heyday, he has heard of how strong its power is.

Even beings called dragons, who are called masters of magic, can’t do anything about the elves under the protection of the World Tree.

Looking at this, the World Tree can at least be seen as an entity that possesses more mana than a dragon.

In a way, it is natural that Calliope or Kalphael cannot solve this problem.

However, even though Dio is of a lower level than them, he has the power to solve this problem.

It was Dio who had already broken the unbreakable curse.

It’s still the same now as it was then.

Dio had a way to break the unbreakable curse.

[Oath of Liberation Lv2 was used.]

[The target was designated as ]

* * *

Little Elaine was sobbing alone in the dark.

The World Tree burned down, and my beloved brother betrayed his people.

Now there was nothing left for Elaine.

[Take revenge.]

A voice whispers to Elaine, who remains alone.

Elaine thought that this voice was what the World Tree was saying.

Even though I know that the World Tree is a being that will not say scary words like revenge.

Elaine’s hatred from the word revenge is what allowed her to live.

Because the World Tree is a being that speaks only for me.


The World Tree told her to harbor hatred towards Crassus, but Elaine didn’t want to do that.

Even though Crassus betrayed everyone, she did not want to harbor hatred towards him as her older brother.

[Take revenge.]

The more Elaine did, the stronger the voice of the World Tree rang in her head.

In order to shake off this crazy sound, Elaine had to harbor hatred.

The moment she harbored hatred, young Elaine’s mind became crystal clear.

It was then.


Someone clearly called Elaine’s name in the empty, lonely place.

At this, Elaine’s spirit returned in an instant.

Even though the hatred was not resolved.

Elaine looked up at the being who appeared in front of her and called her name.

She wondered if he was her older brother, but unfortunately, he was not the person Elaine loved so much.

Above all, the person who appeared before my eyes was not an elf, but a human.

A human with ominous black hair.

“Isn’t the target of revenge wrong?”

What is this black-haired human talking about?

“There is no need to listen to the polluted World Tree. Crassus did not abandon you. “I didn’t betray the elves.”

Elaine’s eyes opened wide at the human’s words.

Are the author’s words true?

So does that mean there is no need to harbor hatred towards your brother?


The World Tree whispered.

The World Tree’s words were filled with sweetness, as if tempting a child with candy.

It was no longer little Elaine who was sobbing.

She thought about the days gone by.

Hatred and distrust were her life.

This all had to be true.

If everything you believed to be true was a lie…!

[Because I have no reason to live.]

Elaine, who had completely assimilated into the polluted world tree, opened her mouth to humans.

As the World Tree wished, Elaine was confident that she would not change her mind no matter what the other person said.

Who can understand themselves?

However, it was not the same amount of comfort coming from the black-haired human’s mouth.

“Who wants revenge?”


Elaine wasn’t the only one taken aback by the human’s words.

Even the World Tree was taken aback by what a human said.

“Elaine. “If you accept the truth, you won’t have to harbor hatred towards Crassus.”

The black-haired human… As Dio approached, Elaine hesitated.

It was because the words penetrated his heart.

Hatred towards Crassus.

Among these, ‘hatred’ is not that important to her.

All that matters is that the target of the hatred is the person most dear to Elaine.

“The hatred you should harbor is not Crassus. Lunaji polluted the world tree.”

Dio’s words were not like those of a saint telling him not to seek revenge.

Revenge is the driving force of life.

However, the exact path was provided to reveal the target to the person who had deceived Elaine.



At Dio’s words, a burning world tree appeared behind Elaine.

The cry of the hotly burning World Tree.

[It’s all a lie!]

“Are you afraid to know the truth? Then take my hand.”

Dio, ignoring the burning World Tree, offered his hand to Elaine.

“In return for servitude…the revenge I so desire.”

Elaine looked.

The truth seen beyond Dio.

“I will make it happen.”

Survive as an SSS-level warehouse character

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