Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 532

Chapter 532

The friends shouted firmly.

Yi-Han was slightly flustered by his friends' intense reaction.


"Why, you ask... If it's not allowed, it's not allowed!"

Nillia waved her hand, expressing her feelings about divination.

Gainando agreed.

"Yi-Han. I heard many mages have ruined their lives by doing divination wrong. You shouldn't rely on such a potion."

"You asked me to give it to you before the exam when the divination potion is completed, didn't you?"

Gainando turned his head, pretending not to have heard.

Yi-Han decided to ask the alchemy experts.

Yonaire and Priestess Siana could have different thoughts from these non-experts.


"No, you can't."


Yi-Han became slightly gloomy.

'I made it with great effort.'

"Wardanaz. I have a slightly different opinion."

"Right. It might be dangerous if you drink it often, but wouldn't it be quite good if you use it appropriately when needed occasionally?"

"Than... No."

When his Blue Dragon Tower friends spoke with a slightly crazed look in their eyes, Yi-Han hesitated.

'These guys' eyes are scary.'

"Why are you like that? Wardanaz? Should I bring it now?"

"Ah, no. It's not even completed yet."


Professor Alpen Knighton, who taught , had a slight frown on his forehead.

It was natural for students to become distracted as the weekend approached, but today they were particularly distracted.

"Everyone, be quiet."

"So when we go outside..."

"I told you no. Setting fire is unwise."

"But when will we get to set a fire?"

At the rebellion of the students who always listened well, the old professor opened his mouth in disappointment.

"Since everyone seems unable to concentrate today, instead of a lecture, a simple additional test..."

"We're sorry, Professor!"

"Shut your mouths, you guys!"

The students who weren't confident about the test quickly subdued their chattering friends.

Gainando, who was secretly playing a card game, was hit by a magic missile in the face and rolled over.

As the lecture hall became quiet, Professor Alpen nodded and resumed the lecture.

"Precise calculation is essential in the preparation process of magic, and if you don't learn this, it can be difficult later on. You all will also start leading and researching magic in earnest when you become 2nd-year students..."

It was what the old professor always said, but magic wasn't just about chanting spells and waving a staff.

Preparing reagents, writing magic circles, and calculating the flow of mana.

A mage who couldn't do this groundwork couldn't become great.

"The blueprint we will study today is the gate of the famous Ganistalas Castle. It's also called . Since it's such a famous gate, I'm sure you all know about it, but..."

Gainando tilted his head and asked.

"Why is it called the Miracle of the Three Mages?"

The old professor explained with dignity without getting angry at his disciple's pathetic question.

"The treasury of the lord of Ganistalas Castle was completely empty due to the successive rebellions and raids at that time. So when building a new gate, he offered gold coins that were less than 1/10 of the usual budget."


Yi-Han slammed his fist on the desk and was outraged.

"How could such a thing happen!"


"Is... Is that something to get so angry about?"

Gainando was flustered by his friend's unusual behavior.

However, Professor Alpen nodded his head as if sympathizing with Yi-Han's outrage.

"No. It's right to be angry. It's a truly unfortunate history. If the others around had helped the lord, it would have ended much faster... Anyway, the three mages of the castle completed the gate despite such bad conditions. It was close to a miracle. Now. The blueprint we will study today is the blueprint of that very gate."

At Professor Alpen's historical story, the students received the blueprint with interest.

Of course, Yi-Han was displeased.

'No, is this like an anecdote?'

The lord cut the budget to 1/10, but the mages somehow completed it with their blood, sweat, and wisdom, so you guys should also learn from it, right?

At first glance, it sounded like an anecdote, but Yi-Han knew well the hidden evil in the structure of such anecdotes.

Originally, it was always the outstanding predecessor who unintentionally tormented the ordinary successors.

If the three mages completed the gate with 1/10 of the budget, they should have said, "Ah, let's analyze and reflect on the problems of the situation at that time when they could only give 1/10 of the budget," not "Shall we also learn that wisdom?"

Yi-Han kept grumbling inwardly and moved his quill.

"Mr. Wardanaz."


At the old professor's call, Yi-Han thought for a moment that his inner thoughts had been discovered.


"Mr. Wardanaz doesn't need to look at that."

"Ah, no... Why is that? I respect the miracle shown by the three mages of Ganistalas. I also want to become such a mage."

Feeling guilty, Yi-Han quickly made excuses without even wetting his lips.

At that, Professor Alpen was pleased.

Unlike other mages who didn't care about the budget at all and wasted reagents extravagantly, this boy from the Wardanaz family had a broad perspective.

"What a moving thought... But it's alright."

"Why is that?"

"Because Mr. Wardanaz already took this test content during the midterm exam."



Not only Yi-Han but also Yonaire, who was drawing the blueprint and calculating next to him, was so dumbfounded that she dropped her quill.

What did I just hear?

"I... I see."

Unlike his other shocked friends, Yi-Han was definitely professional. He nodded his head without changing his expression and showed a listening posture.

Although he still thought the professor was crazy when he recalled taking a different test alone during the midterm exam, he couldn't say, "You are a crazy person," could he?

'It's originally the professor's privilege.'

"Follow me."


While his friends were studying the blueprint, Yi-Han followed Professor Alpen out of the lecture hall.

Outside the window of Einroguard's main building, the cold winter sky was sparkling.

'Can I throw it at the professor when it snows?'


Professor Alpen opened the door of the room and went in, then gestured for Yi-Han to sit down.

Yi-Han, who had been pondering how to throw a snowball, quickly came to his senses and sat on the chair.

This room was different from the one the old professor usually used. Instead of comfortable furniture or miscellaneous items that gave a sense of life, there was only one large communication artifact.

Yi-Han wasn't surprised by the mirror-like artifact, as he had already seen it in the skull principal's room.

When he learned magic from Ogonin, he had conversed through such an artifact.


-Your Excellency, Administrative Officer Knighton.-

The people who appeared through the mirror greeted Professor Alpen. The old professor shook his head and replied.

"I'm no longer an administrative officer. Call me professor."

-Ah. I apologize.-

'Who are these people?'

Yi-Han looked over the people beyond the mirror with interest.

He couldn't understand why Professor Alpen had connected these people with Yi-Han.

"I heard last time, but I'll confirm one last time. Is it true that you guys won the bid for the construction of Pocket Knife Fortress this time?"

-Yes. That's correct. Could this person be…-

"Yes. That's right."

At Professor Alpen's answer, the people beyond the mirror looked at Yi-Han with a gaze mixed with anticipation and curiosity.

Only then did Yi-Han realize who the other party was.

'They're builders, aren't they?'

Stonemason guilds, carpenter guilds, and others related to construction were standing beyond the mirror, each wearing equipment.

-It would be an honor if a student from Einroguard could help us! What year are you in? 3rd year? 4th year?

The people beyond the mirror spoke in a happy voice.

In the empire, mages were always high-level manpower, and among them, mages who could calculate and complete the magic that would go into a building were even rarer.

Mages who had learned magic on their own while wandering the battlefield or had mastered magic with their own senses alone in the mountains were unable to do such collaborative work.

As such, students from Einroguard could be considered the highest-quality manpower that could be obtained for such work.

Except for the fact that the students were extremely busy.

The old professor answered calmly.

"1st year."



The people were flustered.

Yi-Han was also flustered.

"Uh. Professor. Isn't it a bit too early for me to do it?"

"How humble of you."

'Why do Einroguard professors all fail to understand the concept of refusal?'

Yi-Han was bitter at the professor's reaction.

He couldn't understand why the professors were always happy that he was being humble even when he refused.

Can't he really refuse?

"But Mr. Wardanaz has sufficient skills to take on the challenge."

"Why do you make that judgment?"

"Didn't I personally see your answer sheet during the midterm exam?"


Yi-Han was at a loss for words.

When the other party said that, he had nothing to say.

-Your Excellency, the administrative off... No, Professor. Is it really okay?-

"I guarantee it with my name. Trust me, everyone."


Yi-Han felt very pressured when the old professor put his name on the line without even being asked.

What if Yi-Han made a mistake like that?

-Hmm. If Your Excellency, no, the professor says so…-

-But even if he's an Einroguard student, can a 1st-year participate in such construction? As far as I know, usually, you have to be at least a 3rd-year to take on such a task…-

-I also thought so. But there are always unbelievable rumors about Einroguard, aren't there? We must have been mistaken.-

-Come to think of it, last time there was a false rumor that Einroguard students had to fight for their own meals, right? I must have been mistaken. Since we rarely see them, such rumors must be circulating.-


Yi-Han listened to people's conversations with a gloomy expression.

Knowing the truth but being unable to speak it was more disheartening than he had anticipated.

"Professor. What exactly will my role be in this fortress construction?"

"Hmm. You will mainly be in charge of calculations related to magic."

Buildings of a certain size or larger usually couldn't be built without artifacts.

Then, all the tasks of calculating the amount of mana for these artifacts, securing a mana source that could supply that much, and arranging the artifacts in appropriate locations so that they wouldn't malfunction with each other were the mage's job.

In a word, it was a vicious job that required constant calculation.

'Just hearing it makes me dizzy.'

"...Will I be able to do it all within the time limit?"

"Hmm... I think it's sufficiently possible by the time of the final exam."

Yi-Han, who was listening to the professor's words, felt something was off.

"By the time of the final exam? Shouldn't it be finished before the final exam?"

"Mr. Wardanaz. What a joke... Hoho. Of course, if you take on such a task, it replaces the final exam."

The old professor laughed at Yi-Han's words.

No matter how confident he was, trying to finish a task of this scale before the final exam and then take the final exam again.

It was truly the confidence of a genius.

Of course, as a professor, Professor Alpen intended to responsibly ensure that his disciple wouldn't overdo it.

"Thank you, Professor."

Yi-Han was slightly relieved that he didn't have to worry about the final exam.

And he felt self-loathing.

'Damn it. It's not something to be happy about.'

Come to think of it, the reason he could do this was because Yi-Han had already taken a test beyond the scope of the final exam during the midterm exam.

There was no need to be grateful to Professor Alpen at all.

-Professor. Where should we send the gold coins?-

"I would appreciate it if you could send them with the next eagle."

"What gold coins?"

At Yi-Han's question, Professor Alpen answered as if it were obvious.

"Since you took on an external mission, you should receive compensation. It will help Mr. Wardanaz when researching magic next year."

"...Could you give me the fortress documents? I will do my best."

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