Chapter 80: Trapped

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The burning lotus shattered like a balloon wh it came into contact with Kt's knuckled punch. The gravings on the black knuckle glowed wh Kt infused it with aura. Due to the impact, Mia, who stood a short distance, staggered back and lost her balance.

With loud gasps, everyone stood up from their seats to see the situation with Mia.

In the nick of the momt, Mia infused a lot of aura into legs and balanced herself on the g. With a surprised face, she gazed at Kt from distance of 30 feet.

"Not bad… You didn't disappoint me. But it's not over yet." With gritted teeth, Mia prepared for the next attack.

Kt smirked and pulled the bow string in response to her remark. Slightly bding his back leg, he leaned back, aiming the arrow into the sky.

On the other side, Mia began changing her position by moving in a zig-zag manner. Kt's aim followed her movemt.

"Vinus Vtorium Sagitta"

With a whispering chant, the arrow is released from the bow. Mia, who is moving like a serpt, decided to evade the arrow with her movemt technique as the wind chain arrow looked very plain, without any danger.

With a determined look, she stomped on the g and used her aura to rise into the air. But before she ev rose an inch, black and wind chains formed, binding her in the prison of wind.

Her body stuck and didn't ev move an inch, it she felt like she is stuck in deep sand. Only her pupils were moving in confusion, while her body is trapped from all a.

"What's happing? Why is she not moving?" Mia's mother, who sat confidtly until now, rose from her seat with a worried look.

The big Arora glass is displaying Mia, who stood like a statue in the cter of the ara. Like a guitar string, the bow string vibrated betwe Kt's fingers.

"Whoosh… Whoosh… Whoosh…" One after another, three arcane bolt arrows rushed from his bow. As the wind chain arrow only works for three instances, Kt tactically sured Mia without letting her escape.

"What the hell is she doing?" Master Ch muttered as he prepared to rush with all the healers.

"Nooo…" Mia's mother cried out, staring at the streaks of arrows rushing towards Mia.

Just as Mia regained her movemt...

"Boom… Boom…. Boom…"

Loud explosions sured Mia, and she stood in the cter of that triangular explosion. Thankfully, Kt didn't aim those arrows directly at her. Otherwise, Mia's skin would be fried by now.

Master Ch, who rushed inside the Ara, came to a sudd stop after seeing Mia, who stood safely. Happy tears streaked from Mia's mother. But in the middle of all, Mia stood with a dazed look while staring at Kt.

The result is obvious. If not for Kt's mercy, the fight might have already ded with Mia's downfall. The tire ara came to pin-drop silce as disciples gazed onto Kt, who stood calmly with a sere smile.

"Zumi, bring both of them to the Sky family estate." Elder Sinara ordered and left, walking away from the ara. Zumi nodded while closing the glass orb [autumn wind edition], which is recording the fight.

With a lifeless look, Mia kneeled on the g and covered her face as tears welled up from her eyes.

No one can understand the pain of Mia, who prepared for this momt for one full year. Ev though she was already in the in the th Magus stage, she stopped her cultivation and focused on her strgth. But all her dreams shattered, and her pride took a great hit.

"Stop crying… You really fought well." Kt, who stood before kneeling Mia, stretched his hand in support.

Controlling her tears, Mia raised her head to see Kt. Just th, Zumi came with a prideful smile. "You two, come with me. My master wants to meet both of you. And you, stop crying. You still have the chance to become an Autumn Wind sect disciple." Zumi replied with a lazy look.

Hope sparked in Mia's face. Like a flower blooming, a smile appeared. She immediately rubbed her eyes and stood up, holding Kt's hand. As Kt passed a hand cloth, she cleaned her face, getting ready to follow Zumi to the Sky family estate.

"Just give me a momt." Kt said as he turned a and rushed towards Lucy, who is waiting for him at the edge of the ara.

With a serious look, Zumi gazed at Kt, who didn't ev wait for her permission. "Miss, Didn't I lose the fight? Why did the elder want to see me?" Mia asked with a doubtful gaze.

Zumi smirked, taking back her gaze from Kt before replying to Mia. "Sect Matriarch already instructed my master to recruit you. This fight is just to see your skills. Also, don't you know that the Autumn Wind sect is a ladies sect? M were not ev allowed to cross the gate." Zumi replied with a smug look.

"What…?! Th why did Elder want to meet Kt?" Mia asked with a surprised face. Ev though the Autumn Wind sect is popular in Silver Leaf Town, she never heard that it was a ladies sect. Ev Mia's father didn't mtion this to her.

"I don't know. Maybe the elder wants to speak with him." Zumi replied with a detestable look, as she also didn't know the reason behind it.

Lucy happily congratulated Kt with a cheerful smile. Kt gaze stuck on her mesmerising smile.

"Miss Lucy, if you don't mind, can you wait for me some time? I'm going to meet the elder of the Autumn Wind sect. So, please wait for me until I get back." Kt asked requestingly, as he planned to have lunch with her.

Before he ev finishes... Lucy agreed to his request with a head nod. She actually came to Sky Family School, hoping to meet Kt. Why would she refuse him, as she wants to spd more time with him.

"Young master, don't worry. I will guard the sister until you come back." Fatty B came in the middle, interrupting Kt.

Kt turned his head and glared at Fatty. After exchanging an understanding smile with Lucy, Kt left her and reached Zumi.

While Kt is walking beside Mia, leaving for the Sky family estate, Thea is staring at him with a grim look.


/// A/N - This weeks' bonus chapter targets: PS=83, Gifts=Anything above Super car, will be rewarded with bonus chapter and dedicated title. Thank you for your support guys. ///

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