Chapter 78: Appearance of An Angelic Beauty

Note: To maintain clarity in the plot, I used few author notes in this chapter. Please bear with me this one time.


Fat King stood proudly while staring at the back of his red bull. He didn't ev notice the glowing arrow released by Kt. Staring at the mighty red bull, which is rushing towards Kt, disciples began making more noise.

Master Ch got ready to rush inside the ara if something happed to Kt. But in the northeast corner, Thea had already begun running.


The void-breaker arrow collided with the evocation of the red bull. There is no explosion or loud noise. Just utter silce. Like a Thanos snap, the red bull disappeared into thin air, fading into nature.

[Sorry for using Thanos name, as Kt's world didn't have any connection to our earth. One more thing: the effect of fading can be controlled wh the Void Breaker Arrow is used. In the future, with perfect mastery, Kt can make images from fading ergy to taunt emies. Imagine the red bull turning into a middle finger image before fading.]

Thea came to a sudd stop as she stared at Kt with a wide op mouth. The loud cheering noise died down as no one expected the mighty red bull to vanish just like that.

"Ard Ignis Telum" [Arcane Bolt Arrow]

Pulling the bow string with full strgth, Kt released the arrow spell. Fat King, who is nervous due to the failure of his special attack, took a momt to realize the upcoming danger.

Raising his mace to the sky with two hands, Ryos prepared his next best attack. The Red Fox gang, who never knew that Fat King had already used his powerful spell in the first attempt, waited eagerly to see the downfall of Kt.

"Agri Sula Prakopa" [Fire Spear Fury]

A large spear formed with Aura and rushed against Kt's Arcane Bolt Arrow.

"Yeh," the commotion rose again as the disciple made a cheering cry with both hands lifted high into the air.

"Kill him…" Paul shouted with gritted teeth, hoping that the spear is the ultimate attack by Fat King.

"Whoosh…. Whoosh…"

The two powers collided, and a Kt Arcane bolt arrow passed through the spear, shattering it like thin glass.

"What the…?!" Fat King's eyes wt wide as he stared at the upcoming fire arrow. He hurriedly kept the mace before his chest, chanting another spell in a stuttering tone.

"Jala shakti Kar..." Before the spell formed, the arrow hit the Fat King. The stout mace shattered upon impact, creating a large explosion, and Fat King suffered heavy burns, staggering to the g.

Thankfully, this time the healer and Master Ch prepared. They hurriedly came to rescue the Fat King. Soon, everyone's gaze moved onto Kt, who stood steadily, holding the snow- Victor bow.

Mia Snow, without wasting another second, hurriedly came to the cter of the ara, eyeing Kt with varying looks.

As Fat King was carried away with the support of the healer, Mia spread her folding fan with a flick. "Shall we start?" Mia asked, staring at Kt with a confidt smile.

Kt smiled leisurely as he kept the bow inside his bracelet. "I need a 5 momts break." Kt said, turning back and staring at Fatty B, who is excitedly waving his hands towards Kt.

"Why? Didn't you take a break before this fight? You hardly used two spells in this fight." Mia spoke in a complaining tone, as she is eager to fight Kt and show off before Elder Sinara.

"I need to take my pet for refreshmt. It also needs to release body fluid." Kt said with a weird smile as he rubbed the back of Fire Kirin, which had already come out of the bracelet.

"Mia, stop wasting more time by arguing with him. Kt, you have 5 momts." Master Ch declared as he moved towards the edge of the ara.

After taking a last look at Mia's frustrated face, Kt walked leisurely towards the trance gate.

Hearing Master Ch's announcemt, Fatty B shouted :3 pay roll slogans, grabbing everyone's atttion. As the oppont is Mia Snow, several people who stored the coins for the final game rushed behind Fatty B.

With a dispirited look, Blackie also followed to bid the last remaining 0 gold coins from the 500 coins loan.

The coins danced on the fingertips of Fatty as he worked like a machine. The labeled slips st by Fortune Hunter Syndicate also reached the last few. It is really rare that someone fully sells all the slips in a small tournamt. At this rate, Fatty is sure to gain star status from the Fortune Hunter syndicate.

If any of you are wondering how Fortune Hunter syndicate collects taxes, for example, every time Fatty writes a number on the authtic slip, a carbon copy will lie below. Fatty needs to submit this booklet of carbon copies and % of tax to the Goblin House, who will update the same in the Fortune Hunter syndicate forum.

As the last ticket sold, the number of gold coins reached whopping 43 coins. Due to Mia's reputation and natural hype, everyone used their savings to bet against Kt. Ev Fatty never expected to gather this much. By any chance, if Kt loses, Fatty will fall from heav to hell.

"Young Master Kt, let's go." Fatty B reached Kt and said it with an thusiastic smile.

"Ar't you worried about losing?" Kt asked, drinking a rejuvating potion.

"No, young master. I can see the victory smile on your face. If not, you wouldn't be sitting here with a leisurely smile." Fatty replied, trying to approach the Fire Kirin. But the Kirin breathed fire as a warning.

"Hmmhh… If my wife has such confidce in me...," Kt muttered, thinking of Thea, who always distances herself from him.

"What master? Are you saying anything related to your wife?" Fatty asked with a detective look.

"What wife? If you irritate me, I will forfeit this match." Kt said with a serious look as he stored the Fire Kirin inside the bracelet.

Fatty hurriedly kowtowed, saying sorry nonstop. Just as Kt took a step forward, someone stopped him by grabbing his shoulder.

A feminine sct greeted Kt as he turned back to see the person who stopped him.

"Hai, what a surprise!" Kt greeted with an excited smile as his hormones stirred up with the appearance of an angelic beauty.

/// A/N - As you all see, the chapters got locked. Thank you all for your support. PeterPan 🙂 ///

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