Chapter 74: Verbal War

Reminder: Actually, during competition, the fight can happ both in the air and on the g. Pets are also allowed in combat. But the Sky family didn't have any aerial inscriptions. So, only g combat is allowed, and pets are not allowed during combat. In future tournamts and competitions, fights can happ in the air as well.

"Yes, it is really Fire Kirin." Elder Sinara replied while checking Kt with an interesting look. Surprise was evidt on Zumi's face, who never expected to see Fire Kirin in the hands of a secondary Magus in this lone town.

"He is really something." Zumi muttered while taking pictures of Kt through her glass orb. She is drawn to Kt's appearance, who is looking like a wealthy prince standing tall beside the Fire Kirin.

Not only Zumi, but several people who knew Kt previously took a momt to recognize him. Some girls ev stopped shouting Arul name as the focus shifted to Kt.

"Master Ch..., Disciple Kt came late for the competition. As per rules, please disqualify Kt from participating." Thea said in a hurried tone while gasping for air. Worry is etched on her face as her gaze met Kt.

Kt didn't refute her words. Wh he stepped inside the ara, the last digit zeroed on the Aurora glass. So, technically, he is on time, and Kt waited for Master Ch's response.

"What are you talking about?" The clock was still running wh Kt tered the ara. Elder Cha supported Kt with an awkward smile while eyeing Kt with a differt look.

"Yes… Yes… Young Master Kt definitely arrived on time. As per rules, he must be allowed to fight." Fatty said in a protesting tone while shouting loudly.

Master Ch sighed in frustration. "Hey fat guy, you first get out of the fighting g. And you, Kt Clark, go stand at North ring and get ready for the fight. You two elders, go to your positions." Master Ch declared in a serious tone as he prepared to start the fight.

Soon, the situation came under control, and young masters Arul and Kt Clark got ready in their positions. As the names were announced, loud shouts of the Arul name reverberated all a the ara.

As Kt turned his gaze to his left, he saw Thea staring at him with a dissatisfied look. Kt smiled confidtly and waved his hand at her, and Thea moved her head away in protest.

"Silce…" Master Ch shouted as he spoke through his wand, amplifying his voice. "Two fighters, take your positions."

With Master Ch's command, Kt and Arul moved inside the ara, and a 50-foot distance stretched before them.

Kneeling at the edge of the fighting ring, Fatty is praying for the almighty god of luck. Ev Elder Sinara and her disciple showed interest after seeing the unconvtional weapon in Kt's hands.

"A bow?! How can anyone master a bow in this low place?" Zumi muttered, recording the tire sce with a silt gaze.

"Fighters, raise your weapons. There is only one rule: no killings, but you are free to beat your oppont until he yields. The winner will be automatically declared if the oppont falls unconscious or unable to fight. In any case, my decision is final. Hold your attack until my signal." Master Ch declared, receding back to the edge of the ara.

Kt stood tall, holding the bow in his left hand, ready to draw at any momt. His gaze fixed on Arul, who is staring back at Kt with a mocking smile.

The big Aurora glass is displaying the images of both Kt and Arul staring at each other. At the head, the 33rd Sky Family Secondary Magus Competition is writt in bold letters.

As the anticipation built to a climax, Master Ch finally gave the command. "You may begin..."

But surprising ough, they didn't attack. Holding their weapons, they both stared at each other.

"Hahaha…" Suddly, Arul began laughing in a loud tone. "How laughable... I never expected you would really dare to show up for the fight. Did you bring any healers?" Arul asked with a mocking smile as a playful smirk played on his face.

Arul's tone sounded loudly throughout the ara as Aurora Glass displayed the sce in large size.

"Sorry, I'm not a kind person to bring healers for my oppont. Also, go check your erectile dysfunction first. I heard you still use goat oil from care house."

Kt's words rang loudly a the ara as each and every word sounded clearly from the aurora glass. A loud clamor broke out as people began laughing and shouting in surprised, confused tones.

"Bastard, what nonsse are you speaking?!" Arul shouted angrily with clched fists.

"You are the one who started the nonsse. I'm not a gtle man to speak righteously while you are mocking me. If you start a verbal war, I will make you puke the milk you drank from your mother." Kt said with a weird smile, irritating Arul to the point of losing his wits.

"Wah..., that's really brutal. but I really like the way he said, " Fatty shouted excitedly, ignoring everyone a him.

The tire ara came to pin-drop silce as no one expected Kt to speak such braz words against Arul, the hot favorite of the title.

"You…!!!! spineless blabber! ... If you really have the guts, try attacking me. I will make you regret your tire life." Arul said it in a serious tone.

A loud cheering noise followed, supporting Arul's mighty declaration. Actually, this is all part of Arul's plan to make Kt attack him recklessly.

His 'Shield of Retribution spell' becomes powerful with the attacks of the emy. The more Kt attacks, the shield absorbs all the attack power, and Arul can finish the fight with one single blow.

Ev though Kt felt a little doubtful of Arul's behavior who is reckless and he ev attacked Kt from the back during the flag-capturing evt. But Kt trusted his strgth and prepared for the attack.

Holding the black wand in hand, Arul got ready to cast the shield of retribution whever Kt attacked.

Aiming at Arul, who stood with a confidt smile, Kt pulled the bow string, and an orange-flicking arrow formed at the cross. All the disciples stood from their seats, staring at the sce with great anticipation. The tire ara is dead silt, their gaze fixed on Kt.

"Ard Ignis Telum"

With a small whisper, he released the 'Arcane bolt arrow'. With a burning fire at the arrow point, the arrow rushed towards Arul. A streak of fire followed in the arrow path. Zumi's eyes wt wide as she saw the arrow spell released by Kt.

"Vortas Defso"

Arul immediately cast the Shield of Retribution, suring himself in the transpart ethereal shield.



/// A/N - Don't forget to vote Power Stones guys. There will a bonus chapter today along with one more regular chapter. Stay tuned... Thank you "@Shawn_Gibson" for 8 Gold Tickets. ///

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