Chapter 62: Body of a warrior

Note: Thank you so much "@LotusLin" for the Super Car. TQ so much. I will release a bonus chapter tomorrow, respecting your donation. TQ so much.


The moon hung low in the midnight sky, casting its silver glow over the sleeping form of Kt. His breath came in steady rhythms, a testamt to the exhaustion that gripped his body after a day filled with 'intse action'.

Unbeknownst to him, a profound transformation is stirring within him, set into motion by the mysterious infusion of yang essce from Ria, the igmatic Black Belle Miss.

As Kt slumbered, the yang essce surged through his veins, coursing like a river of pure ergy. With each beat of his heart, it pulsed through his muscles, infusing them with newfound strgth and vitality. His limbs twitched involuntarily as the essce worked its magic, causing his muscles to ripple and flex beath his skin.

In the dim light of the room, a subtle change began to take shape. Kt's once normal physique began to morph without disturbing his sleep. His muscles, once soft and undefined, are now harded and sculpted, as if carved from stone by the hands of a master sculptor.

But it was not just his muscles that underwt a transformation. A strange black matter began to push forth from his body, swirling and undulating like the tdrils of smoke. With each passing momt, it grew in size and intsity, wrapping a him like a cloak of darkness.

As the yang essce continued its reltless assault on his body, Kt's features began to change as well. His skin, once dull, now took on a radiant glow, smooth and flawless like polished marble. His jawline sharped, his cheekbones became more pronounced, and his eyes, once tired and weary, now sparkled with newfound vigor and determination.

But perhaps the most striking change of all was his hair. As if responding to some unse force, it began to grow, lgthing at an astonishing rate until it cascaded down his back, barely touching his shoulders. Each strand seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly light, reflecting the moon's gtle glow with an ethereal brilliance.

And so, as Kt lay lost in the depths of slumber, his body underwt a metamorphosis unlike any other. Transformed by the power of yang essce, he completely turned into a new man—a handsome young warrior, his appearance as astonishing as it was alluring.


"Lambu, why did I feel like the young master's face changed a bit?" Mohini, who sat on the roof of the hanging pearl palace, asked Lambu, who took the form of a rat. One of Lambu's eyes is swoll up with a red lining, indicating the strong punch he received.

"Master, you don't know anything. M become more handsome after copulation. It's an op secret." Lambu replied, maintaining a safe distance from Mohini.

"Hmmm… It seems like you need another beating." Mohini turned her gaze towards Lambu, who had already started running away. With a cold glint, she ignored Lambu and began taking a closer look at Kt's face.

The lustrous strands of Kt's long hair flowed along his jaw line, and they were shimmering in the dim moonlight. His features got balanced, adding a milky glow to his skin.

Mohini took a long time to move her gaze away from Kt's face. She shook her head, muttering a prize for Kt's looks.

Outside, the sun is slowly fading down the horizon, casting long shadows along the g. Since morning, Kt has be sleeping like a drunk man, forgetting all the things.

He finally woke up at midnight and sat up, supporting his back on the wall. Rubbing his eyes, Kt yawned lazily and oped his eyes to check out the situation. His gaze moved onto Kirin, who was sleeping on one side. The food bowls were empty as Kirin licked them clean.

Wondering about the time, Kt picked up his sky orb to check the situation. But before he swiped on the sky orb, his face reflected on the , glassy scre.

"What the hell happed to my face?!" Kt muttered, taking a closer look at his eyes, which turned a lustrous sky blue color.

But in the next second he cried out as he saw the black matter suring him. He jumped from the bed in surprise. Like rainwater leaving lotus leaves, the black matter slid of Kt body, displaying the lustrous skin below.

Without moving his gaze from reflection on opposite shining surface, Kt touched his own face with a wide, op mouth.

"My skin! Wh did it happ?" Controlling his astonishmt, Kt began checking out his body.

"Ohh, my muscles!!" Kt's eyes wt wide wh he stared at his perfectly shaped muscles, harded wrists, and visible nerves along his arms.

Kt hurriedly untied his robe threads to see his full body. As he pulled away his upper clothes, the abs of a seasoned warrior came into his vision. Kt, who couldn't believe the sce before him, touched his abs one by one, feeling a hard, firm surface.

"How did all this happ?!" Kt muttered, checking out his whole body. Surprise, astonishmt, and joy were appart in Kt's face. "Is this because of my strgth training? But I hav't practiced anything since yesterday. Th how did my body experice this transformation?" Kt muttered while checking his face in the mirror.

All his muscle pain and crouch pain are gone just like that, and he is feeling new ergy inside every cell. What Kt didn't notice is that his little brother also expericed a great transformation due to yang essce.

"Whatever, the competition is just two days away, and now I can only practice in a small crow forest." Kt muttered, checking out the school forum for any news related to competition.

As he couldn't go to the small forest in the middle of the night, Kt wt inside the Aura room and began strgth training after consuming a pill st by his aunt.

On the other side, Ria also sat before a family ritual fire, alone in the middle of the night. She is trying hard to practice the forbidd technique in her family. But whatever she did, the yang essce is seeping away from her body.

Tears streaked along her cheeks as she thought of her family's fate and how the Moonbrook family would react if they knew about this situation.

"It's better to meet my aunt in the Moonbrook family. She might have a solution to my problem." Ria muttered while staring at the ritual fire. An image of Kt's bare body played before her eyes.

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