Chapter 30: Fortune Hunter Syndicate

Note: This chapter contain several names. Just go with the story. the names will be discussed again, along the story.


Night Witch Street, within the confines of a small inn,

Five teagers who wore lavish clothes gathered for a serious discussion. Seated a a table, they were adorned in lavish attire, a stark contrast to the dimly lit surings.

Before them, steaming cups of coffee awaited, adding a sse of comfort to the tse atmosphere.

Fatty B (the Gold Rat, the person who helped Kt while shopping) sat comfortably in his chair and took leisurely sips of his coffee, his demeanor relaxed yet observant.

Opposite him sat a tall figure known as the Red Fox, his imposing presce commanding atttion. Flanking him were two youths, one clad in black and the other in , known simply as Blackie and Whitey, respectively.

Ev though Blackie and Whitey were competitors in this gathering, both of these fellows work as lackies for Red Fox, who has great authority in this gathering.

The last remaining member of this gathering is 'Fur, who sat beside Fatty B. He has a very thin build and a pointy nose.

With an air of authority, Red Fox, who wore a crimson coat adorned with the likess of a fox, addressed the assembly.

"As a one-star member of the Fortune Hunter syndicate, I intd to claim the prime seed Magus in the upcoming Secondary Magus competition at Sky Family School," he declared, his tone laced with confidce and pride.

However, his proclamation met with an immediate objection from Fur, a slder young man with a pointed nose who sat at the edge of his seat, his expression one of urgcy.

"What?! How is that possible? Mia Snow is the prime seed in this competition. Last time, it was you who claimed her as your prime seed. This time, it is my turn," he interjected, his voice filled with determination.

"Fur, stop quarreling. We are all gtlem who registered under the Fortune Hunter syndicate for gambling rights in Silver Leaf City. But only Red Fox has one-star status among us. So, he has the right to choose the prime seed, Mia Snow." Blackie supported Red Fox with a serious counter.

[Fortune Hunter syndicate is a legal tity that grants licses for betting on Blue Planet. Anyone can register as a gambler. Star status is awarded based on their winnings and the tax paid to the syndicate. One star is the lowest status. (Gamblers had to buy specific chips from the association for legal gambling.)]

"Rat, why are you not saying anything? This is illegal. We must complain to the syndicate." Fur turned towards fatty B, who sat calmly while joying the hot coffee.

"Fur, leave the prime seed to Red Fox. According to the syndicate rules, we can't go against the higher-star candidate. Take secondary seed, Arul or the new guy, Fat King, as your candidate. They also have winning chances." Fatty B declared in a calm tone while patting the shoulder of Fur.

But Fur did not satisfied with Fatty B's statemt. "Red Fox got one star status because he chose Mia Snow last year. If we gave up on her, there is no chance for us to get star status in the Fortune Hunter syndicate." Fur complained in a disappointed tone.

"Hahaha... you guys, stop dreaming about star status. Decide on whom you want to nominate as your candidate. I have an urgt meeting with my family." Red Fox declared with mocking laughter.

Fur clched his fists in anger and decided to fight for the first seed. But Fatty B stopped his aggressive behavior. Fur controlled his emotions with a deep sigh and took an iron seal from his pocket.

"I'm taking Fat King as my candidate." Fur declared with an angry face.

"Good choice." Red Fox said in a mocking tone and turned his focus towards Fatty B.

"What about you, Rat? Whom do you want to pick?" Red Fox questioned Fatty with a serious face. As fatty B has good family backing, Red Fox won't dare to show his authority.

Both Blackie and Whitey laughed. "Boss Fox, you should show some mercy on Gold Rat. He always picks the weak guy in competition. Why don't we give second seed 'Arul Thomas' to Gold Rat?" Blackie proposed with ridiculing laughter.

"Yes, boss fox, we must show some pity in Gold Rat as he failed to earn a coin in all these ears." Whitey added it while pouring more coffee into the red fox.

Red Fox smiled triumphantly and said, "Yes, Gold Rat, you can take second seed 'Arul Thomas', we won't object." Red Fox proposed in a consoling tone.

Fatty B, who sat calmly until now, put down his coffee cup and took out his iron seal from the storage bamboo bag.

"I don't need your pity. I'm taking the weakest contestant, like every time. My bid is 'Kt Clark'." Fatty declared in a confidt tone as he placed his seal on the table.

"What...? Who is Kt Clark?" Whitey muttered in a confused tone. Red Fox also stared at Blackie, who gathers information about contestants.

Blackie hurriedly took out his glass orb and checked the details of all the contestant names he received from school.

"Hey Rat, are you sure? He seems weakest of weak. Wh I inquired about him, disciples said, 'Kt Clark is the number one old suitcase' on campus." Blackie questioned in a doubtful tone as he wondered what happed to Fatty's brain.

"Red Fox, I'm getting late to work. You know about me—my picks are always like this. The last seed, Kt Clark, is my pick. Let's stamp our picks." Fatty B declared in a serious tone.

Feeling happy for Fatty's low Iq bid, Red Fox took out a bonded paper from his bamboo bag, which contained the official branding and serial number of Fortune Hunter syndicate.

Blackie took the bonded paper from Red Fox and drafted a contract in jet speed. Now the blackie and y have good picks as Fatty gave up on good candidates.

In just two minutes, Blackie readied the documt and placed it at the cter of the table. All of them took turns verifying the draft, and after satisfying themselves with the draft, they stamped their seal and uploaded the documt picture to the Fortune Hunter Forum.

After five minutes, a reply came to their glass orb's confirming their bids. The message read,

"The official branded chips will be st before the competition. You are free to bet on other candidates who were not picked. Happy Gambling…"

After reading their messages, Blackie and Whitey followed Red Fox while jumping joyfully along the road. Fur stood up from his seat, patted the fatty's shoulder, and left with a disappointed sigh. Fatty sat alone in the cafe with a hot cup of coffee before him.

"Young master, Kt, don't disappoint me." Fatty muttered with clched fists.


Meanwhile, on the top floor of Moonlight hotel, Kt wore a new set of clothes and got ready to receive his first pet. He had already prepared to vacate the room as his hanging pearl palace got ready for him.

After taking a last look at the room, Kt called for the main servant to get down from the top floor, which is inaccessible with normal pet eagles.

Soon, the servant lady came flying in a mutated sparrow. Kt took the back seat and descded from the top floor.

Just as he stepped onto the g floor, he saw Ric, Mona, and Lina kneeling on the floor, accompanied by Ric's father, who stood with a humble gesture.


Thank You @OverthinkingDragon @Sudheer_Reddy @Access_dnied4 @lolbingolol @voidkw for Power Stos.

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