Chapter 3: 3. All Debts Paid

With ,000 bronze and 90 silver coins in his pocket, Kt walked out of the Goblin house. The manager personally escorted him, apologizing several times to get on the good side.

As compsation for the trouble, the manager linked Kt's gold piggy card with the sky orb in his possession free of charge.

Before buying anything with the card, Kt decided to pay all his school debts. With a confidt stride, he began walking towards school.


Inside the school, Thea was teaching a class to the 3rd-level mages. Her gaze occasionally drifted to the empty seat in the last row.

"Where did this idiot go without coming to school?" Thea muttered while trying to finish the lecture on types of potions.

Just as the class bell rang, Thea closed the book and called Mona who had be eyeing the new sword in Ric's hands.

Mona hurriedly responded and wt out to meet with Thea. "Elder, why did you call me?"

Thea felt contemplated for a second, but she finally spoke. "Do you know why Kt is abst today? I saw you with Kt in the morning."

"Yeah… I met him in the morning to collect my money. Kt said he is going to look for some part-time work today. I don't know where he wt though," Mona replied while closely observing Thea.

Thea sighed after hearing her reply. "By the way, how much does he owe you?" she asked, picking up some bronze coins from her pocket.

"0 bronze coins, Elder," Mona said, directly increasing the amount from 0 to 0 upon seeing that Thea was prepared to pay.

Without thinking much, Thea placed 0 bronze coins in Mona's hands.

"Kt is a poor disciple. Don't pressure him for money. I heard he can't ev afford a pet," Thea spoke modestly before heading towards the elder hall.


Just as Thea walked halfway, she saw Kt walking towards the classrooms with a smile on his face. She waited until Kt reached the corridor and stopped him and asked, "Where did you go? Don't know that you have a class?"

Kt ignored Thea and walked past her, showing no care. Thea immediately grabbed his robes to stop his advancemt.

"How dare you ignore me… Don't you know who fed you all these years?" Thea questioned angrily in a hushed tone.

"Thea, it's of your business. I will go wherever I want. Stop acting like you care about me," Kt replied confidtly, not backing down from her angry glares.

Thea was left speechless. In all these years Kt had never talked back to her. Ev wh she slapped him, he never showed any resistance. But his newfound bravery made Thea angrier. "You… How dare you talk back to me? Let's see how you survive without my help.

If I ever see you at my doorstep, I will kick you like a dog."

Thea lashed out while keeping her tone low. No one in the school knows about her relationship with Kt.

Kt was fed up with her behavior. Since childhood, she had always bullied him and insulted him without caring about his feelings. Wh Kt got a fortune of money, he had considered convincing Thea to live with him.

"I'm not going to stay with you anymore. From now on, I'm on my own," Kt declared angrily and walked away.

"She thinks that I will beg her like always. Now I own 5,000 gold coins. Thea's tire wealth, including the house, doesn't ev reach 500 gold coins," Kt thought while walking away from her.

Thea's fists clched as she stared at Kt who was walking away with a smug on his face. "Hmmhh… Let's see how many days survive outside. Soon, you will be begging for my mercy."


Just as Kt stepped inside the classroom, murmuring about him spread like wildfire. Some studts ev laughed at his face, trying to raze him up.

With only five minutes left before the next class began, Kt moved through the crowd of disciples and paid his debt.

As he consecutively paid more than 50 coins to three people, everyone's atttion turned towards him. Ignoring their commts, Kt distributed his debt amount to those who helped him in the past.

"Ohh… Kt, where did you get all this money?" a slder girl asked in surprise while taking coins from him.

However, Kt ignored her question and continued to settle his debts, but his actions drew ev more atttion. Soon people began asking more questions and some began commting in a mocking tone.

"Sia, he must have robbed someone… you better report it to the elder," Ric who always takes fun in bullying Kt, shouted.

"Yes… yes… these coins are not legal. How can he afford hundreds of bronze coins? You guys should report it to the Elder. Otherwise, you will also be blamed later," another person added, stirring up trouble.

Kt stood on the bch and announced, "This money belongs to me. If any problem arises, I will take full responsibility. If anyone thinks otherwise, please return my money."

Hearing Kt's confidt declaration, the disciples shut their mouths. Kt finished paying up everyone, including Mona, unaware that Thea had already paid her on his behalf.

Still, being someone who wouldn't avoid free money, Mona didn't reject it, much less say anything about Thea, who had already paid her.

After settling his debts, Kt left the class to buy a new house. He urgtly needs shelter after breaking all ties with Thea.

As he walked towards the property dealer's stores, Kt took out the heavly elixir and gulped it down in one go.

By the time he reached the store of the property dealer, his clothes were drched with sweat and impurities. His meridian bindings were shattered and for the first time, Kt felt the free flow of Aura inside his meridians.

"For all these years I have missed this feeling. How refreshing…" Kt muttered in a delightful tone as he absorbed the pure aura inside the store.

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