Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 326:

Chapter 326:

Chapter 326

Kim Sang-woo burst into laughter again and Kim Jong-ho dusted off his clothes.

The deep orange color with fluorescent orange points as accents was dazzling.

I havent worn such a bright color in a long time.

You always wear monochrome clothes. Even when you film, you have that kind of image, so you only wear dark colors.

What kind of image is that?

A villain?

Seo-jun and Ahn Da Ho couldnt hide their admiration at Kim Jong-ho, who had suddenly become a Korean tourist.

He looked perfect from every angle.

He wore the kind of outfit that you could see on the subway.

Wow I never expected to see this kind of hiking outfit in an American movie

Is there a Korean in the costume team?

Ahn Da Hos reasonable doubt made Seo-jun nod.

But it does suit Lee Hyun-woos father very well.

Thats true.

The character that Seo-jun would play, Lee Hyun-woo, came to LA, USA with his father and mother.

It was a group package tour full of Koreans.

And the people who would travel with them were mostly older.

Seo-jun, come over here.

Seo-jun moved his steps at Kim Jong-hos call.

There were extras wearing clothes and shoes prepared by the costume team for filming.

I can tell what role they are playing at a glance.

They were wearing colorful hiking outfits that stood out, and they were the actors who would play the couples in the group package who would accompany Lee Hyun-woos family.

While looking for clothes that fit him, Kim Jong-ho introduced the actors.

They all applied for the role of Seo-juns parents.

The actors who sensed their early elimination due to the overwhelming rival Kim Jong-ho agreed to appear in another role as soon as Bearound asked them after the audition.

The actors who did well in the audition had one line of dialogue.

Everyone was surprised to see Seo-jun Lee, who was already amazing with Kim Jong-ho.

Hello, Im Lee Seo-jun.

They stopped looking for shoes that fit their feet and greeted Seo-jun with bright smiles.

Oh my, we meet here!

I watched your drama!

Im a fan!

Seo-jun felt like he had really joined his fathers hiking group by accident, seeing the adults in flashy hiking outfits speaking Korean.

/Nice to meet you, Lee./

From a Korean-American actor who was more comfortable with English,

Can you sign for me? My daughter is a real fan.

To actors who had not been long since they immigrated from Korea.

Various actors greeted Seo-jun.

He felt like he had really come to a hiking group and smiled happily.

Hello, Im Joo Jae-eun, who will play the role of mother.

If Lee Hyun-woos father was Kim Jong-ho, a Korean actor who was more comfortable with Korean, Lee Hyun-woos mother seemed to be a Korean-American actor who was more comfortable with English.

Hello, I look forward to working with you today.

Seo-jun smiled brightly and greeted her.

Oh my. My son doesnt look like his dad at all, he looks just like his mom.

Everyone laughed at someones cheerful joke.

Indeed, Joo Jae-eun, who had a neat appearance, looked more like Seo-juns overall image than Kim Jong-ho, who had a rugged appearance.

The making film camera captured that scene.

One of the actors noticed the camera.

What camera is that?

The red light on the camera seemed to indicate that it was filming, but [Survivors] had not even started filming yet.

Oh, its a making film camera for Korean promotion.

For Korean promotion?

Yes. Everyone is curious about how Uncle Jong-ho will film.

Seo-jun was used to sending out making films from other works, but Kim Jong-ho was different.

Bearound decided to make a making film focusing on Kim Jong-ho for Korean promotion only because they knew how much interest the Korean public had in Kim Jong-ho, who was taking his first step in Hollywood.

It was a scene that revealed how much Bearound valued the Korean market.


When Seo-jun changed his clothes and came back, the studio was crowded with people.

Seo-jun looked around for a while and headed towards Kim Jong-ho, who was waiting after finishing his preparations.

Uncle Jong-ho. Are you checking your movements?

Yeah. It looked like an empty mall with no one around before, but now it looks like a real mall.

As Kim Jong-ho said, there were extras walking around on the set.

There were combinations that looked like couples or lovers, and there were extras who looked like families with young children.

Everyone seemed busy figuring out their movements around the staff who managed the extras.

Even then, there were people who recognized Seo-jun Lee, who had finished his makeup.

Seo-jun smiled brightly and waved his hand slightly at the occasional glances from this side.

The foreigners who were happy with the reaction of superstar Seo-jun Lee made Kim Jong-ho smile proudly.

Our Seo-jun is popular.


Ahn Da Ho and Kim Sang-woo also smiled brightly.

/Lee family! Korean tourists! Were going to check your movements!/

At the staffs words, Seo-jun, Kim Jong-ho, Joo Jae-eun, and the Korean-American actors in flashy hiking outfits got up from their seats.


Director Jeffrey and the planning team leader looked at Seo-jun Lee and the Korean-American actors who were checking their movements on the set.

Are you sure you can film well with Korean acting?

It was not easy to put another language in a movie.

Even if they hired a famous Korean-American actor in Hollywood, foreigners who did not know Korean could not tell how the actors Korean pronunciation sounded to Koreans.

It was different from their native language, which they could point out the accent or the feeling.

Thats why its hard for the director to give instructions.

The planning team leader was worried. Jeffrey smiled slightly.

Its okay. I have Jun and Kim.

Jeffrey looked at the two actors he had asked in advance to evaluate Korean acting better than himself.


Is it bad?

Joo Jae-eun asked nervously, looking at the two actors.

She couldnt help but ask about her acting in front of two acting masters.

She didnt want to speak with a poor pronunciation in a movie that Koreans would definitely watch.

No, its good.

Its good.

Joo Jae-eun smiled brightly at the two actors words.

Not only Joo Jae-eun, but also the Korean-American actors who had lines asked for their opinions, and Seo-jun and Kim Jong-ho answered them.

They also discussed not only the lines but also the gestures.

The making film camera captured that scene.


/Were going to start filming!/

The noisy filming site was silent at the assistant directors shout.

There were many extras and staff, but it was so quiet that it was scary.

Seo-jun, who stood on the set, looked around.

There were many people standing in their positions in the mall made for filming.

They looked like time had stopped, not moving at all.

Seo-jun really liked this time when everyone was focused on filming.


Only Jeffreys voice was heard in the large set.

Seo-jun took a deep breath and,


He became Korean tourist Lee Hyun-woo.


[Galleria Mall]

[South Shopping Street]

The place was full of childrens laughter, lovers conversation, and cheerful music.

A group of people appeared in a row.

Hahaha. So, you see. My son won first place in the national English speaking contest!

Grand prize. Grand prize, honey.

Thats right. Grand prize!

The mans voice full of joy echoed through the south shopping street.

The people passing by glanced at him once.

They were middle-aged men and women wearing colorful clothes.

Galleria Mall was a place where tourists who came to California always stopped by before returning home, so it was a familiar sight.

And they were not the only ones making noise.

When a childs cry came from somewhere, everyone shrugged their shoulders and paid attention to their families and lovers.

Galleria Mall was a place where you could overlook a little noise for the happy time with your loved ones.

Behind that colorful group, there was a boy walking alone far away.

A high school student who wore sunglasses he bought online before coming to America for his first overseas trip, Lee Hyun-woo sighed deeply and moved away from the group.

You got the family trip ticket because you won the grand prize!

Oh my. I heard that more than a hundred times already. But Hyun-woo is really nice.

You raised your son well!

The parents faces brightened even more at their friends compliments.

Hyun-woo! Son!

I dont know these people. He sighed again and walked towards his parents. He knew his parents would be happy because they had never traveled abroad or even domestically before, but their joy was too much.

They even spread rumors around the neighborhood

They almost had a neighborhood party.

But he knew that his parents were really happy, so he just smiled.

Why? Do I have to translate?

No. Dad has this body language thing, so its okay!

Everyone laughed at Dads ridiculous gesture.

He didnt know before he came on this trip, but it seemed that his dad had always been like this.

Just call me.

Dad grabbed Hyun-woos right hand and spread it wide.

A white envelope was placed on Hyun-woos open palm.

Hyun-woo tilted his head at the unknown white envelope.

Here, pocket money.

I have some too. I saved it.

Use that too. Were going back to Korea tomorrow. Buy gifts for your friends and teachers!

Dad whispered with a grin.

And for your girlfriend.

Hyun-woos face turned red in an instant.

My girlfriend?!

Huh? Mom said


Hyun-woo called his mom in embarrassment, and she turned her head with a smile.

Hyun-woo, who had been acting confident, slumped his shoulders and said.

Shes not my girlfriend. I just like her as a friend.

Oh dear. My son has no courage. You have to be brave like your dad to catch a beauty like your mom.

Didnt you say something different?

Did you hear that?

Hyun-woo and his dad laughed as their eyes met.

His dad, who had been joking, smiled softly and said.

Son. Youve worked hard taking care of your mom and me during this trip.


He couldnt deny it.

It was a package tour, but the travel agency staff couldnt solve everything for them.

There were times when they didnt like the American food, or when they were hungry or sick late at night.

But he was still young and could travel a lot in the future, while his mom and dad had a lot of aches in their legs and backs and couldnt take vacations easily.

He thought they wouldnt have many chances to travel like this, so Hyun-woo decided to take care of them before the trip.

He learned a lot from the stories of others who said, You have to give up your own trip when you travel with your parents.

Hyun-woo looked away from his dads gaze with a shy grin.

His dad smiled warmly and held Hyun-woos still open hand.

He felt the thickness of the white envelope.

Your mom and I will stay here with our friends, so you can go have fun by yourself. Theres an amusement park here too.

When did you find out?

He must have known that Hyun-woo was disappointed that he couldnt go to the famous amusement park because of the package tour for his parents taste.

I asked the travel agency staff. You know the bus departure time, right?


Then see you then. Son.

His dads palm that patted Hyun-woos shoulder was hot.

Hyun-woo knew well how rough that palm was.

Somehow, Hyun-woo felt his eyes burn.

The trip was really fun. Thank you.

Ill send you again next time.

Hyun-woo felt choked up by his dads sincere words and sniffed.

Yeah. Mom said she wants to go to England. Dad wants to go to Russia. You want to cross the continent.

His mom and dad had already planned their second and third trips.

Hyun-woo laughed along with them.

His dad smiled and said.

Have fun.

Yeah. You too.

His dad tapped Hyun-woos shoulder and went back to the group.

Hyun-woo looked at the money in his hand.

He thought it was strange that there was something in the white envelope, so he opened it and saw that there was more money than he expected.

He looked at his dad in surprise and saw the adults smiling brightly.

Hyun-woo! Buy what you want!

You said you wanted a smart watch!

Youve worked hard!

Hyun-woo had joined a package tour with only middle-aged couples by chance.

His mom and dad were happy to make good friends, but Hyun-woo received their affection while also doing some errands for them from time to time.

It wasnt too hard since it was only urgent things.

Hyun-woo bowed to the adults words.

The adults waved their hands cheerfully.

When Hyun-woo moved away a little, they also took out pamphlets in Korean and looked for places to visit.


Director Jeffreys cut sound echoed through the set.

The set, which had been quiet except for the voices of the extras and the music of the shops, became noisy in an instant.

Director Jeffrey called Seo-jun and Kim Jong-ho.

/It looks okay to me, but I wonder what you two think./

He liked what he saw on camera, but he left the Korean acting to the two actors.

Seo-jun played back the footage and looked at Kim Jong-ho.

Here. It sticks out a bit, doesnt it?

Yeah. It could be a little more stiff.

They thought that smart watch sounded too American for Korean tourists who were not familiar with English.

Director Jeffrey nodded at their comments and announced a retake.

The staff prepared for the retake while Seo-jun and Kim Jong-ho taught the Korean-American actor how to pronounce smart watch in Korean.


/Ready, action!/

Hyun-woo wanted to choose a gift for his mom and dad before going to the amusement park.

He held his wallet tightly with his savings and headed to the store he had searched in advance in Korea. It was a store he had found by searching for gifts for parents.

He planned to check if they had the product, how it looked in real life, and buy it 10 minutes before the bus departure time.

He didnt want to carry anything while having fun, so he decided to buy his friends gifts then too.

The store was not far from where his mom and dad were.

He looked back from time to time to check on his mom and dad, and laughed at his dads attempt to speak body language.


The staff greeted Hyun-woo with a smile.

Hyun-woo imagined his mom and dads happy faces when they received the gift, and opened his mouth with a bright smile.

/Do you have/



A loud noise exploded.

The loud bang that made his ears ring startled Hyun-woo, the staff, and the people nearby.

They stopped moving without knowing it.

The cries of the startled children were heard.

The breaths of the people who were confused were felt.

People looked around to figure out what was going on.

Parents comforted their children, and someone took out their phone.

Hyun-woo looked around with trembling eyes in a situation he had never experienced before.

His head turned white and he couldnt think of anything.

/Is it an earthquake?/

/No. This is/

He didnt feel the shaking of the ground like an earthquake.

The products on display were still on the shelves.


He felt a slight vibration.

Someone swallowed hard.

/Its an explosion./

A peaceful everyday life.

A happy moment.

No one could have imagined,


A bomb attack occurred.

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