Super Spender

Chapter 573: 567: Always Unexpected

Chapter 573: Chapter 567: Always Unexpected

Steven left quickly, unable to make the decision himself since his shares were fewer than those of his sister and mother. Thus, although he was ostensibly the decision-maker, the ultimate discussion had to be done within the family. However, to Finn’s surprise, not long after Steven left – while Finn was still sitting in the café with his not-yet finished coffee – Steven reappeared.

Finn was slightly puzzled by Steven’s about-face, but his surprise was compounded by Steven’s next words: “I don’t know if Mr. Lewis could take a walk to our estate. My mother has already instructed people to draft the related contracts. Can Mr. Lewis mention the related conditions?

Finn hadn’t expected the other side to be this decisive and quick. After all, it didn’t take them long to make their decision after a phone call. “Of course, I have no objections.” Finn promptly stood. A car company represents powerful industrial manufacturing capabilities; a car company can produce a lot of things. If Finn could take control of Flying Horse and Eldora, it meant that he would have many manufacturing companies at his disposal.

Finn stood up from within the coffeehouse and walked straight out with Steven. Lewis the elder and others waiting outside quickly followed. Finn’s attack on Beckham Ocean Kingdom last time was brutal; at least Finn had lost as many as twenty T1000 robots.

As soon as Finn came out, his agenda in The Graham Kingdom wasn’t kept secret. Hence, Finn was immediately captured by dozens of lurking journalists outside. Finn didn’t hide himself and waved at the media to greet them. After saluting, Finn climbed into the car once driven by Olivia Thatcher and entered Steven’s fleet to drive off.

Many local media outlets in The Graham Kingdom promptly reported that the world’s richest man, Finn Lewis, had just left the headquarters of Flying Horse and was now heading to the owner of The Bavarian Machine Manufacturing Factory, the Covant Family. Steven was not unfamiliar to these media outlets so, naturally, he was recognized. Saying it’s the Covant Family’s estate, in reality, is not their primary estate, but an estate located in Stuggart.

There were numerous collaboration projects between The Bavarian Machine Manufacturing Factory and the Flying Horse Company, these estates naturally acted as their foothold when they came here. This is where Finn was going. After about an hour’s drive, Finn entered this typical Federation-style estate, which was not too large. By the time Finn arrived, Steven’s mother and sister were already waiting inside the estate.

When Finn came down, both women gave him a welcoming smile and a hug. Upon seating in the living room, Steven’s mother, the 78 years old Johanna Cavendish, began, “Welcome to the Covant Family, Mr. Lewis. Please excuse our poor reception.”

“There’s nothing wrong with the reception. Instead, Mrs. Johanna, you surprised me. I didn’t expect you to make such a quick decision. As for the terms, I’ve talked with Steven about them. If you could get all the shareholders settled, there won’t be any problems.” Finn replied with a smile.

The Bavarian Machine Manufacturing Factory was a group company, but it doesn’t mean the Covant Family owned all hundred percent of the shares. The Covant Family held only the absolute controlling interest in the entire Bavarian Machine Manufacturing Factory. Based on the information available, they only owned 46.6 shares in Eldora.

“Of course, there are no problems. We have already confirmed with all the stakeholders in the board of directors and I’ve obtained their authorization. Just like what Mr. Lewis mentioned in Flying Horse’s board of directors meeting, we don’t have much choice.” Johanna Cavendish handed over a document to Finn while speaking. Finn looked over the document, which was the authorization from the remaining shareholders of The Bavarian Machine Manufacturing Factory.

All the decisions were made by the woman in front of him. Seeing this, Finn naturally didn’t mind collaborating with them.

“These are not problems. As for those technologies, we can also agree to exchange them for half the shares of The Bavarian Machine Manufacturing Factory,” Johanna stated succinctly, “But, we have another idea.”

“Another idea?” Finn asked while looking at Johanna with surprise.

“The Covant Family would like to exchange 56 percent of The Bavarian Machinery Manufacturing Factory’s shares, along with all other shares held by other companies under the Covant Family, for Mr. Lewis’s shares in the Virtual World Corporation. We would like to know how many we can get.,” Johanna frankly expressed her thoughts.

Finn was truly shocked at this proposal. He didn’t expect this traditionally conservative family to make such a bold move. This meant they were willing to give up all their investments in exchange for Finn’s Virtual World Corporation shares, and the Covant Family’s investments included much more than merely The Bavarian Machine Manufacturing Factory.

“Does the ‘whole Covant Family’ refer to just your branch?” Finn asked suddenly. The entire Covant Family, similar to Steven’s father, if you count this marriage, had married thrice, and had many children. Other investments included pharmaceutical companies and many more ventures. This woman’s representation of the entire Covant Family’s investment didn’t suffice; consultation was needed before a decision could be made.

“The whole Covant Family.” Johanna affirmed.

“They agreed.” Finn was slightly confused. What was going on in their heads? They were betting all the family’s wealth on him. Although he acknowledged the accuracy of these people’s predictions, to his knowledge, aside from Mr. M, this was the only other person who had made this request.

“They agreed.” Johanna shrugged off. Evans Sutherland, on the side, came over with a thick stack of documents. All these documents were related authorization letters. Finn flipped through them and all of them were consent to the transfer of shares. In other words, as long as Finn agreed, related agreements could be signed instantly. Last time, he gave so many shares to Mr. M due to personal reasons and overlook.

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