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7 months ago
Fortress City has Super Villains, who have evil lairs, and in them they make super weapons. But... Read more Fortress City has Super Villains, who have evil lairs, and in them they make super weapons. But when a bioweapon is granted super powers of its own, will Fortress City be able to handle the Super Minion? Collapse Non-human Protagonist, Antihero Protagonist, Evil Protagonist, Dark, R-18, Heroes, Modern Day, Weak to Strong, System Administrator, Overpowered Protagonist, Ruthless Protagonist, Character Growth, Monsters, Human-Nonhuman Relationship, Naive Protagonist, Not Harem, No Romance Excellent!Criminally few chapters! The author already wrote slowly (1-3 chapters per month), it is unknown how long the break will last now, but almost a year has passed...Now this is one of my most anticipated works this is actually really good. Maybe not the best thing I've read plot wise, but it's pretty hilarious after the serious/dark start. Interesting unfeeling machine evolutionary concept becomes an incredibly slow slice-of-life story about an awkward kid in record time. World-building is basically nonexistent to the point of frustration.I'm not really sure what the author was going for here, there's system-like text that doesn't really say anything, there's abilities but no absolute definitions and it's impossible to get a gauge on whether he is strong or not. He's a biomachine that also somehow has successful relationships with other people.I gave out around chapter 30 when the super evolution system was quirkily learning how to cook because he's just so awkward! What the hell am I reading Didnt he have a actual reason to learn how to cook? Cant remember i read to many things at a time, its kinda of a miracle i can even remember all of these plots to be honest. I dont think it was just him being "quirky" though. #Panic# This novel's on hiatus Where does the information come from? Can I have a link or screenshot? RR itself has the tags Original HIATUS Action Sci-fi Non-Human lead Secret Identity Super Heroes Villainous Lead Wtf how is it not harem and no romance at the same time we get it if it has no romance but why add no harem tag if there is no romance. but tagged r-18 Includes graphic violence as well I thought it meant sex lol I forgot R-18 doesn't mean always sex. You've also read too many smut novels huh.