Stuck in The Tower

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Clear 3rd floor

Twenty traps.

Looking at the numbers is boring, but if you look closely, there are not many types compared to the number.

Well, if the patterns and types of all the traps were different, passing through would have been close to impossible.

No matter how smart you are, it’s hard to recall all the information in an urgent situation.

There is a limit to human concentration.

I glared at the traps in front of me.

“There are eleven traps in the second half.”

Two of the most dangerous instant death traps. Five flame traps installed in 10 meter increments.

The other four are blade traps.

Fortunately, the pitfalls are not mixed.

It was divided into sections, and instant death traps existed at each end of the section.


lowered my stance and checked the survival route.

The first trap you will encounter is flames.

You have to run down about 50 meters.

In the case of the general public, assuming that they ran at full power, the fastest is in the late 6s to early 7s.

I’ve been through that too.

As a result of shooting arrows, it took 8 seconds for all flame traps to burn.

“Do you have a second to spare?”

Even if you’re a few seconds late, you won’t die.

Fire is powerful, but it’s not lava.

Wouldn’t it end with severe burns and hair burning?

“…Let’s just run for our lives.”

Being sick is a problem, but what’s more important is what comes next.

Having to pass through the remaining traps with a body damaged by burns.

Come to your senses. Don’t fuss for nothing.

– Damn!

I hit both thighs.

can do. Hyunsoo Cho. You don’t have to stop in the middle because you’re scared.

Taking a deep breath, I increased my concentration.


I ran with all my might.

A white line drawn on the floor.

That was the boundary line where the trap started.



As soon as I crossed the line, the flames started to soar from the beginning.

Warm heat warms your back. The back of his neck was itchy and sweat was seeping out.

The feeling of being chased by something.

The fear of dying later.

Heart beating like crazy and legs getting tired quickly.

I thought it might be too late, but I clenched my ankles and ran.

After all, when you really die, it’s the moment you stop.

Even though it was only a few seconds, it felt like a long time.

The rising heat was suddenly felt close to the back of the head, and by the time I caught a glimpse of the flames in my field of vision.

‘Almost there!’

The exit of the damn flame trap was visible.

Is it because of the heat or because he is running with all his might?

His clothes were already soaked with sweat.


The moment you pass the last flame trap.


The flames that had burned all the passages through them scattered and scattered ashes.

A feeling of refreshment as the flames subside.

I felt like I was going to run out of strength without even realizing it.


I bit my lip and regained my composure.

It’s not over yet. It is not the time to let go of tension.

My breathing was messed up from the sprint and the taste of blood came up in my throat, but I didn’t slow down.

The section where the flame trap ends. in front of it.

[Going to the underworld]

It was an instant death trap that was extremely dangerous.

where to escape?

does not exist.

The whole floor is shining. That it activates wherever you step on it.

The situation accelerated while passing the flame trap.

Although it was literally no different from running to death.

“Why did I say there are torches only on this side!”

I found the answer.

While the other places are illuminated with glowstone, only this place has a torch installed.

It went so well with the overall atmosphere that I didn’t even recognize it at first.

But now I think I know.

What is the torch used for?

– Kwap!

to hold on to

I threw myself at the same speed as I was running and grabbed the torch holder on the wall.

– A crackling

sound rang out anxiously, but it did not fall.

okay. You can’t do that. Let’s go conscientiously. please.

My skin was hot from the torch coming close to my face, but I ignored it.

Your nose will turn a little red.

I have no desire to fall into the abyss of the underworld.

“This is why there are no arrow traps on this side.”

By the time I was almost past the pit trap, I couldn’t help but admire it.

Because you can’t dodge the arrows while hanging on the wall. I drove the arrow trap near the entrance.

devilish guys.

You’ve done a great job adjusting the balance.

I made it so that you can live when you want to kill and when it’s like this.

no If I didn’t know in advance through authority, I would have drowned unconditionally, so let’s just say I couldn’t do it.

“It’s not that people die in the tutorial section for nothing.”

tutorial. This goddamn difficulty test was forcing death.

There are also these pitfalls. You may find yourself in an unexpected situation.

If you climb the tower anyway, you will experience death, so try it beforehand.

This feeling was strong.

In fact, almost no one has cleared the tutorial without dying once.

I don’t know if it’s real or a lie, but it came out every few years.

Now that I think about it, all of those people were lukinas or government agents who had been painstakingly raised in large guilds.

“They lived because they knew in advance.”

하여간 개새끼들.

No matter how good I try, I can only think so.

I don’t know anything else, but it wasn’t something that could be avoided with quickness as much as pit traps.

About 15 meters ahead are all traps. You can never avoid it if you don’t know in advance.

“It’s okay.”

Fucking those who solved the wrong strategy is a bit later.

For now, let’s clear it safely from here.

I jumped from the last torch.

You safely passed the pit trap.

There are now two types of traps left.

Blade Trap and Instant Death Trap Black Tile.

Beyond that is a portal.

“The blade trap was random.”

Tuk-tuk. As I relaxed my feet and legs, I recalled my memories.

floor ceiling wall. Each time the arrow was fired, the direction it came out was different.

It was quite bloody to cut and pass like Death Side.

However, you only need to dodge four times.

and for me

“There are still knives left.”

I took out the knife I was wearing at my side.

What if it’s random? Anyway, honestly, I have no intention of challenging myself.

It takes 4 seconds for the trap to reactivate.

I intend to get out of there within that time.

The distance to the portal is not too far. Roughly 20 meters.

4 seconds is enough.

I stretched out the hand holding the knife behind me.


He shook his body and threw it vigorously.

Legs that spur the floor at the same time.

– Squeak!


Running fast, I watched the blade trap react to the knife.

one from the ceiling. one from the wall.

The size of the blade drawn in a half-moon was huge enough to occupy a third of the corridor and sharp enough to give goosebumps.

Even the angle is not constant. Because it extends not only in a straight line but also in an oblique line.

If you’re unlucky with that, the knife might get caught on the blade…


– Kaang!


Anxiety became reality.

A third blade rose up and slashed the knife away.

The knife spun around and fell to the ground. There is no time to mend.

Because I was running and time was already running.

The blade trap will be activated again soon.

As the end of the hallway is not far away, knives will rain from a short distance away.

Blades the size of an adult’s torso pouring from all sides?

just die

Whatever it is, you have to see the end now.

“There is only one thing left anyway.”

You just have to avoid it.

I ran to avoid the blade that slowly disappeared into its original place.

5 meters left.

One blade trap left.

There is one instant death trap that must be avoided unconditionally.

The remaining time until the triggered trap activates again is roughly one second.

in a tense situation.

– Suagh!

The last blade trap has been activated.

Left break!

It is an ambiguous position to avoid by jumping or sliding.

However, if you throw yourself to the right, there is an instant death trap.

‘That’s what it was for!’

The blade trap wasn’t just for killing challengers.

It was the role of driving them into an instant death trap.

There is no angle to escape. then.

-Quad deuk!

– Pudeuk!

I gritted my teeth and threw myself on the floor with all my might.

To increase friction as much as possible, I pressed my body closely and held onto the floor.

My body was rubbed against the rough stone floor, my clothes were torn and my belly skin was scraped off.

peeling palms. His fingernails were broken and he was messing around with several red lines.

-With a slight

difference, I was able to stop right before the blade trap.


Raising my body like a spring, I was able to pass the instant-death trap and pass through the blade zone.

– Boo-wook!

If the belatedly regenerated blade trap ripped off the hem of the clothes, it was a happening.

I raised my eyebrows. Clothes are already rags. The fact that he survived was important.

Breaking through this fucking trap.

For some reason, I felt a sense of pleasure.

The moment you want to hold a ceremony.

I felt a sense of discomfort.

‘Why doesn’t the clear notification pop up?’

My excitement cooled down, and at the same time, I got goosebumps.

“no way!”


I immediately threw myself to the side.

A half-instinctive action.

It was a decision that surprised me as well.


As soon as I rolled on the floor, a ballista flew in and hit me.

Stone fragments bouncing in all directions.

That alone showed how powerful it was.


I let out a dumb voice as I was hit by crumbs falling on my head.

Right on the way to the portal. The ballista embedded deep in the wall was trembling.

If I had been stupidly standing there, I would have been blown away.

A cold sweat broke out.

I thought I figured out all the pitfalls beforehand?

Looking back, I saw a halo of light at the starting line where I was.

[Back of the Head Ballista]

– Created when passing through a trap in front.

-1 time. (Currently it has stopped working.)

-The back of your head is itching? Then just avoid it!

“This crazy.”

Guys with no conscience.

I can’t be vigilant until the end.

I only paid attention to the traps in front of me, but I didn’t even think about the ones behind.

no I wouldn’t have known it had I looked at it first.

It’s a trap created after breaking through all the traps in the hallway.

“Is this really difficult?”

[Clear the 3rd floor!]

-The 3rd floor is safe.

A notification popped up while bursting out laughing.

I wouldn’t have been able to avoid it if I hadn’t been suspicious of the notification not popping up.


Is it because I’m too nervous? body loses strength

I sat down on the floor and wiped my face.

[Your body will recover.]

[Protein for you who rolled hard!]

[A special lunch box set will be provided.]

Rewards for clearing the 3rd floor started pouring in.

The light wrapped around my body, the fatigue disappeared, and at first glance, the luxurious lunch box was filled with hot meat and rice.

Plus drinks and desserts. The smell is just amazing.

[Special Lunchbox]

-Recovery +200% for 1 hour when consumed.

There is even a buff effect on the lunch box theme. Is there a reason why it’s special?

Even while laughing, the notification continued to ring.

[No hit clear!]

[1000 points will be paid.]


this is good Just like 1000 points.

People who do not belong, like me, cannot receive support. It is a story that each point is important.

Is this a total of 1300 points?

If I go up to the 6th floor, I wonder if I can match the equipment a little bit.

You must have received a special reward. Is that all that remains?

I looked up at the slippery slope.

[The 3rd floor clear reward is paid.]

Another system reward was obtained.

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