Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 35: Chapter 34- Distract

Emily was back in Cravenford and currently was sitting inside her room with a complicated look on her face.

Across from her, Eleanor was seated, but until now, Emily hadn't even sensed her presence.

She was thinking of ways through which she could help Ethan grow in a better way than he did in the last timeline. As the Emissary of Light, only Ethan can slay the Demon of Death; however, in the last timeline, Ethan is only able to seal that being at the expense of his own life.

The reason why Emily and the other three were sent back in time was to change the future. To prepare Ethan in such a way, that he could end the deity-ranked Ambrobate who could endanger the lives of the heaven residents.

Well, that was one thing. A part of her mind was occupied with the thoughts of what happened during the birthday celebration two days ago. The conversation she had with Elizabeth, gravely stressed her.

The crazed Princess has always been a problematic child who could go to some absurd lengths to protect Ethan and take revenge on those who try to trifle with him. That trait of hers was necessary but a little overbearing. Sometimes, it was necessary to just keep an eye on potential targets rather than attacking them head-on.

Emily and Eleanor had decided that they would keep an eye on Richard rather than do anything to him just because he harmed Ethan in the last timeline. They realized that some circumstances made Richard antagonize Ethan. If they could prevent those circumstances then they wouldn't need to stress about Richard.

However, the same couldn't be said about Elizabeth who was well set on killing Richard.

"Aren't you overthinking this?"

"Ah!" Emily was startled to hear that voice all of a sudden. She looked at her and found Eleanor reading a book while sipping tea.

"When did you arrive?" Emily questioned, only for Eleanor to ignore it and ask something else,

"Why are you worrying about Eli when our focus should be on the King of Death?" She slowly closed the book and finished the tea before adding, "The main motive for us to return was to keep Ethan safe and exterminate any danger that can pose a threat to the Goddess. And in my opinion, Richard would never reach that level where he could become a hindrance for us again."

Those words held rationality and Emily knew that Eleanor was correct. However, if things had been that simple, Emily wouldn't have been mulling over it for this long.

With her gaze falling to the ground, Emily muttered in a low tone, "Last time...we used an illusion to trick the Duchess, and thanks to her we were able to penetrate that Demon's fort." Her fist clenched as Emily suggested, "What if Elizabeth ends up hurting Richard, and then the Duchess finds out about it? We might have to face Lady Scarlette and that demon deity, both."

Emily and the other three retained their memories and skills of their previous life; however, even if they fought side by side, there was a bleak chance of them defeating the Duchess. And Scarlette Bellarine was a vital attack force, whose help would be important during the battle against the evil deity.

Eleanor was anxious about it as well. However, she had already planned something, and that's why she even appeared before Emily.

"You are right about that. We can't let Elizabeth harm Richard....and to prevent that we have to distract that girl."

Emily frowned, "Distract her? But how?" Elizabeth was high on blood lust, and with that much greed, she wouldn't stop before hurting Richard.

Eleanor smirked hearing that before she asked, "Who could be better than 'him'?"

Emily's eyes soon widened in realisation as she asked back, "You don't mean to..."

Eleanor nodded and said, "In this timeline, we have to unite Ethan and Elizabeth sooner than they are supposed to."


When Lilia smiled in such a sadistic fashion, Richard should have discerned how twisted his maid could become once in a while.

Fighting monsters head on was one thing but to ask Richard to jump in a running stampede of single horned does who were being chased by several D-ranked Thunderpelt wolves.....this was too much.

It didn't help that even the system seemed to be with Lilia as he got himself a quest,

[Quest arrived!]

[Hunt Thunderpelt Wolves: 0/2]

[Time: 1 hour]

[Reward: ???]

Amidst the going chaos right in front of him, Richard read the system panel and gritted his teeth. He has to jump in after all.

'The batons would be problematic here...' Richard discerned as he remained standing on a small boulder and looked at the rocky mountain on either side. A slight explosion could shake the earth and he might have to face a boulder shower.

The wolves he was here to hunt ran on all four limbs and had a height of seven to eight feet.

Their thick, silver fur crackles with static electricity, earning them their name. With eyes that glow an eerie blue, they can summon thunder and lightning with a mere howl, sending shivers down the spines of all who hear it. These wolves move like shadows, their approach heralded by the ominous rumble of distant thunder.

Their powerful jaws can crush bone, and their electrified fur can deliver a paralyzing shock to any who dare to get too close.

Fighting them recklessly could cause him gravely. Thanks to the wide range of weapons Richard had in the carriage and the warning he received from Lilia, Richard, along with the batons, was able to pick the best item to fight these foes.

Another gift from his mother named 'Taser-back' is a set of daggers which allows the user to absorb any kind energy, regardless of element and up to a certain degree can be absorbed through the blade and it can be discharged on will.

This was an A-rank weapon which requires the permission of the district guild master under the control of central administration.

He tightly clutches the daggers in a reverse grip and looks at the incoming wolf. The one who was nearest to him. Since there were numerous does around, the wolves didn't sense his presence—allowing Richard to lunge at the wolf without fearing of getting instant retaliation.

However, Richard didn't expect the wolf to sense his presence at the last moment, and jumped toward its left—resulting in Richard's fall to the ground.

"*AWOOOOOOOOOOO*" The wolf stood on its hinge limbs and howled like a beast which it was.

Richard steadied himself on his feet, before sprinting toward the wolf. His eyes contained the desperation and his demeanor suggested nothing but lust for blood.

He slashed his hand toward the left in arc, however the wolf jumped back and easily dodged it. Not only that, the wolf even moved its claw in a fluid movement—intending to detach Richard's head away from his body.

Richard ducked and rolled, narrowly avoiding a swipe of the wolf's massive paw. As he came to his feet, he slashed one dagger across the beast's flank, feeling the jolt of absorbed electricity course through his weapons. The wolf recoiled, momentarily stunned, but its eyes burned with renewed rage. Lightning crackled along its fur, and it lunged again, jaws snapping inches from Richard's face.

Desperation fueled Richard's movements. He sidestepped another attack, driving one dagger into the wolf's side. The blade glowed as it drank in the thunder, and he twisted it, causing the beast to snarl in pain. But the Thunderpelt was relentless. It lashed out with its claws, catching Richard's arm and sending him sprawling to the ground.

Its huge maw parted, revealing the set of sharp fangs that could tear his face away from him.

Richard curled his legs and in the next instance with all his strength, he kicked the wolf in the chest—throwing it with enough force to crash into another Thunderpelt who was chasing its prey.

In a rush of adrenaline, Richard jumped on his feet and took his batons out. They were charged enough and Richard was crazed enough to hammer the left baton onto the another.



A sharp sound was followed by a loud explosion. Agitation subdued slowly as Richard realized what he did in a fit of rage. However, it was already too late...


[Quest completed!]


Richard didn't look at the system panel at all, since his attention was completely converged on the large boulders that were falling toward him.

'Fuck man...'


A/N:- Skill issue? Give him some time to grow. Things would fast forward and there would be a little time skip. I won't let him get trampled on by some wannabe once he enter the academy. However, Richard won't be overwhelmingly strong as well. Just stay tuned.

Thanks to all those who are reading my work. Without your support I wouldn't have reached so far.

See you tomorrow~

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