Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 28: Chapter 27- Sudden approach

Hearing the rumours of his mother's popularity and seeing it in person were two different things.

When he entered the ceremonial hall, with his mother beside him, everyone was looking at them—or to be more precise, at her. She was at the centre of every gaze at that moment.

Truth be told, even Richard—who was fairly popular back in high school—would have felt uncomfortable and embarrassed being gazed at by so many people. However, the lady remained unfazed by their reaction and with confident strides she made her way toward the man who also was looking at her.

"I hope you are in good health, Your Majesty." The Duchess halted before the golden-haired man with a charming face and broad shoulders. He stood at an ideal height of 6'2, with slightly tanned skin and sharp blue eyes. He extruded a very imposing aura and his presence naturally demanded respect.

Richard glanced at the man with an appraising look before also bowing his head in unison with his mother.

"You finally arrived, Lady Scarlette." There was a sense of respect in his voice when he regarded the Duchess. From his demeanour, it didn't seem like he was offended by the fact that she was late.

'He is definitely an S-rank...' The aura he was releasing was quite strong for someone who has recently begun to sense ether of others. However, in comparison to the Emperor, Bellarine had far better control over her magic.

Why? Because, until now, Richard hasn't felt an ounce of ether leaking from her.

The man with the golden mane looked at Richard with his eyebrows elevated before he said, "You have grown quite splendidly, I see. "

"I thank you for your graceful words, Your Majesty." With his left hand pressed against his chest, Richard gave another soft bow to show his appreciation.

Lucius(the Emperor) was greatly surprised to see such schooled behaviour from Richard. Although Richard had never dared to misbehave in front of Lucius before, the young lad's temperament wasn't the best one as well.

However, today, he seemed different and more polite.

Turning his attention towards Bellarine, Lucius uttered in a slightly lively tone, "You have taught your son well. Initially, I thought a war veteran like you wouldn't be able to raise a child properly. But now, I am happy to be proven wrong."

Bellarine proudly smiled, rested her hands on her waist, and smugly responded, "Hehe~I know right."

The people who were around the two felt like they were hearing a conversation between family members. It was rumoured that the Emperor treated Bellarine just like his own sister. After witnessing their close relationship, the rumour was proven to be true.

Bellarine soon was occupied by many guests whom she knew and whom she didn't. It wasn't a rare occurrence to see people flocking around her.

Richard took the liberty to detach himself from the group and find himself something to drink.

His hands were in his pockets as he lazily strolled around the venue. However, contrary to what he seemed from others' perspective, Richard was quite cautious and on high alert all the time.

He was in the territory of the enemy. A single mistake could cost him his life. And the person he was dealing with is a yandere—creating a possibility of him getting abducted in the daylight.

Under normal circumstances, Richard wouldn't have felt this worried about a person the same age as him. However, the person who could attack him is a regressor who possesses all the skills which she gained in the previous timeline. That explains why he was so concerned.

"Would you like a refreshment, my lord?" The waiter halted before him and offered a variety of drinks resting over the serving tray.

Richard mindlessly picked one since he couldn't discern any of it.

Taking the glass, he made his way to one of the corners to enjoy the drink and look around a bit.

He sipped on the drink and was met with a bitter and slightly salty taste—making his brows draw closer in disgust.

"Herberil beer isn't for everyone."

Richard's eyes slightly widened as he turned towards the source of the voice and found a gorgeous girl standing there. However, her beauty didn't excite him rather it made him anxious

'Why didn't I sense her?!'

Golden locks that covered her forehead and a pair of big golden eyes. A small nose and supple lips made the girl look adorable rather than beautiful. She was shorter than Richard and had a very soft smile on her face, which could deceive someone easily.

However, Richard knew it. This girl was anything but what she looked like.

"Your Highness Princess Elizabeth, many happy returns of the day." It took every fibre of his being to not attack or react to her sudden arrival. He couldn't let her know that he was aware of her real side and what emotions he harbours towards her.

The girl smiled adorably with two pretty dimples forming on her cheeks as she responded, "Thanks for coming here, today!"

Her enthusiasm seemed dangerous in his eyes however, his face remained unchanged.

Suddenly, she inched closer to him—making him momentarily flinch and clench his fist—before she whispered, "Can you accompany me for a bit? I want to show you the gifts I got."

The alarm of danger was ringing violently in his head hearing her question, however, if he really didn't want to come out suspicious, he had no other option than to accept her invitation.

"As you wish, Your Highness." She grinned beautifully before walking ahead.

Richard loosened his tie which suddenly became a little stuffy before he began to follow the girl.

Her hair bounced with every step and the vigour she was showing could be called unnatural for a princess.

Those who wished her en route received a nod or a simple 'thank you' from her—but she never showed any intention to continue conversation with anyone; seemingly eager to bring Richard somewhere isolated.

'Should I just disappear?' A thought passed by his mind. There were many people around and it wouldn't be too suspicious to just get lost in the crowd.

However, before he could direct his feet in a different direction, suddenly, she turned around and held his wrist with a wide grin, "Don't get lost, Richard. We have many exciting things waiting for us."

Richard was thoroughly surprised to see that she just read his mind even though she didn't have skills related to telepathy or anything. Regardless, he could only nod and follow her lead for now.

If things came down to it, he would use his mother's ring to call for help. If things get bitter between the Emperor and Bellarine, then it would be problematic, but Richard gives importance to his life more than anything.

They finally reached the place she intended to bring him, and, much to Richard's surprise, there indeed were many gifts sprawled around the room.

It was like a reception area, and there were plenty of seats for Richard to sit, but Elizabeth asked him to sit near her.

He maintained some distance between himself and Elizabeth when they sat and the girl immediately picked a gift to unwrap it.

"Here, you open this one." She gave him one as well to open, with a child-like smile.

Seriously, if Richard hadn't known her real personality from the novel he might have thought that this was her real self. Adorable and childish.

However, Richard wasn't Ethan to get fooled by her act.

Not even once did he let his guard down while he unwrapped the gifts. His attention was converged on each of her movements and their surroundings. Detection was in use and if anyone with ill intentions approached him, he would know.

Suddenly, while opening the third gift, Elizabeth casually said, "You know...I invited Ethan as well."

Just a fraction of a second, his hands paused, but soon, without letting her notice, he continued to unfurl the gift wrapper and asked her, "Do I know this person, Your Highness."

Until now, Richard had his suspicion. But now, after witnessing how eagerly she was studying his reaction when she mentioned Ethan, Richard became sure of one thing,

Elizabeth was testing whether Richard was a wandering soul.

Seeing his nonchalant response made her feel bitter as she replied, "Someone special to me. You don't know him."

The room fell silent after that. Richard wasn't sure why this crazy girl was going to such lengths to ascertain whether she could kill him or not.

Based on what he read, this girl had such a screwed-up head that she wouldn't think twice about even murdering her father if he dared to hurt Ethan. And here, she was sitting with the person who had tortured and harassed the guy Elizabeth holds so close to her heart...?

Indeed this was strange.

Elizabeth grew bored and she was about to ask Richard to leave when suddenly she felt a presence approaching

Not so long after a certain blond girl barged inside the reception area with a panicked look on her visage.

She looked around a bit before her eyes landed on Richard and Elizabeth, as the girl suddenly shouted, "You can't do anything to him."

Richard felt this was a day full of surprises. First, the girl he thought would murder him was being unexpectedly polite. Now, his ex-fiancée stood before him, concern etched on her face.

Indeed a strange day.


A/N:- I hope you all liked the chapter.

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