Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 19: Chapter 18- Rage

Once, Bellarine had to attend a meeting in the Capital for which she had to stay there for a week. At that time, Richard was only seven years old, that's why she took him with her.

Naturally, she always took care of him and had him in the range of her perception all the time—except for the time when she had to attend the meeting. That's why she hired a full-time maid to take care of her baby.

One of those days, when Bellarine returned to her room Richie rushed towards her with tears in his eyes and a glaring red mark of a hand on his cheek.

He cried in her arms for a long time without a word, and seeing him in tears broke her down as well. She kept him holding until he didn't fall asleep in her embrace.

That day, Bellarine realized that for her child she could never hesitate to hurt anyone. The person who dared slap her son was begging her to kill him and spare him from the burden of his life.

For the whole night, Bellarine kept on torturing that man and healing him continuously. The security guards who were there felt nauseous seeing that gory sight of a beautiful woman digging out the innards of a living man and making him swallow it. And all while wearing a sadistic smile on her face.

The penalty for hurting her child could only be death, a fact she had resolved long ago. Forget a commoner; even if the Emperor or the Demon King dared to harm her Richie, she wouldn't hesitate to annihilate everything they cherished before tearing their heads from their bodies.

And of all people, the one who tried to take her child away from her was none other than a man she trusted? Indeed a good reason to feel murderous today.


The whole lobby was ignited by the flames that enveloped Richard. His body was burning but not a grunt anyone could hear that could have represented his pain. All one could see about him was that horrifying grin he wore on his face while he advanced toward his prey.

Albert was left with no other option than to march towards Richard. He knew battling against the Duchess was pointless. She could kill him in a breath.

His steps advanced toward Richard which shocked Lilia. However, before she could move to chase Albert—who clearly intended to harm Richard—she found her hand being held by the Duchess

"But my lady..." Despite her protest, Bellarine remained unmoving with her gaze transfixed on nothing but her Richie.

In a tone that suggested the flurry of emotions swirling inside her, she conveyed, "Let him have his fun."

At that time Lilia could only stare at her mistress with eyes of confusion however the moment she looked back straight again, she realized what her lady meant.


Albert was strong enough to kill the bastard. Because of this little squirt, her lady was looking at him like he had betrayed her. And now, this boy would go to hell with him.

Harbouring such thoughts Albert wielded his short knife in a reverse grip and leaped towards the boy who was enwrapped in flames.

Richard's arms remained hanging by his side as he looked at the advancing figure of the Butler with a malicious grin on his face.

The butler swung the knife in a slant flashing across Richard's chest and he did feel the blade making a cut on him—however, along with his own attack, Albert felt something burning his torso.

"Guh!" He exclaimed before backing off and swatting away the flames that Richard inflicted on him through a decisive punch in his gut.

Without warning, Richard lunged forward, the flames around him roaring louder. Albert sidestepped with practiced ease, but the heat singed his sleeve. He retaliated with a swift, precise jab to Richard's midsection, but his fist met a wall of searing heat. He hissed in pain, pulling back.

Richard grinned wickedly. "You'll have to do better than that, old man."

Albert's eyes narrowed. He moved with calculated precision, ducking and weaving through the hall. He struck at Richard's weak points, targeting joints and vital areas, but every blow was met with the consuming flames. Richard's brute strength and fiery aura made him a formidable opponent, even for a veteran like Albert.

Richard swung a fiery fist, aiming for Albert's head. The butler barely dodged, the heat singing his hair. He countered with a low kick, trying to unbalance Richard, but the flaming warrior stood firm. Richard's hands clamped down on Albert's shoulders, the intense heat making the butler scream in agony.

"Feel the pain, bitch," Richard snarled, tightening his grip.

Albert, gritting his teeth, drove his knee into Richard's abdomen, forcing him to loosen his hold. He staggered back, gasping for breath. Richard, undeterred, advanced again, his flaming form crackling with energy. He swung both fists down, aiming for Albert's chest.

Albert crossed his arms, trying to shield himself, but the force of the blow sent him sprawling. Pain radiated through his body as he hit the ground. Richard was on him in an instant, grabbing him by the collar and lifting him off his feet.

Richard growled, the flames intensifying. He hurled Albert across the hall, the butler crashing into a wooden table that shattered under the impact.

Albert coughed, struggling to stand. His vision blurred, but he forced himself to focus. Richard was relentless, closing the distance with heavy, flame-laden steps. Albert knew he had to act fast. With a swift motion, he drew a hidden dagger from his boot and threw it at Richard.

The blade cuts through the air, embedding itself in Richard's shoulder. The fiery warrior roared in pain, the flames around him flaring wildly. Albert used the momentary distraction to roll to his feet, launching himself at Richard with renewed determination.

But Richard, fueled by rage and pain, grabbed Albert's wrist mid-strike. He twisted, eliciting a cry of agony from the butler. With a vicious snarl, he slammed Albert to the ground face flat, and grabbed both of his arms.

"Now cry!" With a loud roar, Richard planted his leg on his back and pulled Albert's arms with all his strength.

"AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHH!!! STOPP! STOPPPPP IT!!" Albert flailed and struggled to get Richard off him, but in the intoxication of rage and frustration, Richard didn't yield.

Unbeknownst to himself he utilizes Ether to enhance his strength and in the next moment,


Blood began to spray out of his shoulders as Albert cried like a madman after having his forelimbs detached.

"Hahahahaha hahaha!!!!" Richard laughed as he draped the ripped-off arms from the man, on his shoulders. His laugh sounded more evil than amusing.

It was fun! This was fun!


A/N:- I will properly explained how Richard defeated Albert and everything that seemed to be betraying the information I have provided until now.

Drop some Power stones. I need 'em.

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