Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 139: Chapter 138- Zulcriz

A deep-seated memory flashed through his mind, and while looking at it, Richard was completely detached from the real world.

There was darkness. Everywhere. The very fibre of this reality seemed to have weaved out from darkness. Anywhere he turns to, he is met by a complete void. Nothing felt real here.

This can be terrifying for others, but right now Richard couldn't feel any of those human sensations with which he has lived three lifetimes.

All he felt was peace...almost like he had returned home after a long journey.

There was nothing he could say while he saw 'it'. A being which cannot be defined in words as how terrifying it looked even though Richard was standing so far from 'it'.

Under normal circumstances, despite how much he loved challenging people way above his league, facing this entity would have surely forced Richard to retreat.

Those long limbs, wide shoulders, straight back and its body completely enshrouded in alive shadows, as the being emerged out of the depth of the abyss.

Richard's eyes were met by that thing's memory...of that time when the being was betrayed and disowned.

[Your love for that woman led you to forsake the very principles you once established. 'No being shall be freed from the bonds of death'—those were your words. Yet you, entrusted with the sacred duty of granting salvation to all, chose to abuse your authority for the sake of an emotion unbefitting an immortal..]

Those words echoed in the void, and the entity listened to each of those words in silence.

Richard could feel it...the deep wound of emotions. Regret and frustration enveloped him like flames on dry wood.

It was strange that Richard could feel and understand what the entity was suffering from, even though he had yet to see its face and know its identity. Forget about that he didn't know where he was at the moment.

[You have failed me, Zulcriz. Though your existence was contested and your methods questioned, I held my silence, trusting in your principles and believing in the betterment of the mortal realm. Never did I foresee the possibility of your straying from the path. Indeed, you have failed me.]

Richard narrowed his eyes, trying to discern what might have caused the entity to lower its head and who was the one who could even force such an almighty being to kneel before them.

Not to talk about this constant reminder of how the entity has failed to fulfil its duty. How and who was this woman who became the catalyst?

Hundreds of questions, but unfortunately, Richard cannot say anything as of now.

Finally, the silence was broken as the being enshrouded in Darkness spoke,

"Now, what? Are you planning to revive those methods of prolonged life span and again push the existence of mortals toward crisis?"

With a scoff, it continued, "I've watched how those

realms collapse. Mothers clawing their children, people killing each other for a scrap of food. Blood spilt like it was worth less than water. I've seen it all, and if I hadn't stepped in, nothing would've changed. The world would've kept spiralling toward ruin, and no one would've done a damn thing to stop it."

Richard's eyes stretched a little. There was a time when people used to live longer. He has read in the history books how the normal lifespan of a person extended up to five hundred years, and because of the low death rate, the resources were emptying up.

His homeroom teacher also said something similar to it. From her perspective, the Dark Star was that necessity which everyone called evil; however, it is an inevitable fact that without the appearance of the Dark Star, this world might not have lasted for this long.

Then if this entity brought the change....then...then...

'The God of Death?!' Richard couldn't believe that he was looking at the memories of that immortal who held the strength to go against the heavens and challenge every single deity, all alone.

The creator of the Dark Star and the one whom Ethan almost sealed in the previous timeline.

Wait...many things didn't make sense.

If the Lord of Death brought stability to the realms, then why was it getting opposed by the heavens? And if this being, whose voice was echoing through the void, can even make the Death God kneel before it, then shouldn't the holder of the voice be stronger than the deities, as well?

'This is so complicated...' Richard couldn't discern everything, but missing out on their conversation never crossed his mind.

[You must descend to the mortal realm, resume your duty, and continue to safeguard the realms as you have done before. This is your destiny, and facing your siblings is an obligation you cannot escape.....

The voice faded and the Zulcriz hung its head low.

Silence descended upon the void as Richard stared at the being still kneeling on the ground with curious eyes.

He had no idea why Richard was allowed to see the remembrance of the being with whom he had to do nothing.

There was no way of retreat which Richard could ascertain, so after a brief contemplation he took a step forward,


, and halted immediately when he was being called out. And this time, Richard knew that his presence was addressed.

"Confused you maybe, but this isn't the time. You aren't prepared to know everything." It commanded. Its words prohibiting any argument that Richard might have extended...if only he had his voice.

"Each step you take toward Death, you will know what you are and the reason for your existence. However, for now, "The being stood up, reflexively making Richard step back. The hulking form of the Evil Lord became even more intimidating once the Creator of the Dark Star turned around.

The pair of golden eyes stared at Richard, making him shiver. A vast ocean of strength he possessed in that frame. A being, more powerful than his mother and possibly someone who can engulf a whole realm with its presence alone.

Richard felt it. The raw sensation of death clawing at his back and shouting at him to run as far as he could.

But he withstood that force and resisted the urge to kneel. He was never told to, and not like he would ever yield.

He stared back at it. The face of death. The destination of every being and the being that originates from Darkness.

Richard was facing such an entity.

"I see you have made significant progress compared to the last time. However, this isn't enough...nowhere enough. To stand alongside me, you have to realise your origin and ambition."

With his tone becoming heavy and aura denser, the entity added, "And I won't be helping you with that."

Richard didn't back off hearing that heavy voice; rather, he stepped forward. His eyes never wavering and his determination seemed to have become alive through his fierce eyes.

He stood before the Lord of Death, and demanded, "If you want to return, you need me. Otherwise, I don't believe you would have let me see that vulnerable sight of yours. Am I right?"

Silence enshrouded the void after that. Richard held his stance with confidence and waited for Zulcriz to reply.

The chances of Richard ever regaining consciousness were slim, for the entity he now confronted held dominion over death itself. The very essence of mortality bent to its will, and standing against it meant defying forces no living being could hope to withstand.

However, the moment Zulcriz opened its non-existent mouth, something unexpected rolled out,

"I can never make a mistake. You are the right one," Suddenly, the being knelt before Richard and took out an essence of the darkness enshrouding it.

Extending the raven flame towards Richard, it said, "Become one with this. It will help you gain control over your immortal self."

The moment Richard heard 'immortal self' the first thing that came to his mind was, 'The elemental ascension...'

He extended his hand, and rather than taking the flame his body absorbed it.

The void soon began to break, and Richard's consciousness began to slip away.

In sheer desperation to gain a few answers, he asked, "Wait! When I meet your generals, what should I do?"

Through his fading subconscious, he heard its voice loud and clear,

"If they kneel, you spare them. If they defy, you annihilate."

Those were the last words Richard heard before he regained his consciousness...and the first person he saw upon waking up, was none other than Headmaster Marcus.

"Headmaster..." Groggily Richard asked as he raised his body with Jasmine's support.

Marcus, unnaturally sweating and looking nervous, turned his attention towards Richard.

Sitting before him, Marcus rested his hand on Richard's shoulders—making the latter nervous now—as the older one said, "Whatever I tell you, you must not lose your calm."

"Don't build the hype, and just tell me!" Richard demanded.

Marcus heaved a sigh before informing him, "Amelia Hawkbridge is kidnapped, and your mansion in the Capital is under attack."


A/N:- Let there be carnage.

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