Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 133: Chapter 132- Beatdown

Richard didn't know what he was getting himself involved in. This was sick. He was two floors promoted just within a single week, and now, he was going out there, in an arena to fight someone who was possibly stronger than him.

Just a week ago, when he entered the Endless Hold, he didn't have much expectations against the prisoners on the higher floor because of their lack of strength. He was too reliant on his batons and potions. But, now, he has no options.

However, this was necessary. He has to discern the strength level of the prisoners here, and accordingly plan his next step, how he would be slaughtering them. No one was innocent here, so Richard didn't feel remorse at that thought.

However, just because of the same fact that no one was innocent here, it loudly stated that if he lost this battle, then Richard would die.

He never, even once, thought of escaping from a battle. He has always faced every challenge, and this time as well, running away wasn't an option. The situation was unfavourable and unknown, yet

'Why am I feeling excited?' He couldn't stop shaking in the thrill as he made his way through the corridor.

Mostly, every cell was now empty, and faintly, Richard could hear the loud chanting of the prisoners, coming from the same arena where Richard was going to fight.

The ground shook beneath Richard's feet, not from magic or the clash of powers, but from the sheer weight of the anticipation that filled the arena. The prisoners' roars echoed off the high, cold stone walls, amplifying the chaotic energy that crackled in the air. Their voices, sharp with excitement and bloodlust, melded into one deafening hum, drowning out all other sounds.

It showed the massive gathering of prisoners waiting to see him fight against one of their jailmates.

With a sharp breath, Richard finally entered the arena, and the muffled noises became vivid.

"Damn..." All he could do was exclaim upon seeing hundreds of prisoners filling the stands and wildly howling. They all were pumped up enough to tell that already a battle had occurred here ...and also, the dead body of the prisoner, who was getting carried away, was another significant piece of evidence.

Chains clinked as some banged their fists against the metal railings, while others stomped their feet on the ground, shaking the stands. The walls seemed to shake as the crowd roared, their voices echoing through the stone halls. The sound was deafening, a storm of howls and jeers, as every prisoner in the stands called for blood, waiting for the next fight to begin.

Richard could see several blood blots around, the ground being torn from several places and the other several signs of crazy battles just made him recall the indoor gymnasium of the academy.

Compared to this...the academy's arena seemed like a children's park.

Suddenly someone jumped from the audience and stood in the middle of the arena, with his eyes turning towards Richard.

Richard raised his there was no referee or anything huh? People jump in and fight?

'...this can be dangerous.' He didn't think about 'what ifs' and stepped forward

He didn't want to expose his staff from the get-go so he decided to present himself as a mage as far as he could.

The loud reverberation of the cries and hooting, elevated as Richard finally appeared in their vision.

Several tomatoes and eggs were thrown at him, but Richard easily dodged them and continued his walk towards his spot.

The man he had to fight was a tall person of six feet and some inches in height and broad, muscular shoulders. He has straight brown hair that stood and fell after reaching a few inches above his head. He wasn't wearing a shirt and only pants, and on his bare chest, one could see a massive scar stretching from his collarbone to the side of his waist.

The man looked intimidating but because his control over his ether was excellent, Richard couldn't discern his power level.

The man crossed his arms on his chest and said, "I am Dino, Eric's friend. He told me about you. An arrogant brat probably from a noble family."

Richard was surprised how people easily guessed the fact that he was noble-born. However, he didn't show any intention of speaking as he heard the brown-haired adding,

"Let's see if you are all barks or you got some teeth to bite as well?" He provoked, fingers gesturing for Richard to come at him.

At that precise moment, nothing was audible to Richard--no howling, no anxiety for his family, no stress for his ambition...all Richard could feel was his loudly thumping heart and the heat his body radiated.

Extending his left hand, he launched,

"Hell Blaze!" A torrent of raven-red flames extruded from the top of his finger and soon took the shape of a roaring dragon as it approached the man.

Dino narrowed his eyes, and a smirk lifted his lips as he slightly tilted his left foot, and a several-foot-tall, thick mud wall was erected before him.


Hell Blaze struck the mud wall but did no significant damage to it, except for solidifying the mud wall

Richard gritted his teeth; this was the worst match-up.

Summoning a flame lance he shot it towards the hardened mud wall, breaking it into pieces, but he was a fool to think that Dino would remain at his spot.

"*Agh*" Just as Richard turned towards his left, he felt something hitting his back, knocking the air out of him, as Richard staggered forward.

Just as he was about to fall, Dino held Richard by his collar and lifted him into the air--only to find flames bursting from Richard's back, urging Dino to release his grip before he burned his hand.

Richard jumped and landed back on his feet. His back hurts but not enough to make him yield.

He didn't wait for another second to launch into action, his hands full of flames as he leapt towards the big man.

Dino was faster than he expected as the man jumped up and his place was replaced by a mud wall.

Richard barely had the time to pause, and in the next moment, he sensed several spikes advancing toward him from above.


Richard cursed as he enhanced his body and leapt back, barely avoiding those sharp spikes.

However, due to his haste, he forgot to notice Dino, who appeared just behind Richard and struck his elbow at the exact right position as before.

"Agh!!" Richard cried in pain, not only because of the elbow strike but because several mud spikes stabbed his shoulder and legs.



"Kill! Kill!"

The audience booed as Dino stepped away and allowed Richard to fall down.

He was injured but far from defeated.

Pushing his hands against the ground, Richard sprang back on his feet, only to find his eyes widening as a massive rock orb flew in his direction.

Richard jumped because the boulder was directed at his leg...and once again, he failed to evade the flying kick of Dino that struck him square in the face--sending Richard flying in the air.

The crowd sneered and spat at the bad performance of the kid while Dino felt disappointed having his night wasted on the brat.

However, something unexpected happened. Richard, who was about to hit the wall, suddenly turned in the air, landed on the wall gracefully and remained suspended in the air for a blink before shooting toward Dino like a dart.

Dino, in a panic, tried erecting another wall, however,

"....I can't use my ether?!" The realisation was a lot less shocking than the strength in Richard's punch when he hit Dino with his enhancement devoted all to his fist.


A deafening explosion occurred as Dino was the one who was sent flying this time. Blood sprayed like a fountain as he struck the arena wall, creating a dent in it.

However, despite that punch destroying his lower jaw, the man didn't fall to his knees and remained standing with his head hung low.

The crowd had already turned silent the moment Richard landed that blow, as they stared at Dino and Richard alternatively.

There was a strange gleam in Richard's eyes which didn't exist a few moments ago.

And on the other side, Dino moved his hand and supported his hanging jaw.

"Heh~" The brown-haired smirked, seeing his blood after such a long time. He believed that he was fighting against a spoiled brat and the match would soon come to an end.

But now, Dino has a different opinion.

Taking out a vial from his pocket he downed it in one go, letting his jaw heal at an astonishing pace.

Stepping forward, he shouted, "You got my interest, boy! Now don't disappoint me!"

Dino lunged toward Richard and the battle restarted.


A/N:- I hope the battle scene was entertaining. I am trying to improve it. Thanks for reading.

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