Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 129: Chapter 128- What...?

[Day 07- Endless Hold]

It has been five days since that massacre happened. Richard earned himself a good headstart thanks to Jasmine's 'kindness'.

In these five days, nothing major has happened. All Richard did was to eat, sleep, work and repeat.

The other prisoners on the floor haven't made any attempt to approach him. Apparently, the ones Richard killed were the weakest in the prison, and that's why they were fooled by the allure of the lady who goes by the name Jasmine.

She has a skill or sort that allows her to enchant a group of people and manipulate them into committing something that the chanter requests....or what Brad discerned.

There were more than four hundred prisoners still on the base floor, and Richard had taken it easy for the time being considered tomorrow; there would be a general inspection of the working chambers and the cells.

He didn't want to draw attention for the time being and the fact that no one saw him using the staff except for Brad and Jasmine was a plus point.

Brad has become a trustworthy comrade, and Jasmine is...kind of weird. She barely shows herself in front of Richard and if coincidently they come across, she discreetly makes her way out of his sight.

However, Richard had a feeling that she wouldn't inform the authorities about Richard's legendary possession. And if she does, there would be nothing they could find even through interrogation.

Well, he hopes so.

As for the system, then that day he received a quest of slaughtering two hundred humans, and he, naturally, achieved it. And in return, he gained,

[Rewards: Mana bank, +10 Stats Points, +5 Quest Points]

[Mana bank: It is an artefact created by the legendary elf, the first son of the World Tree. It stores a user's magical energy, allowing them to absorb it when needed. Crafted from a shard of the World Tree, it offers instant mana replenishment, making it invaluable for long battles or powerful spells. Only those with a strong connection to magic can wield it properly.]

[Current limit: 1000 Magic Points]

[Note: To increase the capacity, the host needs to keep utilizing the artefact and gradually allow the capacity to elevate.]

That is a very useful tool for him here when there is a mana-restricting anklet attached to him.

Richard had already filled the cylindrical artefact to the brim, and now, he wouldn't need to rely on Brad during his next battle.

About the stats, then it has improved during the last battle, and now looks like this;

[Name: Scarlette Richard]

[Race: Human, Elemental Ascended]

[Age: 16]

[Rank: D+]

[Str: 45]

[Spd: 50]

[End: 55 +10-> 65

[Int: 33]

[Mgc: 782-> 350]

[Luk: 42]

[Available stats: 80]

[Special skills: Burning, Hammering]

[Skills: Self-regeneration -> D-> D+

Telekinesis-> C- {700 Kilograms}

Barrier-> F {Two layers}

Enhancement-> B+

Detection-> D (400 meters)

[Spells: Fireball- D

Amber Arrow- D+

Hell Blaze- S

Flame Maze- C

Molten Platform- D-.

Perception Burst- B-]

[Inventory: Bo-staff: ???]


Richard couldn't find his other items which he gained from the system rewards, when he noticed there was a down arrow near the end.

He mentally tapped on it and found there was another log which stated, [Items]

[Items: Mana Bank

Voice changing pills



It was a grave mistake that Richard didn't hand the communicator to Lilia or they would have been able to chat over the artefact. However, it was so hectic when they were leaving that he didn't remember about that tool at all. Not to talk about, his mother must have hidden it in a very secretive place.

Now, he has eighty available stats points, and gradually, he is progressing in his quest points. The system informed him that there is a reward after reaching the next milestone, and that is two hundred quest points.

Currently, Richard was inside the forgery, reshaping his five hundredth or so swords in these five days.

He has spent most of his days at this chamber, considering it is one of the highest-paying jobs and also aligns with his interests. He has started to like the sound of the hammer striking against the blade. The heat of the furnace and the heat waves rushing to his face when he dips the heated blade in water no longer annoy him.

His speed of working on a blade has increased as well. Now, it only takes ten or so minutes to reform a sword if it's not completely mangled. And his proficiency with flames has also reached twenty-two.

He was developing his stats and skills and now awaited that day when he could fish the stronger ones into a battle.

"What are you thinking, boy?" Brad entered the cell while chewing something.

Richard stopped doing push-ups and lay down on the ground with his hands beneath his chin.

Turning toward Brad, he casually asked, "Before the monthly inspection, what if I end up killing everyone on this floor except for a few?"

Brad shrugged, "So what? If they had to stop they would have already. After all, nothing remains hidden by those eyes of the guardians."

Richard raised his brows, "Then they have already seen my staff?"

"Of course they must have," Taking a pause, he added, "But the fact is, that they don't even care about such stuff. You kill one or one thousand, they don't give a damn. Each one of us is equal before them and truth be told, you are just cleaning up space for them to bring more."

Richard chuckled, "Then shouldn't they reward me with something?"

"Ah yeah, they are infamous for lodging a heated rod up the prisoner's a**. So if you are into it, just slap one of them-"

"Yeah, forget it." Richard rolled his eyes and jumped on his feet.

Taking his shirt from the bed, he draped it over his shoulder and asked his cellmate, "Wanna accompany me to the common hall?"

Brad smirked, "I would have, but there is someone waiting for you on the table."

Richard tilted his head, "Who?"

Brad's smirk widened, and instantly it struck him.


Richard heaved a sigh, so she finally decided to have a conversation.

Since that day, she has always been just running away from him or hiding in the shadows to look at him secretly.

Richard was curious about why she provoked the criminals to target him when she was behaving like a maiden around him.

Was it that she was actually trying to help him? But that can't be the case. The mark of the evil can only be detected by the ones who carry Aembr in them. And naturally, that woman looked human enough.

'I guess I should talk to her and find out,' He wore his shirt properly before making his way to the common hall.

There were hundreds of prisoners, and not a single stain of blood that Richard spilt that day remained.

In a corner, Richard could see the raven curtains and a girl timidly sitting there while mumbling something to herself.

'Is she... practising to greet someone?' He could see her extending her hand, then shaking her head, and then trying again.

Richard first went to pick up the dinner before nearing the girl and calling out, "Good evening."

"Ah, he-ouch!" Because she tried getting up hurriedly she hit her knee on the table and winced in pain.

Richard heaved a sigh before urging her, "Why don't we sit down for a moment and talk calmly?"

Jasmine slowly nodded, and along with Richard, she sat back down.

They were sitting while facing each other, and since Richard was hungry, he decided to bite some bread first before asking her, "So...shall we start from the beginning? I am Richard, as you already know, and currently, I am curious about you."

"M-Me? You are curious about me?" Suddenly, for some reason, Jasmine's cheeks began to heat up. Covering her cheeks she started fidgeting.

Richard stared at her blankly for a moment before shaking his head.

This girl is a mess.

He continued eating his lunch and allowed her to calm down.

After a while, she finally rested her hands back on the table and looked at Richard apologetically.

However, before she could have said anything, Richard asked,

"Can you tell me what you want from me?" It was the most important question right now since, based on her answer, he would decide how he would be dealing with her.

It's a fact that she used her skill to put those many prisoners against Richard. It was helpful but from his perspective. But from a general one, it was the worst kind of revenge she could have taken on him.

So that brings up the question of how much she knows him and what her intentions are toward him.

Richard didn't urge to answer immediately and continued to eat his food in peace. Unlike the previous ones, these prisoners looked stronger and somehow tingled his fingers for a good battle.

Jasmine spoke up finally, and the words that came out of her mouth were completely unexpected,

"I...I want to serve you!"



A/N:- Thanks for reading.

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