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7 months ago
Qin Xiaotian transmigrated into the body of a five-year-old orphan of another world, in the Nine... Read more Qin Xiaotian transmigrated into the body of a five-year-old orphan of another world, in the Nine States Continent.After obtaining the Invincible Devouring System, he can devour and learn anything.With his teeth, which are harder than everything, there’s nothing that he can’t consume.With the help of the system, he learned how to cultivate by breathing and how to train his body after biting stone with his cheats.Having such cheats, Qin Xiaotian tries to dominate the universe and become the invincible… brat. Collapse Arrogant Characters, Artifacts, Blacksmith, Cheats, Clever Protagonist, Cultivation, Cunning Protagonist, Fast Cultivation, Game Elements, Male Protagonist, Multiple Realms, Overpowered Protagonist, Parody, Shameless Protagonist, Transmigration, Transported to Another World, Weak to Strong Translation quality is slightly better than MTL but not by much, so still terrible. Some dont understand the tag #OP MC Not bad. - unique system- no cliché's - op mc- Has room for improvements/* Readers might say it's plot it's too fast. But no it isn't, cultivation isnt restricted. also it carries an #op tag.*/ This novel is shit just from the first chapter the mc is the kindbof guy who have very thick plot armor and have nothing to do other than being arrogant ad face slapping. Not bad. Completely. Rating: 6/10. ConsLack of releaseLack of plotNo charter developmentProsWeak to strongOp SystemSlice of lifeNo dramaI got no problem with so far. Just waiting for the update The story has the character to op in the beginning, even though other stories are like that but this one goes beyond those. It might be better if the grammar was better Holy Hell, I don't know where to begin with this novel.... It's terrible; the plot moves so quickly that he's already doing things you'd anticipate after 10-20 pages (maybe more) within two chapters. The system is so overpowered that you'd believe it was created while the author was high. It's crazy how boring the characters are. The translation is excellent; they point out and clarify unfamiliar terms.Overall: 0.5/10 It's a system story but it goes WAY too fast he's basically invincible almost immediately Can you give me an example of the novel system overpowered ness? I just want to see how overpowered it is You and I aren’t so different