Stealing Spree

Chapter 193: Keychain

Chapter 193: Keychain

Because of how exhausted Akane and Yae became last night, I managed to wake up first.

Err… that was because it took me a bit longer to cum and due to that, both of them experienced a prolonged pounding wherein they cum at least 5 times each. Also, they both rode on me instead of letting me be on top of them.

Even now, they're clinging onto me while still naked under our blanket. In fact, even if I didn't put on a blanket, they're already using our body heat to warm themselves up.

After making sure not to wake them, I carefully stood up and put the blanket over them again. I might be living a satisfying life now but to continue this, we have to realize that future.

Some may be convinced that it's already enough to have an episode like this in their life but that's not me. I wanted to continue being with them. Not just with a simple reason of lust for each other but because I really want to spend my days with them.

I kissed both of their foreheads and fixed their sleeping posture before going down to the kitchen. Since I will be going out again for Satsuki, I decided to prepare breakfast for them.

It's been a while so I made a lot and made it a bit special for the girls and also for Minoru.

And soon enough, one by one, they started descending down the stairs, guided by the aroma of what I was preparing for them.

Due to that, we had a satisfying breakfast that Yae and Akane kept praising which eased up their slight grievance from finding out that I didn't wake them up.

Hours passed by while doing our daily routines such as the household chores and the exercise in which Yae joined us. We also did homework first with Yae helping us to answer some of it.

When I left the house, Yae was with me. Well, I might be out until late in the afternoon so she decided to go home now so that I could send her to the station. Akane sent us off while I reminded her to take care later, Aunt Akemi told me that she will take Akane to accompany her in shopping after lunch.

After talking to Aya, Akane got more information about Satsuki and Nami. Something even I didn't know about and only heard in passing whenever they talked about their middle school experience. They all came from the same middle school and Aya was watching from a third-person perspective, the things she could notice were different from them.

After hearing that, she expressed that she also wanted to meet them soon.

Err… Satsuki said she will after the game but for Nami, it still depended on the progress of our relationship.

When Yae and I reached the station, like with Aya yesterday, I followed her up to the train platform to send her off before turning around to the opposite platform. With the plan she shared yesterday which she also told Akane this morning, she became more enthusiastic to improve it despite our reminders that she shouldn't overdo it.

Well, she will always show it to me anyway. That's better than letting her become too occupied with what she wanted to do for me like before. Now that they allied themselves together with Haruko. I felt like some kind of silent war was slowly brewing up on the surface.

They all kept talking about how they didn't want to be surpassed by my new girls such as Kana, Aya and those they haven't met yet like Satsuki and Nami.



After 30 minutes of the train ride and another 10 minutes of walking, I arrived at the cake shop where I'm supposed to meet Satsuki. It was still devoid of people like last week.

"Welcome! Oh? Your girlfriend's not with you?"

The owner asked upon seeing me entering the shop. Looks like she remembered us and of course, she's talking about Satsuki.

"Ah. We agreed to meet here, she'll be here soon. I'm just too early, I guess? Anyway owner, thank you for your help last week."

We got to enjoy our time here last week because of the assist from the owner. I remembered how adorable Satsuki was and it's something I always want to see.

"What are you talking about? I'm always fond of sweet couples like you two. So treat that as a service. And I'll provide service again when she arrives."

The owner smiled and even winked at me.

"Err… alright. Thank you, we'll be ordering later, is that fine?"

"Sure. I'll bring you drinks in a second."

There are still around 30 minutes to our agreed time so I went to the spot where we sat last week and took out my phone. With my messenger always full of unread messages, I went through it one at a time. It's not just an obligation anymore as I also wanted to be updated on what's happening to them while we're apart.

When I opened Nami's message, I was surprised at what she told me. Shizu-senpai finally opened up to her when she visited her again last Friday. She told me how Shizu-senpai said that it was because of my urging. Due to that, Nami became more thankful to me. She ended her message saying she wanted to see me today if possible.

Err… I also want to see her but I already planned for this day ever since hearing about Satsuki's practice game.

There's no point to lie so I replied to her that I will be at the school to watch Satsuki and the Basketball Club's practice game.

After 5 minutes, Nami's reply arrived. She asked me if it's fine for her to come and see the game as well.

Satsuki was somehow looking forward to us being alone again but for both of them, I'll ask her opinion when she arrives.

Sending that as my reply, Nami replied immediately only saying four words. 'I miss you, Ruki.'

Followed by another message, 'That's the real reason why I want to see you.'

I couldn't help but smile after reading that. Nami could be said to be someone who didn't often express her emotion, if not for my constant teasing during our lunchtime, she would just silently stay with me or talk about other things such as her observations.

But when she did show it, it would always be her heartfelt emotion. Just like that time when she admitted that she already fell in love with me in front of Shizu-senpai.

I immediately typed in my reply and said, 'If nothing came up later in the afternoon, I'll go see you.'.

It was also met with an immediate reply of 'Yes!'.

I planned to take Satsuki out to celebrate if they win or to console her if they lose. Maybe after that, I could go and see Nami.

Still, I'll ask Satsuki if it's fine for Nami to come, just like what I first answered.

Around 10 minutes later, Satsuki, in her varsity jacket for the Basketball Club arrived at the cake shop, she had a bag with her which surely contains her basketball jersey and clothes and footwear she would change into later.

Looking from afar she really looks like someone who fitted in the sports world. With her attractive face and gorgeous figure, she could also pass as a model if she dressed herself more feminine.

Well, for me she's already fine as she is.

Today, her shoulder-length brown hair was tied to her back while letting the fringes of her hair fall off naturally. Though she was expressionless upon entering, when she saw me waving at her, her pursed lips instantly broke into a smile and her enticing brown eyes also seemed like they're smiling upon seeing me.

After greeting the owner, Satsuki swiftly came to our table and sat next to me instead of in front.

Compared to the first time we went here, Satsuki was no longer restraining herself and even if the owner told her that her boyfriend has been waiting for her, she just nodded at her while keeping that smile.

From afar, I could see that owner enjoying herself watching how close we are.

"Were you waiting?"

"I just arrived. Don't listen to the owner."

"Liar, that coffee has already turned cold."

Satsuki pointed at the cup in front of me. Err… I forgot to drink that coffee which the owner gave when I was busy replying to the messages.

I took her hand that was pointing at it and clasped it in me.

"Err… Don't mind it. It's insignificant now that you're here."

Though she's unconvinced, Satsuki could only drop the topic and inched closer to me.

"Give me your hand, Ruki."

"It's already holding yours, you know?"

"Not this one, your other hand."

"I don't really get it but here."

Like she asked, I lifted my hand and put it on the table. Upon seeing that, Satsuki took out something from her pocket and put it in my palm.

I looked at it before turning to her.

"It's a hobby that no one knows, making key chains. Put it in your phone. I made us a matching design."

Satsuki took out her phone and showed me the same keychain attached to it. I noticed the keychains in her room before but I only thought she was collecting them. Now I knew everything was made by her.

Looking at the keychain, its design was that of a canned lemonade.

Err... That event really became something memorable for us that it even inspired her to make something like this.

"Do you want lemonade?"

I teased her and that earned me a punch to my shoulder.

"Pervert. You're teasing me again."

"Well, that's what started us, thank you for this Satsuki."

I smiled and attached the keychain to my phone like she asked. After doing that we put our phones next to each other.

Right. It now looks like it's a couple's phone and seeing that made Satsuki's face even brighter. If Akane saw this she would surely be a bit jealous.

"Un. I want to make more memories with you."

With her showing me this side of her, I couldn't help but reach in to kiss her.

"I'm sure we will."

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