Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 94: The Ghost in Red

The Red Rogue sprinted across the courtyard with incredible speed, his dark green cape flowing behind him like a streak of lightning.

The gold details on his armor shone in the moonlight, making him look almost godlike.

Each step he took was strong and purposeful, but so fast that the knights struggled to keep up with where he was going.

"Hold your ground!"

Sir Gregory shouted.

He was one of the capable captains under Lord Arcellion's squad of hunting knights.

The man looked around.

『Where the hell is First Lieutenant Goldtouch?!』

He tightened his grip on his sword.

The knights gathered in a tight group, their shields up and swords ready. Even though their helmets covered their faces, a few couldn't hide the fear in their eyes. Those knights had heard the tales of the Red Rogue—how he moved like a ghost, taking down men before they even had a chance to defend themselves.

"Archers, ready!"

Gregory barked as he lifted his sword into the air.

A group of archers stationed on the walls of the courtyard nocked their arrows, pulling back on their bowstrings. Their fingers trembled slightly as they aimed at the streak of red speeding toward them.


A volley of arrows shot through the air.


They were all aimed at the Red Rogue.

But with a quick, smooth move, the man in red spun as his ancient sword gleamed brilliantly in the moonlight. His blade sliced through the arrows with such speed and accuracy it felt unreal. In one fluid motion, he deflected every arrow before any could reach him.

"What the──?!"


"How the fuck can he even…?!"

"Tch, now I get why those other knights always complain about being robbed by this red bastard."

The knights watched in shock as the Rogue kept moving forward, completely unaffected. His bright green eyes shone through the slits of his helmet, fixed on the mansion's grand entrance like a predator zeroing in on its target.

"Hold the line!"

Gregory gave the order, but this time, his voice was filled with a lot more desperation.

The front line of knights steadied themselves and locked their shields together as the Red Rogue came closer.

Gregory clenched his teeth, gripping his sword tightly.

『This damned bastard…!』

He knew they couldn't possibly defeat this man, but they had no choice.

They had to defend the mansion!


The Red Rogue slammed into the shield wall with the power of a hurricane. His sword moved so fast that it cut through shields and armor as if they were made of paper. Knights yelled as they were knocked back, their bodies collapsing to the ground in piles.

… clang! CLANG!

The sound of metal clashing and the cries of injured men echoed through the courtyard.

Gregory charged forward, his sword held high.

"Die, you fucking bastard!"

He swung down with all his strength, trying to hit the Rogue's head. But the Red Rogue sidestepped with ease, moving faster than Gregory could react.

『His speed!』

Before the captain could regain his balance, the Red Rogue's fist slammed into his chest, knocking him back several feet.

… Gaaahh!

Sir Gregory hit the ground hard, gasping for breath as his vision blurred.

Amidst the pain, Gregory looked up and saw the Red Rogue standing over him with his sword raised, ready to deliver the final blow.

"Damn it…"

Sir Gregory gasped heavily.

He tried to rise, but his body wouldn't obey.

The Red Rogue's sword came down, its blade shining as it cut through the air, aimed to finish off the captain once and for all.


A flash of silver intercepted the blow, halting the Red Rogue's sword just inches from Gregory's face.

Another knight had stepped in, using his huge shield to block the attack.

It was First Lieutenant Galwick.

He was one of Arcellion's elite knights and a well-known partner of Sadim when on patrol.

When Sadim saw this, a big frown spread across his face.

『Fuck, of course he has to be here…』

In reality, Sadim didn't worry much about Galwick figuring out his identity during this encounter.

He had taken the necessary steps to hide his tracks, and it didn't really matter now. The only thing that bothered him a bit was that he would have to fight and likely hurt someone he considered a close partner, like Galwick.

『I'll have to go easy on him…』

They might have different goals, but Sadim knew for sure that Galwick wasn't a bad person at heart.

"You won't touch the captain while I'm standing!"

Galwick growled with a steady voice, but his legs trembled under the force of the Rogue's strike.

『SHIT! Where's Sadim when you need him?!』

Galwick gritted his teeth.

The Red Rogue took a step back, his bright green eyes narrowing beneath his helmet.

For a moment, there was silence as the two warriors stared each other down.

Galwick adjusted his stance and firmly gripped his sword with both hands.

He kept his eyes locked on the Rogue.

He'd fought strong opponents before, but none like this.

The Rogue's power felt overwhelming and suffocating.

Still, he couldn't afford to back down—not when their pride as knights was on the line.

Without a word, the Red Rogue lunged with his sword slicing through the air in a deadly arc.

"I refuse to fail!"

Galwick bravely blocked it, but the force sent shocks through his arms.

The Rogue followed with a flurry of strikes, each faster and more precise than the one before.

… shing! SHING!


Galwick tried his best to block and dodge, but he was quickly losing ground.

Still struggling to stand, Sir Gregory watched in horror as Galwick was pushed back, step by step.

With a final, powerful strike, the Red Rogue shattered Galwick's shield and knocked him to the ground.


The elite knight groaned, blood dripping from his forehead where his helmet had cracked.


Gregory whispered, reaching out toward Galwick, but his vision was fading.

The Red Rogue turned his focus back to the mansion, knowing exactly what he needed to do. The courtyard was scattered with fallen knights, their groans of pain the only sound left.

But just as the Rogue stepped toward the entrance, a powerful voice echoed from the mansion.


He stopped and his eyes narrowed dangerously as he turned to see who it was.

It was God Vritra.

He was standing on the balcony and watching the scene with cold, calculating eyes. His arms were clasped behind his back, and he looked down with a slight, amused expression.

The Red Rogue froze for a moment.

His sharp green eyes focused on the young lord who stood on the balcony.

The overwhelming, god-like presence surrounding Vritra made even someone as strong as the Rogue hesitate.

He gave a relaxed smile and then casually jumped down from the balcony, landing gently in the courtyard. He stood among the defeated knights, looking completely unfazed.

His eyes met the Rogue's, showing no sign of fear.

And in truth, why should he be afraid? The hero in red armor hadn't give him a reason to.

"Well, well, well… if it isn't the Red Rogue. You've made quite the mess of these men."

The young lord's voice was very low.

However, it was immensely terrifying.

Every nerve in the Red Rogue's body told him to stay on high alert if he didn't want to die.

His grip tightened around his sword, and his heart pounded heavily in his chest, but he refused to show any fear.

"You must be Vritra, or should I say, Dionysus? I came for your supplies, and I won't leave without them."

The hero stood, fearless.

Vritra's lips curled into a smirk.

"Stealing from me? How bold. But you see, little rogue, that little habit of yours ends tonight."

He paused to eye the blood-soaked courtyard.

"This… carnage… you've caused is unacceptable. You've made me step outside. I hate being disturbed."

The Rogue's eyes narrowed. "I'm not afraid of you."

"You should be."

Vritra looked to his side and saw a knight's sword lying on the ground. With a quick flick of his wrist, he called the sword to his hand using some unseen force. He took a brief look at it, not impressed by its quality, but it would do.

"Come, little thief…"

Vritra twirled the sword in his hand with effortless grace.

"Let's see if you can last more than a minute."

Without warning, Vritra disappeared from his spot.

The Rogue's eyes widened.


Before the Rogue could fully react, Vritra suddenly appeared right in front of him, swinging the sword with incredible speed.


The Rogue barely had time to raise his own blade to block the attack. The force of Vritra's strike created a shockwave that pushed the Rogue back several feet.

… Nghk!

His arms shook from the impact.

The young lord frowned at his opponent.

"You call that blocking? Pitiful."

His red eyes went bright and deadly.

This was him being amused!

The Rogue clenched his teeth and charged forward, slashing his sword in a rapid series of precise attacks. He aimed for Vritra's vital spots—his throat, heart, and legs… but every strike was met with flawless defense.

Vritra moved smoothly, almost lazily, as if the Rogue's attacks were too easy for him to handle.


Vritra stepped to the side to dodge another strike.

"Surely, you can do better."

He simply enjoyed taunting this arrogant hero.

『If the hand of fate refuses to humble you, then I will!』

A mad grin appeared on his face.

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