Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 83: Kaalen Tower City

"I know my husband had Neron cast a protection spell on us, but I still feel so hot…"

That was all Luciana could complain about as they walked through the thick iron gates of Kaalen Tower City.

The heat was unbearable.

Yet, she still wore an expensive silk cloak over her dress and had a scarf wrapped around her head to hide her tiara.

"I feel like my crown's going to melt into my skull."

The princess muttered, adjusting it under the scarf.

Esmeralda was struggling too.

She constantly pulled at the collar of her maid uniform to let some air in. The breeze was hot, but it was better than nothing. With her ample chest, she needed cooler air to deal with the discomfort.

The backaches her large breasts caused were already enough trouble on their own.

"Princess, I'm completely with you on this. It feels like I'm about to be roasted like a bull at a feast."

She let out a long, tired sigh.

The others were completely fine.

Vritra and Ghislaine walked at the front of the group, calm smiles on their faces as they took in the surroundings.

For them, it felt like a gamer unlocking a new map after playing the same one for hundreds of levels—they were just excited to see a new place.

"Young master?"

Ghislaine called out to Vritra, looking around with her usual child-like curiosity.

"Yes?" Vritra responded.

"I know you had Neron cast a protective spell on Esmeralda and the princess, but what about the people here? It's hard to believe every single one of them has [Barrier Magic] cast on them… I mean, it's a rare magic aspect after all."

Ghislaine rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"Oh, that…"

Vritra held up his index finger and explained.

"See, according to Sophia, every tower city in the Red Desert has a massive magic circle engraved into its architecture. This circle is [Barrier Magic], which casts a type-5 protective barrier over the city, shielding everyone from the deadly heat. If it weren't for that, they'd all be charcoal by now."

He explained it so casually, it almost didn't seem like a big deal—but it was.

Ghislaine wasn't dumb, but she tended to see things only on the surface. So, when Vritra explained it to her, she just tapped her head and playfully stuck out her tongue.

… Tee-hee!

She giggled very cutely.

"The young master knows so much!"

"Uh, yeah, but as I said, Sophia told me all this, so it's not really my knowledge."

"Meh, who gives fuck?"

Ghislaine shrugged it off casually.

Butler Neron and Imperial Knight Sophia stayed at the back, keeping a watchful eye on the city and making sure none of the odd-looking commoners got any ideas about attacking.

Vritra was a terrifying being no one would dare challenge, but his form had changed throughout history. He had appeared as a monstrous reptile, a world-devouring black dragon, and now his current, handsome self.

In a way, Neron and Sophia were protecting the civilians from making a foolish mistake, like trying to rob them—it wouldn't end well for anyone who tried.

Luciana looked around the city.

"Wow, this place looks… dead…"

That was the best way she could describe it.

Maybe the only way.

The lower levels of Kaalen Tower City resembled a war refugee camp.

The difference was that this was supposed to be a place for families not allied with any of the western countries of the Central Continent. You'd expect the living conditions to be at least somewhat decent, but they were far from it.

The civilians looked impoverished, especially the children, whose arms and legs were thinner than tree branches.

The parents looked like they hadn't eaten or had a drink of water in days.

Their clothes were filthy and tattered, like they'd stitched together the dirtiest rags they could find just to have something to cover themselves and their children.

The sight was so grim, it made Luciana feel sad.


Vritra suddenly called out her name.

The princess quickly lifted her head.

"Y-, Yes… husband?"

"Don't do anything stupid, okay?"


Princess Luciana clenched her fist while her face became as red as chili pepper stew. Her teeth were tightly gritted, and it seemed like if she got any angrier, you might even see smoke rising from her head.

To Vritra, her rage was underwhelming.

"Uh-huh, be silent for a moment…"

After that, he used his telepathy to communicate.

『Ghislaine… there's a lot more happening in this city than we realize. I need you to investigate everything thoroughly and report back to me as soon as possible. Make sure to return to the mansion at the top of the tower before sunset.』

To Ghislaine, it was a confusing order.

She tilted her head slowly, trying to make sense of it.

『Eh? But, young master, we have no mansion there.』

『We don't, for now…』

『Wait, am I missing something?』

She raised an eyebrow as she thought it over.

The young lord lowered his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a frustrated grunt.

『Just follow my orders, you fool!』

When Ghislaine realized she had upset her young master, she panicked and quickly saluted Vritra, forcing an awkward grin.

『AYE, SIR!!』

Without waiting for a response, she darted away from the group, running off like a frightened hare.

"I refuse to be silent to all this!"

Luciana raised her voice with authority, immediately drawing the attention of all the commoners around her.

The young lord, just as surprised that she would defy his orders, turned to see what had happened. He spotted the princess standing confidently in front of a stern-looking knight dressed in black and purple armor.

『Must she ruin everything…?!』

Vritra could only put his hand to his face and let out a long, heavy sigh.

The princess marched up to the knight, holding her ground as she stared him down with confident blue eyes. She pointed to the sickly commoners lying by the roadside.

"You're heartlessly ignoring these sick people who need urgent medicine and care. What kind of knight, with any shred of self-respect, would do such a thing? Have you no shame, sir knight?!"

Her tone wasn't offensive in the slightest.

What was truly offensive was how jarringly pure and righteous she sounded.

People like that didn't last long in ruthless places like the Red Desert.

If these civilians didn't already know Luciana was a privileged noble from her expensive silk robes, the way she spoke, and her lack of familiarity with the harsh conditions of a tower city in the Red Desert made it clear.

Imperial Knight Sophia stepped forward.

"Do you really not care that they're sick──?!"

While Sophia could easily recognize the armored man in front of her as a knight of Serathen, the same couldn't be said for him. That was because Vritra had instructed her to conceal her Imperial Knight uniform with a cloak.

This kept her identity hidden.

It was an unusual request from the young lord, who usually preferred to stand out. For him to give such an order meant he had a plan in mind, and Sophia, like everyone else, respected his decision.


The Serathen knight burst into laughter.

"Who the hell are you two supposed to be?!"

The knight reached for his sword as his expression shifted from smug to cold and threatening. It was his way of silently warning them that if they didn't answer his question, they'd regret it in painful ways.

But Luciana stood her ground.

She was bold and stubborn as ever.

Meanwhile, Sophia stayed alert, her senses sharp.

One hand remained hidden beneath her cloak, hovering just above the hilt of her sword, ready to defend. Her duty was also to protect the princess, so if anything went wrong, she'd act immediately.

Luciana stepped forward even more.

"Who I am doesn't matter! Everyone in this city is entitled to fair care and treatment—that is all I demand!"

The way she spoke, how pure she was…

It infuriated the knight.

"FOOL! A nobody like you has no right to tell an esteemed member of Lord Arcellion's army what to do! Know your place, you self-entitled bitch!"

He drew his sword and swung at Luciana with great force.


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