Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 80: Plotting and Pouting

『Sigh~ so bored…』

Another week had passed, and every day was still the same for the young lord.

He spent most of his time resting in bed and ignoring every single person.

This was his well-deserved rest.

His thoughts were mostly focused on how he would handle the next part of the plot.

『For now, Katherine seems to be developing the domain well while also dealing with the demands of the brutal public. They're tough on her, but I think it's necessary if she wants to build a strong backbone for politics in the future.

『Neron has been helping me study the Red Desert, but he's barely been able to gather enough information since that place seems like a world of its own. Even with Kris's large information network, navigating the Red Desert without triggering some unwanted side-plot seems almost impossible.

… SIGH~!

『Right now, I'm only focused on acquiring Rosemarie, so I need to find a way to reach Kaalen Tower City as soon as possible. Apparently, Gordias is good friends with the feudal lord of Bulwark, and he's offered to send a capable Imperial Knight to escort me and my entourage through the Red Desert straight to Kaalen Tower City.』

The young lord looked mentally exhausted.

Presently, he lay shirtless on his bed, staring blankly at the distant ceiling.

Like most days, everything was starting to feel pointless and dull, but he understood that in any story, there were moments when the plot slowed down.

During those times, Vritra often wondered what the villains were up to during their breaks before they got more screentime.

Were they always plotting? That seemed unrealistic.

Surely, they had other hobbies besides just trying to make the protagonist's life miserable.

『Right? That can't be all they do… right?』

Vritra closed his eyes, deciding to get some sleep.

He didn't really need to rest, since his body never got truly tired, but sleeping once in a while helped him think more clearly.


Vritra's ears twitched.

He heard movement on the bed.

"Uhh, husband… are you awake?"

It was the pillow-soft, angelic voice of Princess Luciana.

"Go away. I'm trying to think…"

Vritra wasn't in the mood for her interruptions today.

It was the same every day.

He would lock himself away in his chambers, deep in thought, only for Luciana to show up and try to disturb him.

She was clearly craving attention from her husband, especially since they had spent most of the month dealing with the fallout from Cedric's treason.

Vritra was a bit surprised Ghislaine wasn't with her this time, though he didn't show it.

Usually, Ghislaine would join Luciana in a combined effort to knock on Vritra's door or pull some loud stunt to get his attention.

… Hmph!

Luciana's rosy cheeks puffed up, and she pouted as she watched Vritra sleep with his eyes squeezed shut, almost like he was frowning.

"Come oooonn…"

She tugged on his leg with a sad face.

"Let's go on a date or something… I'm bored!"

The princess grumbled unhappily, but Vritra kept his eyes closed, ignoring her like she wasn't there. It was annoying to endure her pulling on his leg and whining like a child, but it was just one of those things he put up with.

『I've been keeping track of Rosemarie and Sadim's relationship and watching it grow. It's moving so fast, even I'm surprised. Sigh~ the longer I waste time here, the harder it's going to be to steal that cussing, gun-toting, red-haired nun's heart.』

Vritra snorted.

"If you can drag me out of this bed, maybe I'll give you some attention. How's that, Luci?"


Luciana didn't hesitate as she sprang off the bed and jumped onto Vritra, making him gasp for air for a moment.

Her big butt pressed firmly against his crotch, almost smothering his rod, but it was fine.

It was no surprise that the princess had some weight to her, though she didn't look like it—just like Esmeralda.

Both women were fat, but in all the right places.

"Come on! Get up already!"

Luciana smiled even more and placed her slender hands on Vritra's sturdy chest while she gently rode his crotch by pressing her butt against it in a slow and sensual back and forth motion.

"Come on~ ♡♡"

The way her soft, plump ass cheeks pressed against Vritra's crotch, wouldn't get him up, but it would certainly get IT up.


Feeling something slowly getting harder and poking her in the buttocks, she leaned forward and smiled at him.

"So, is it working? Will you get up now?"

She asked so innocently.

Vritra looked at her with sleepy, half-open eyes.

"Uh, you're definitely getting the wrong thing up, but it's fine either way. So… who taught you this trick?"


Luciana chuckled proudly, sitting upright on his lap and folding her arms confidently, like a businessman who knew exactly what they were doing.

"Esmeralda said if I ever wanted to get a guy up, this was the best way to do it~ ♡!"

"Sigh… that woman…"

"Forget about her! I'm the one who matters now, husband. Notice me already, hmph!"

She couldn't hide her frustration. Even after getting his attention this way, he was still talking about another woman.

That would sour any woman's mood.

… knock! KNOCK!!

Two loud knocks echoed on the large doors of Vritra's chambers. The couple exchanged glances, then looked at the door. Neither of them had been expecting anyone, so it was definitely strange.

The doors opened, and Esmeralda walked in.

Behind her was a sleepy Ghislaine, who stretched and let out a cute yawn.

"Oh, the young master is active again?"

She had given up trying to get Vritra's attention and had gone to sleep for a few days, but as soon as Esmeralda brought interesting news, she woke up.

"Tch, still tired…"

Ghislaine mumbled softly.

Esmeralda looked at Luciana and Vritra, smiling in a way that was oddly suggestive, making the princess blush a little.

… Hnnn~

Luciana always felt uncomfortable when Esmeralda made those teasing faces.

Almost at the same time, Luciana stood up from next to Vritra as he sat up on his bed.

Shortly after, Vritra looked at Esmeralda calmly.


The head maid lowered her head to greet him.

"Hello, my lord. I hope your day has been as wonderful as the dreams I've been having about you."

She spoke with respect, but there was a hint of flirtation in her voice that made both Ghislaine and Luciana frown.

Ignoring them, Esmeralda immediately noticed a fat bulge sticking out of the young lord's pants.

"Mhm-mmm ♡♡ I already know the answer…"

She chuckled inwardly and smiled softly as her eyes narrowed like those of a vixen.

Esmeralda's obvious flirting made God Vritra smile, but Ghislaine and Princess Luciana were turning green with envy as they watched her interact so easily with the young lord.

It felt like she was trying to show that she was better than them, which should have been clear to the two envious ones from the moment she hadn't even bothered to disturb Vritra during his week of rest.

Maybe this was just Esmeralda using her mature charms to get closer to the young lord.

It was definitely something they couldn't compete with.

"So, why have you disturbed my rest?"

Vritra finally asked.

"I apologize, my lord."

Esmeralda kept a warm smile on her face.

"Someone was dispatched from the Shield City of Bulwark to assist you on your journey to Kaalen Tower City. I'll let her introduce herself."

Just after she spoke, the sound of clattering sabatons echoed through Vritra's chambers.

A tall and beautiful woman entered.

She had a slim figure and long limbs.

Her waist-length purple hair flowed gracefully behind her.

She wore small, stylish glasses that gave her an intellectual vibe, along with lightweight armor that allowed for easy movement and left her shoulders exposed. The armor also accentuated her palm-sized, shapely breasts.

The knight lady put a hand on her chest.

"My name is Sophia Dumanche Estella, and I'm an Imperial Knight. I've received orders to address this matter and offer my assistance to God Vritra in his travels─a small favor from Lord Gourmand."

She spoke in such a polished way.

Clearly, this lady was the perfect Imperial Knight.

But Vritra had just one thing to say.

"You're not wearing a bra?"



The chambers went silent.

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