Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 36: Luciana's Esperance

[Armed Palace, Luciana's Chambers]

Right now, Princess Luciana was carefully removing her dress, revealing her pure white skin. Her skin was so delicate that even the touch of a commoner could stain it.

Ahh~ so tired…

It was just sunset, and she was trying to unwind and rest after all the recent chaos. The king had already apologized to Esmeralda, but to both her and her father's surprise, she had quickly rejected his apology.

"I can't accept your apology, Your Majesty. Whether or not I was right in what I did doesn't matter. What matters is that I did betray your trust for the favor of God Vritra."

Those were Esmeralda's exact words.

It made the princess wonder.

『So, does Esmeralda like God Vritra in that way? I'm not sure; it's a bit hard to tell with her.

『She's done so much for me since I was little, and I really appreciate that. But I think she focused so much on making me a proper lady that she missed out on opportunities she could have easily taken.

『I remember there was a time when Father tried to marry her so she could truly become my mother, but Esmeralda turned it down for a good reason. She also could have easily married many high-ranking nobles who proposed to her, but she turned them all down because she promised me she wouldn't leave me until the time was right.

『I don't know how I can ever thank her enough. But honestly… sigh~ I don't know how I'll feel if I find out she's also attracted to God Vritra.

… Nnghh

『It's quite possible.』

She had finally removed her dress and was now completely naked. The curves of her soft, generously endowed body were fully exposed, though no one was around to see.

Ahh~ I feel so free… ♡

Even alone, she couldn't help but cover her private garden.

She felt more comfortable keeping it hidden by placing her slender hand over it.

『Wait… I don't even have hot water. Esmeralda is usually the one who takes care of that for me.』

Just as she was about to put on a dress and go ask for some hot water, she noticed something in the corner of her eye from the bathroom.

… Hm?

There was a large wooden bucket with steam rising from it.

A smile spread across the princess's face as she hurried into the bathroom to check if it was really hot water.

"Thank you, Esmeralda…"

She knew it was her because only Esmeralda knew that Luciana liked to add yellow rose petals to her hot water.

When the petals melted, they released a pleasant fragrance. This special scent was one of Luciana's signatures that drove many men mad with desire.

It was even better because it would soak into her skin and become her natural scent.

Ahh~ now I can relax… ♡

Princess Luciana's beautiful body was now soaking in the flower-scented hot water.


She looked completely relaxed, with a lazy smile on her face and occasional moans that gently pushed steam from her hot mouth. Her large breasts floated on the surface of the water, with her pink nipples just barely visible between them.

『I still clearly remember when Father told me that we would be getting visitors from the two ancient god continents. I was really nervous about the whole thing; the idea of having someone like God Vritra in our nation scared me.

『But a lot has changed since then. I won't lie and say I wasn't surprised when my beauty didn't even catch his interest. Well, I didn't want it to… at the time, but it was still unexpected.

『People say God Vritra is a lustful creature who uses women just to satisfy his sexual urges, so I was a bit scared and almost considered taking Father's offer to avoid the meeting. But I wanted to prove I'm a capable daughter, so I went ahead anyway.

… Hmmm

『God Vritra is a difficult man to understand… what kind of beauty interests him? I'd like to know. Looking back, God Vritra hasn't really done anything wrong since he's been here, but I had this preconceived notion that he was a bad person.』

Some minutes later…

Princess Luciana had finished soaking in the hot water and was now drying her hair with a towel. She wore a frilly, long-sleeved white nightgown that covered her shapely body, though her large breasts were still noticeable.

She had come to accept that she couldn't hide her fat chest that seemed to grow bigger and bigger.

… Sigh~

The thought always made her tired and embarrassed.


The princess paused to look at her reflection in the mirror.

『God Vritra likes b-, big breasts, right? I've seen him staring several times at the maids' butts and chests when they do their early morning chores. Now that I think about it, maybe he really does like them, and mine are unbelievably large.

She gently grabbed onto both her breasts.

Then, she bounced them up a little and they jiggled they were big sacks of jelly.

『But… Esmeralda's are even bigger, like gallons of meat, if I'm being honest. Would he still be interested in mine, or does he care more about a woman's personality? I really can't tell.

… Hmmm

『I'm starting to think that maybe God Vritra doesn't have specific tastes in body or personality. If he likes a woman, he just likes her, I guess?』

She continued staring at her reflection in the standing mirror until she realized she had been playing with her breasts as if they were beach balls.


Her cheeks burned red, and she quickly dropped her hands and clasped them behind her back.

『I-, I must've gotten carried away!』

Trying to act as if nothing had happened, she cleared her throat and elegantly walked over to the window to enjoy the last view of the evening.

『 Even though it's an arranged marriage, I feel completely okay with it. That kiss I shared with him in the carriage, and how he promised to carry my pains if I just put my faith in him, gave me a reason to live in that moment.

『If he hadn't helped me, I would have betrayed Esmeralda. I promised her I would become a powerful woman known across the Central Continent. If I had ended my life there, it would have been the greatest mistake.

… Sigh~ thank you, God Vritra.

『Even if I may not be of much use to him, I know he will treat me the same. That's why I believe… we will make a good couple.』

Princess Luciana smiled with satisfaction.

『I should go make myself some red tea… maybe I'll ask God Vritra if he wants some too.』

She walked out of her room and down the long spiral staircase when, suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth.


The princess panicked and tried to break free, but she stopped when the person revealed their face.

"Shhh… it's me, Lumis," he whispered loudly.

Reluctantly, Luciana eased up.

The conversation moved to Luciana's room, but it was clear Lumis didn't understand what kind of discussion Luciana expected.

"Luciana, can we just forget everything that happened and start fresh? I can change. I don't even care about what happened between you and Vritra anymore."

Lumis was eager to share important news, knowing that the best person to tell was the princess, since King Felmus had distanced himself from Lumis. That's why Ymnes handled most of the negotiations.

Princess Luciana folded her arms and frowned at him.

"I've heard your apology. Now, please leave."

She spoke firmly.

Prince Lumis was taken aback, his eyes widening in shock.

"N-, No… Luciana I want us to…"

He reached out his hand, trying to get closer, but Luciana kept stepping back, putting more distance between them with each step.

"I said leave…" she insisted.

For a moment, Lumis was about to move forward, but something stopped him. He gritted his teeth as the image of a smiling Vritra filled his mind, making him more and more frustrated.

"I… I've had enough…"

Finally, he exploded at Luciana.

"What are you talking about?! You're the only person I can talk to right now, and yet you're pushing me away like I did something wrong! Yes, I know I almost hit you… ALMOST! Unlike you, who slept with Vritra, I didn't entertain myself with the maids I was offered because all I ever wanted was you!"

These words triggered Luciana's anger.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she fired back.

"SHUT UP FOR ONCE! You always talk like you're so pure while making others like me and Esmeralda look impure! What makes you think I slept with God Vritra?! I never did, and he only showed interest in me last night when we kissed!"

She cried more and her voice blasted out with more fury.

"We both know the only reason you want me is because I'm a God Vessel and you need me to secure your stupid title in the Heaven Continent! I refuse to be your resource anymore you heartless monster!"

Had he really made her this angry? That was all Lumis could think about.

His eyes were wide, and his hands and legs shook.

『N-, No… this has to be another one of that bastard, Vritra's, tricks… y-, yes… that's the only logical answer as to why a sweet angel like Luciana would…』

He didn't know where to begin or how to even ask her questions.

『I can't believe… this…』

Even though he had suspected that Luciana had been with Vritra, she had never confirmed it herself.

Hearing her admit it now felt like a crushing blow.

Calming down eventually, Princess Luciana wiped her tears and pointed at the doors.


She added all her authority in that voice.

Lumis couldn't fight it any longer.

He held back his frustration and started walking away.

"I'll be waiting for you in the royal guest house. If you finally come to your senses, you'll come see me. Vritra is planning to kill people close to me, and I'm surprised you'd let that happen."

He waited for a response from Luciana, but got nothing.

Clenching his fists tightly, the prince walked away.

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