Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 33: In Defense of Truth

Esmeralda had just finished attending to Prince Vritra and was on her way back to check on the princess.

However, she was stopped by a guard who informed her that the king wanted to see her.

"I see… I'll head there now."

Knowing she had no choice, she agreed without hesitation.

Esmeralda already had a strong suspicion about why His Majesty was summoning her at this hour.

It was most likely about Princess Luciana.

She had done a good job keeping the princess's condition a secret, but she knew it was only a matter of time before the king found out.

『I'd be lying if I said I wasn't expecting this to happen around today. But His Majesty found out a lot faster than I thought… it's only just past noon.』

With a sigh, the head maid nodded to the guard and went to answer the king's summons.

When His Majesty wasn't in the throne room attending to nobles and commoners who came to share their concerns or challenges, he would spend his leisure time in his private study.

Esmeralda had already gone to see him there.

She bowed her head in the traditional greeting.

"Greetings, Your Ma──!"

"Why didn't you tell me about the princess?"

King Felmus didn't waste a second getting to the point, and the stone-hard expression on his bearded face made it clear that Esmeralda wouldn't easily escape this situation.


The head maid struggled for words.

She could already feel the weight of her dilemma.

How could she explain to the king that Prince Vritra wasn't the one who harmed the princess, even though he was the only one found with her blood on him? There was no way she could win this coming argument without appearing more loyal to Vritra than to the king, who had given her the peaceful life she now enjoyed.

『Just watch your words, Esmeralda…』

That was what she told herself.

"Your Majesty, I wanted to te—"

Before Esmeralda could finish, King Felmus angrily rose from his chair and slammed his fist on the table.


His sudden outburst terrified the head maid, and she immediately took several timid steps back, doing her best not to scream out of shock.

This was the first time His Majesty had ever shouted at her, and she didn't know how to respond other than with fear.

She couldn't even bring herself to look into his furious eyes, which burned with anger.

The king grunted like a beast and slammed his fist on the desk again, even louder and fiercer this time.

"I already know it was that bloodsucking demon, Vritra, who did that to my daughter! She doesn't deserve to be in the state she's in, and you, who are supposed to be like a mother to her, dare try to hide the truth about her condition?"

King Felmus stormed out from behind his desk and quickly unsheathed an antique magic sword hanging a few steps away.


He pointed the gleaming sword at her.

"Have you gone mad?"

His voice was cold.

"Please, Your Majesty… have mercy…"

Cold sweat ran down Esmeralda's neck as the tip of the sword inched closer and closer until it pressed lightly against her throat. She was certain that if she said anything more, King Felmus would lose his temper and cut off her head.

The mere thought terrified her.

"Why should I show mercy to an ungrateful liar?"

The king snarled.

"I gave you a comfortable life in the palace and treated you almost like my own daughter, even when my wife despised the very idea of your presence. And yet here you stand, spouting nonsense…"

There was a crazed look in his eyes.

Even if Esmeralda tried to run now, she knew she'd be cut down before she could take a single step.

His Majesty was a Sword King, and their kind could move faster than the human eye could perceive.

There was no chance of escape!

Back in Vritra's Chambers…

The young lord sat in a chair with his legs crossed, watching the scene unfold through a small distortion in space. It was like a portal mirror that reflected the tense moment in the study room and transmitted it to him via quantum reflection, making it feel as if he were right there.

Butler Neron was standing behind the young lord.

He leaned in and said, "Young lord, this woman is important to you, isn't she? Wouldn't it be wise to help her? Who knows what that king might do…"

Vritra waved his hand dismissively and yawned.

"Don't worry, it's supposed to happen like this."

In the king's study…

Though only a few seconds had passed, it felt like an eternity for Esmeralda, who was at a loss for words.

『I agree that I'm a horrible and ungrateful person…

『King Felmus has been so kind to me since I came to this palace as a slave. There were times he tried to get close to me, but when he realized I was just a young lady back then, he controlled himself and became like a father to me.

『And yet, I can't stop my feelings for God Vritra or speak against him to protect His Majesty. I can't make myself believe that he's the one who left Prince Luciana in her current state, even though all the evidence points to him.

… sniff-sniff!

『Honestly… what's wrong with me?』

She stared at her neck, where the sword tip pressed closer like a syringe ready to inject.

All she could think about was Prince Vritra's gift to her.

She had just left his chambers and hadn't had a chance to wear the black diamond necklace he gave her one last time.

"I… I accept my faults, Your Majesty. But I won't accept the idea that God Vritra was the one who harmed the princess. Believe it or not, he has shown affection for her, and for me too. I refuse to betray what my heart feels."

She knew her words were unfair and wrong.

But that didn't matter…

"Take my head; I accept death for my betrayal."

Esmeralda closed her eyes and braced herself.

There was no sign of mercy in the king's eyes. Every thought and decision he would make was with the sword in his hand.

"Affection? Don't make me laugh! That monster doesn't have a heart. Look at your body; do you really think any man would love you for your personality?! Don't make me laugh!"

King Felmus angled the sword back and then swung it furiously toward Esmeralda's neck.

Esmeralda squeezed her eyes shut and recoiled in fear.


A loud voice interrupted, and King Felmus's sword stopped just at the edge of Esmeralda's neck. He turned to see who had spoken… it was his daughter, Luciana!

The princess marched forward, protectively hugging Esmeralda and gently pushing her away from King Felmus.

"How dare you try to hurt Esmeralda?!"

Luciana's eyes were filled with tears.

At that moment, King Felmus didn't know how to feel, but seeing his daughter so healthy and alive made him relieved. The sword dropped from his hand, and he spread his arms with a look of relief, trying to hug his daughter.

"Lu-, Luciana, you're safe…"

Ignoring his words, Luciana hugged Esmeralda tighter and moved her even further away from Felmus. This irritated the king, who pointed angrily at the head maid.

"You protect an ungrateful woman who doesn't even care about your well-being!"

The princess sniffled and gently patted Esmeralda's back as she spoke.

"No, Father… you're wrong! Esmeralda was right about everything. I never said God Vritra tried to harm me… I was the one who tried to kill myself!"

This revelation left the king stunned.

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(T/N): I think there's a great parallel between Esmeralda and Luciana here. Just like how a mother protects her child by hugging her when Lumis tried to harm her, Luciana is now doing the same for Esmeralda. It's like the roles have reversed, with Luciana stepping in to protect Esmeralda now that she's the one who needs it.

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